1 | """Implementations of Python fundamental objects for Byterun."""
2 | from __future__ import print_function
3 |
4 | import collections
5 | import sys
6 | import types
7 |
8 | from opy.lib import dis
9 | from opy.lib import inspect
10 |
11 |
12 | def debug1(msg, *args):
13 | if args:
14 | msg = msg % args
15 | print(msg, file=sys.stderr)
16 |
17 |
18 | def make_cell(value):
19 | # Thanks to Alex Gaynor for help with this bit of twistiness.
20 | # Construct an actual cell object by creating a closure right here,
21 | # and grabbing the cell object out of the function we create.
22 | fn = (lambda x: lambda: x)(value)
23 | return fn.func_closure[0]
24 |
25 |
26 | class Function(object):
27 | """
28 | CPython equivalent:
29 |
30 | x = PyFunction_New(v, f->f_globals);
31 | PyFunction_SetClosure(x, v)
32 | """
33 |
34 | __slots__ = [
35 | 'func_code', 'func_name', 'func_defaults', 'func_globals',
36 | 'func_dict', 'func_closure',
37 | '__name__', '__dict__', '__doc__',
38 | '_vm', '_func',
39 | ]
40 |
41 | def __init__(self, name, code, globs, defaults, closure, vm):
42 | self._vm = vm
43 | self.func_code = code
44 | self.func_name = self.__name__ = name or code.co_name
45 | self.func_defaults = tuple(defaults)
46 | self.func_globals = globs
47 | self.__dict__ = {}
48 | self.func_closure = closure
49 | self.__doc__ = code.co_consts[0] if code.co_consts else None
50 |
51 | # Sometimes, we need a real Python function. This is for that.
52 | # For some reason types.FunctionType doesn't accept normal keyword
53 | # args? Like args=, closure= ?
54 | # Is this only used for inspect.getcallargs?
55 |
56 | kw = {'argdefs': self.func_defaults}
57 | if closure:
58 | kw['closure'] = tuple(make_cell(0) for _ in closure)
59 | self._func = types.FunctionType(code, globs, **kw)
60 |
61 | def __repr__(self): # pragma: no cover
62 | return '<byterun Function %s at 0x%08x>' % (self.func_name, id(self))
63 |
64 | def __get__(self, instance, owner):
65 | # used in unit tests? But I don't see it triggered in real code.
66 | #raise AssertionError('Function.__get__')
67 | m = Method(instance, owner, self)
68 | #debug1('*** METHOD %s', m)
69 | return m
70 |
71 | def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
72 | #if PY2 and self.func_name in ["<setcomp>", "<dictcomp>", "<genexpr>"]:
73 | # D'oh! http://bugs.python.org/issue19611 Py2 doesn't know how to
74 | # inspect set comprehensions, dict comprehensions, or generator
75 | # expressions properly. They are always functions of one argument,
76 | # so just do the right thing.
77 | #assert len(args) == 1 and not kwargs, "Surprising comprehension!"
78 | #callargs = {".0": args[0]}
79 |
80 | # Different workaround for issue 19611 that works with
81 | # compiler2-generated code. Note that byterun does not use fastlocals,
82 | # so the name matters. With fastlocals, the co_varnames entry is just
83 | # a comment; the index is used instead.
84 | code = self.func_code
85 | if code.co_argcount == 1 and code.co_varnames[0] == '.0':
86 | callargs = {".0": args[0]}
87 | else:
88 | # NOTE: Can get ValueError due to issue 19611
89 | callargs = inspect.getcallargs(self._func, *args, **kwargs)
90 | #print('-- func_name %s CALLS ARGS %s' % (self.func_name, callargs))
91 |
92 | frame = self._vm.make_frame(self.func_code, callargs,
93 | self.func_globals, {})
94 |
95 | CO_GENERATOR = 32 # flag for "this code uses yield"
96 | if self.func_code.co_flags & CO_GENERATOR:
97 | gen = Generator(frame, self._vm)
98 | frame.generator = gen
99 | retval = gen
100 | else:
101 | # NOTE: Can raise exceptions!
102 | retval = self._vm.run_frame(frame)
103 | return retval
104 |
105 |
106 | class Method(object):
107 | def __init__(self, obj, _class, func):
108 | self.im_self = obj
109 | self.im_class = _class
110 | self.im_func = func
111 |
112 | def __repr__(self): # pragma: no cover
113 | name = "%s.%s" % (self.im_class.__name__, self.im_func.func_name)
114 | if self.im_self is not None:
115 | return '<Bound Method %s of %s>' % (name, self.im_self)
116 | else:
117 | return '<Unbound Method %s>' % (name,)
118 |
119 | def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
120 | if self.im_self is not None:
121 | return self.im_func(self.im_self, *args, **kwargs)
122 | else:
123 | return self.im_func(*args, **kwargs)
124 |
125 |
126 | class Cell(object):
127 | """A fake cell for closures.
