1 | #!/usr/bin/env Rscript
2 | #
3 | # bytecode.R -- Analyze output of opyc dis-tables.
4 | #
5 | # Usage:
6 | # bytecode.R ACTION IN_DIR OUT_DIR
7 |
8 | library(dplyr)
9 | library(tidyr) # spread()
10 | library(stringr)
11 |
12 | source('benchmarks/common.R')
13 |
14 | options(stringsAsFactors = F,
15 | # Make the report wide. tibble.width doesn't appear to do this?
16 | width=200,
17 | tibble.print_max=40
18 | )
19 |
20 | Report = function(ctx) {
21 | Banner('Summary of methods.tsv:')
22 | ctx$methods %>% count(used) %>% arrange(desc(n)) -> f0
23 | ShowFrame('Methods used:', f0)
24 |
25 | ctx$methods %>% filter(used == T) %>% count(file) %>% arrange(desc(n)) -> f1
26 | ShowFrame('Methods by file (after filtering):', f1)
27 | ShowValue('Kept %d of %d methods in %d files', sum(ctx$methods$used),
28 | nrow(ctx$methods), nrow(f1))
29 |
30 | ctx$methods %>% count(flags) %>% arrange(desc(n)) -> f2
31 | ShowFrame('Methods by flag', f2)
32 |
33 | # libc.c and fastlex.c are mostly implemented. posixmodule are just
34 | # bindings?
35 | ctx$methods %>%
36 | filter(used == T) %>%
37 | mutate(basename=basename(file)) %>%
38 | filter(basename != 'libc.c' & basename != 'fastlex.c' &
39 | basename != 'setobject.c' & basename != 'zipimport.c') %>%
40 | filter(py_method_name != '__length_hint__') %>%
41 | select(c(basename, py_method_name)) %>%
42 | arrange(basename, py_method_name) -> f3
43 | ShowFrame('Methods to reimplement:', f3)
44 | ShowValue('Total: %d methods', nrow(f3))
45 | }
46 |
47 | Load = function(in_dir) {
48 | list(
49 | methods = read.table(
50 | file.path(in_dir, 'methods.tsv'), sep='\t', header=T)
51 | )
52 | }
53 |
54 | main = function(argv) {
55 | action = argv[[1]]
56 |
57 | if (action == 'metrics') {
58 | in_dir = argv[[2]]
59 | ctx = Load(in_dir)
60 | Report(ctx)
61 |
62 | } else {
63 | Log("Invalid action '%s'", action)
64 | quit(status = 1)
65 | }
66 | }
67 |
68 | if (length(sys.frames()) == 0) {
69 | # increase ggplot font size globally
70 | #theme_set(theme_grey(base_size = 20))
71 | main(commandArgs(TRUE))
72 | }