1 | ## compare_shells: bash mksh
2 | ## oils_failures_allowed: 2
3 |
4 | # Arrays decay upon assignment (without splicing) and equality. This will not
5 | # be true in Oil -- arrays will be first class.
6 |
7 | #### Assignment Causes Array Decay
8 | set -- x y z
9 | argv.py "[$@]"
10 | var="[$@]"
11 | argv.py "$var"
12 | ## STDOUT:
13 | ['[x', 'y', 'z]']
14 | ['[x y z]']
15 | ## END
16 |
17 | #### Array Decay with IFS
18 | IFS=x
19 | set -- x y z
20 | var="[$@]"
21 | argv.py "$var"
22 | ## stdout: ['[x y z]']
23 |
24 | #### User arrays decay
25 | declare -a a b
26 | a=(x y z)
27 | b="${a[@]}" # this collapses to a string
28 | c=("${a[@]}") # this preserves the array
29 | c[1]=YYY # mutate a copy -- doesn't affect the original
30 | argv.py "${a[@]}"
31 | argv.py "${b}"
32 | argv.py "${c[@]}"
33 | ## STDOUT:
34 | ['x', 'y', 'z']
35 | ['x y z']
36 | ['x', 'YYY', 'z']
37 | ## END
38 |
39 | #### strict_array: $array is not valid in OSH, is ${array[0]} in ksh/bash
40 | shopt -s strict_array
41 |
42 | a=(1 '2 3')
43 | echo $a
44 | ## STDOUT:
45 | 1
46 | ## END
47 | ## OK osh status: 1
48 | ## OK osh stdout-json: ""
49 |
50 | #### strict_array: ${array} is not valid in OSH, is ${array[0]} in ksh/bash
51 | shopt -s strict_array
52 |
53 | a=(1 '2 3')
54 | echo ${a}
55 | ## STDOUT:
56 | 1
57 | ## END
58 | ## OK osh status: 1
59 | ## OK osh stdout-json: ""
60 |
61 | #### Assign to array index without initialization
62 | a[5]=5
63 | a[6]=6
64 | echo "${a[@]}" ${#a[@]}
65 | ## stdout: 5 6 2
66 |
67 | #### a[40] grows array
68 | a=(1 2 3)
69 | a[1]=5
70 | a[40]=30 # out of order
71 | a[10]=20
72 | echo "${a[@]}" "${#a[@]}" # length is 1
73 | ## stdout: 1 5 3 20 30 5
74 |
75 | #### array decays to string when comparing with [[ a = b ]]
76 | a=('1 2' '3 4')
77 | s='1 2 3 4' # length 2, length 4
78 | echo ${#a[@]} ${#s}
79 | [[ "${a[@]}" = "$s" ]] && echo EQUAL
80 | ## STDOUT:
81 | 2 7
82 | EQUAL
83 | ## END
84 |
85 | #### ++ on a whole array increments the first element (disallowed with strict_array)
86 | shopt -s strict_array
87 |
88 | a=(1 10)
89 | (( a++ )) # doesn't make sense
90 | echo "${a[@]}"
91 | ## stdout: 2 10
92 | ## OK osh status: 1
93 | ## OK osh stdout-json: ""
94 |
95 | #### Apply vectorized operations on ${a[*]}
96 | a=('-x-' 'y-y' '-z-')
97 |
98 | # This does the prefix stripping FIRST, and then it joins.
99 | argv.py "${a[*]#-}"
100 | ## STDOUT:
101 | ['x- y-y z-']
102 | ## END
103 | ## N-I mksh status: 1
104 | ## N-I mksh stdout-json: ""
105 |
106 | #### value.BashArray internal representation - Indexed
107 |
108 | case $SH in mksh) exit ;; esac
109 |
110 | z=()
111 | declare -a | grep z=
112 |
113 | z+=(b c)
114 | declare -a | grep z=
115 |
116 | # z[5]= finds the index, or puts it in SORTED order I think
117 | z[5]=d
118 | declare -a | grep z=
119 |
120 | z[1]=ZZZ
121 | declare -a | grep z=
122 |
123 | # Adds after last index
124 | z+=(f g)
125 | declare -a | grep z=
126 |
127 | # This is the equivalent of z[0]+=mystr
128 | z+=-mystr
129 | declare -a | grep z=
130 |
131 | z[1]+=-append
132 | declare -a | grep z=
133 |
134 | argv.py keys "${!z[@]}" # 0 1 5 6 7
135 | argv.py values "${z[@]}"
136 |
137 | # can't do this conversion
138 | declare -A z
139 | declare -A | grep z=
140 |
141 | echo status=$?
142 |
143 | ## STDOUT:
144 | declare -a z=()
145 | declare -a z=([0]="b" [1]="c")
146 | declare -a z=([0]="b" [1]="c" [5]="d")
147 | declare -a z=([0]="b" [1]="ZZZ" [5]="d")
148 | declare -a z=([0]="b" [1]="ZZZ" [5]="d" [6]="f" [7]="g")
149 | declare -a z=([0]="b-mystr" [1]="ZZZ" [5]="d" [6]="f" [7]="g")
150 | declare -a z=([0]="b-mystr" [1]="ZZZ-append" [5]="d" [6]="f" [7]="g")
151 | ['keys', '0', '1', '5', '6', '7']
152 | ['values', 'b-mystr', 'ZZZ-append', 'd', 'f', 'g']
153 | status=1
154 | ## END
155 |
156 | ## N-I mksh STDOUT:
157 | ## END
158 |
159 | #### value.BashArray internal representation - Assoc (ordering is a problem)
160 |
161 | case $SH in mksh) exit ;; esac
162 |
163 | declare -A A=([k]=v)
164 | declare -A | grep A=
165 |
166 | argv.py keys "${!A[@]}"
167 | argv.py values "${A[@]}"
168 |
169 | exit
170 |
171 | # Huh this actually works, we don't support it
172 | # Hm the order here is all messed up, in bash 5.2
173 | A+=([k2]=v2 [0]=foo [9]=9 [9999]=9999)
174 | declare -A | grep A=
175 |
176 | A+=-append
177 | declare -A | grep A=
178 |
179 | argv.py keys "${!A[@]}"
180 | argv.py values "${A[@]}"
181 |
182 | ## STDOUT:
183 | declare -A A=([k]="v" )
184 | ['keys', 'k']
185 | ['values', 'v']
186 | ## END
187 |
188 | ## N-I mksh STDOUT:
189 | ## END