128 |
129 | Closures keep names in scope by storing them not in a frame, but in a
130 | separate object called a cell. Frames share references to cells, and
131 | the LOAD_DEREF and STORE_DEREF opcodes get and set the value from cells.
132 |
133 | This class acts as a cell, though it has to jump through two hoops to make
134 | the simulation complete:
135 |
136 | 1. In order to create actual FunctionType functions, we have to have
137 | actual cell objects, which are difficult to make. See the twisty
138 | double-lambda in __init__.
139 |
140 | 2. Actual cell objects can't be modified, so to implement STORE_DEREF,
141 | we store a one-element list in our cell, and then use [0] as the
142 | actual value.
143 |
144 | """
145 | def __init__(self, value):
146 | self.contents = value
147 |
148 | def get(self):
149 | return self.contents
150 |
151 | def set(self, value):
152 | self.contents = value
153 |
154 |
155 | # PyTryBlock in CPython, for SETUP_EXCEPT, etc.
156 | Block = collections.namedtuple("Block", "type, handler, level")
157 |
158 |
159 | class Frame(object):
160 | def __init__(self, f_code, f_globals, f_locals, f_back):
161 | self.f_code = f_code
162 | self.f_globals = f_globals
163 | self.f_locals = f_locals
164 | self.f_back = f_back
165 | self.stack = []
166 | if f_back:
167 | self.f_builtins = f_back.f_builtins
168 | else:
169 | self.f_builtins = f_locals['__builtins__']
170 | if hasattr(self.f_builtins, '__dict__'):
171 | self.f_builtins = self.f_builtins.__dict__
172 |
173 | self.f_lineno = f_code.co_firstlineno
174 | self.f_lasti = 0
175 |
176 | if f_code.co_cellvars:
177 | self.cells = {}
178 | if not f_back.cells:
179 | f_back.cells = {}
180 | for var in f_code.co_cellvars:
181 | # Make a cell for the variable in our locals, or None.
182 | cell = Cell(self.f_locals.get(var))
183 | f_back.cells[var] = self.cells[var] = cell
184 | else:
185 | self.cells = None
186 |
187 | if f_code.co_freevars:
188 | if not self.cells:
189 | self.cells = {}
190 | for var in f_code.co_freevars:
191 | assert self.cells is not None
192 | assert f_back.cells, "f_back.cells: %r" % (f_back.cells,)
193 | self.cells[var] = f_back.cells[var]
194 |
195 | self.block_stack = []
196 | self.generator = None
197 |
198 | def __repr__(self): # pragma: no cover
199 | return '<Frame at 0x%08x: %r @ %d>' % (
200 | id(self), self.f_code.co_filename, self.f_lineno
201 | )
202 |
203 | def top(self):
204 | """Return the value at the top of the stack, with no changes."""
205 | return self.stack[-1]
206 |
207 | def pop(self, i=0):
208 | """Pop a value from the stack.
209 |
210 | Default to the top of the stack, but `i` can be a count from the top
211 | instead.
212 |
213 | """
214 | return self.stack.pop(-1-i)
215 |
216 | def push(self, *vals):
217 | """Push values onto the value stack."""
218 | self.stack.extend(vals)
219 |
220 | def popn(self, n):
221 | """Pop a number of values from the value stack.
222 |
223 | A list of `n` values is returned, the deepest value first.
224 | """
225 | if n:
226 | ret = self.stack[-n:]
227 | del self.stack[-n:]
228 | return ret
229 | else:
230 | return []
231 |
232 | def peek(self, n):
233 | """Get a value `n` entries down in the stack, without changing the stack."""
234 | return self.stack[-n]
235 |
236 | def jump(self, offset):
237 | """Move the bytecode pointer to `offset`, so it will execute next."""
238 | self.f_lasti = offset
239 |
240 | def push_block(self, type, handler=None, level=None):
241 | """Used for SETUP_{LOOP,EXCEPT,FINALLY,WITH}."""
242 | if level is None:
243 | level = len(self.stack)
244 | self.block_stack.append(Block(type, handler, level))
245 |
246 | def pop_block(self):
247 | return self.block_stack.pop()
248 |
249 | def _unwind_block(self, block, vm):
250 | """
251 | Args:
252 | vm: VirtualMachineError to possibly mutate
253 | """
254 | if block.type == 'except-handler':
255 | offset = 3
256 | else:
257 | offset = 0
258 |
259 | while len(self.stack) > block.level + offset:
260 | self.pop()
261 |
262 | if block.type == 'except-handler':
263 | tb, value, exctype = self.popn(3)
264 | vm.last_exception = exctype, value, tb
265 |
266 | def handle_block_stack(self, why, vm):
267 | """
268 | After every bytecode that returns why != None, handle everything on the
269 | block stack.
270 |
271 | The block stack and data stack are shuffled for looping, exception
272 | handling, or returning.
273 | """
274 | assert why != 'yield'
275 |
276 | block = self.block_stack[-1]
277 | if block.type == 'loop' and why == 'continue':
278 | self.jump(vm.return_value)
279 | why = None
280 | return why
281 |
282 | self.pop_block()
283 | self._unwind_block(block, vm)
284 |
285 | if block.type == 'loop' and why == 'break':
286 | why = None
287 | self.jump(block.handler)
288 | return why
289 |
290 | if (block.type in ('finally', 'with') or
291 | block.type == 'setup-except' and why == 'exception'):
292 | if why == 'exception':
293 | exctype, value, tb = vm.last_exception
294 | self.push(tb, value, exctype)
295 | else:
296 | if why in ('return', 'continue'):
297 | self.push(vm.return_value)
298 | self.push(why)
299 |
300 | why = None
301 | self.jump(block.handler)
302 | return why
303 |
304 | return why
305 |
306 | def decode_next(self):
307 | """
308 | Parse 1 - 3 bytes of bytecode into an instruction and maybe arguments.
309 | """
310 | byteCode = ord(self.f_code.co_code[self.f_lasti])
311 | self.f_lasti += 1
312 |
313 | arguments = []
314 | if byteCode >= dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT:
315 | arg = self.f_code.co_code[self.f_lasti : self.f_lasti+2]
316 | self.f_lasti += 2
317 | intArg = ord(arg[0]) + (ord(arg[1]) << 8)
318 | if byteCode in dis.hasconst:
319 | arg = self.f_code.co_consts[intArg]
320 | elif byteCode in dis.hasfree:
321 | if intArg < len(self.f_code.co_cellvars):
322 | arg = self.f_code.co_cellvars[intArg]
323 | else:
324 | var_idx = intArg - len(self.f_code.co_cellvars)
325 | arg = self.f_code.co_freevars[var_idx]
326 | elif byteCode in dis.hasname:
327 | arg = self.f_code.co_names[intArg]
328 | elif byteCode in dis.hasjrel:
329 | arg = self.f_lasti + intArg
330 | elif byteCode in dis.hasjabs:
331 | arg = intArg
332 | elif byteCode in dis.haslocal:
333 | arg = self.f_code.co_varnames[intArg]
334 | else:
335 | arg = intArg
336 | arguments = [arg]
337 |
338 | byteName = dis.opname[byteCode]
339 | return byteName, arguments
340 |
341 | def line_number(self):
342 | """Get the current line number the frame is executing."""
343 | # We don't keep f_lineno up to date, so calculate it based on the
344 | # instruction address and the line number table.
345 | lnotab = self.f_code.co_lnotab
346 | byte_increments = lnotab[0::2]
347 | line_increments = lnotab[1::2]
348 |
349 | byte_num = 0
350 | line_num = self.f_code.co_firstlineno
351 |
352 | for byte_incr, line_incr in zip(byte_increments, line_increments):
353 | byte_incr = ord(byte_incr)
354 | line_incr = ord(line_incr)
355 |
356 | byte_num += byte_incr
357 | if byte_num > self.f_lasti:
358 | break
359 | line_num += line_incr
360 |
361 | return line_num
362 |
363 |
364 | class Generator(object):
365 | """A wrapper around a Frame that can run for one generator tick."""
366 |
367 | def __init__(self, g_frame, vm):
368 | self.g_frame = g_frame
369 | self._vm = vm
370 | self.started = False
371 | self.finished = False
372 |
373 | # Part of the iterator protocol.
374 | def __iter__(self):
375 | """DO_NOT_INTERPRET"""
376 | return self
377 |
378 | # Part of the iterator protocol.
379 | def next(self):
380 | """DO_NOT_INTERPRET"""
381 | # Docstring is a hack for pyvm2 ! Is there a better way?
382 | # This is a THIRD path for a function.
383 |
384 | return self.send(None)
385 |
386 | # Part of the iterator protocol.
387 | def send(self, value=None):
388 | """DO_NOT_INTERPRET"""
389 | if not self.started and value is not None:
390 | raise TypeError("Can't send non-None value to a just-started generator")
391 | self.g_frame.stack.append(value)
392 | self.started = True
393 | # NOTE: Can raise exceptions!
394 | val = self._vm.resume_frame(self.g_frame)
395 | if self.finished:
396 | raise StopIteration(val)
397 | return val