1 | #!/usr/bin/env python2
2 | """expr_parse_test.py: Tests for expr_parse.py."""
3 | from __future__ import print_function
4 |
5 | import unittest
6 |
7 | from _devbuild.gen.syntax_asdl import source
8 |
9 | from asdl import format as fmt
10 | from core import alloc
11 | from core import error
12 | from core import pyutil
13 | from core import test_lib
14 | from mycpp.mylib import log
15 | from frontend import reader
16 |
17 |
18 | class ExprParseTest(unittest.TestCase):
19 |
20 | def setUp(self):
21 | """Done on every test."""
22 | self.arena = alloc.Arena()
23 | self.arena.PushSource(source.Unused(''))
24 |
25 | loader = pyutil.GetResourceLoader()
26 | ysh_grammar = pyutil.LoadYshGrammar(loader)
27 |
28 | self.parse_ctx = test_lib.InitParseContext(arena=self.arena,
29 | ysh_grammar=ysh_grammar,
30 | do_lossless=True)
31 |
32 | def _ParseOsh(self, code_str):
33 | """Parse a line of OSH, which can include Oil assignments."""
34 | line_reader = reader.StringLineReader(code_str, self.arena)
35 | # the OSH parser hooks into the Oil parser
36 | c_parser = self.parse_ctx.MakeOshParser(line_reader)
37 | node = c_parser.ParseLogicalLine()
38 | print('')
39 | log('\t%s', code_str)
40 | fmt.PrettyPrint(node)
41 | print('')
42 | return node
43 |
44 | def _ParseYshExpression(self, code_str):
45 | """Convenient shortcut."""
46 | node = self._ParseOsh('var x = %s\n' % code_str)
47 |
48 | def testPythonLike(self):
49 | # This works.
50 | node = self._ParseOsh('var x = y + 2 * 3;')
51 |
52 | node = self._ParseOsh(r"var x = r'one\ntwo\n';")
53 | node = self._ParseOsh(r"var x = $'one\ntwo\n';")
54 |
55 | node = self._ParseOsh(r'var x = "one\\ntwo\\n";')
56 |
57 | # These raise NotImplementedError()
58 |
59 | node = self._ParseOsh('var x = [1,2,3];')
60 | node = self._ParseYshExpression('[4+5, 6+7*8]')
61 | node = self._ParseYshExpression('[]')
62 |
63 | node = self._ParseYshExpression('[x for x in y]')
64 | #node = self._ParseYshExpression('{foo: bar}')
65 |
66 | def testShellArrays(self):
67 | node = self._ParseOsh('var x = %(a b);')
68 | node = self._ParseOsh(r"var x = %('c' $'string\n');")
69 | node = self._ParseOsh(r"var x = %($(echo command) $(echo sub));")
70 |
71 | # Can parse multiple arrays (this is a runtime error)
72 | node = self._ParseOsh(r"var x = %(a b) * %($c ${d});")
73 |
74 | # Can parse over multiple lines
75 | node = self._ParseOsh(r"""var x = %(
76 | a
77 | b
78 | c
79 | );""")
80 |
81 | # Test out the DisallowedLineReader
82 | self.assertRaises(error.Parse, self._ParseOsh,
83 | r"""var x = %($(echo command <<EOF
84 | EOF
85 | ))""")
86 |
87 | def testShellCommandSub(self):
88 | node = self._ParseOsh('var x = $(echo hi);')
89 | node = self._ParseOsh('var x = $(echo $(echo hi));')
90 |
91 | # This doesn't use the Reader, so it's allowed
92 | node = self._ParseOsh("""var x = $(echo
93 | hi)
94 | """)
95 |
96 | # Here docs use the Reader, so aren't allowed
97 | self.assertRaises(error.Parse, self._ParseOsh, """var x = $(cat <<EOF
98 | hi
99 | EOF)
100 | """)
101 |
102 | node = self._ParseOsh('var x = $(echo $((1+2)));')
103 | node = self._ParseOsh('var x = $(for i in 1 2 3; do echo $i; done);')
104 |
105 | node = self._ParseOsh('var x = %(a b)')
106 |
107 | # TODO: Recursive 'var' shouldn't be allowed!
108 | return
109 | node = self._ParseOsh('var x = $(var x = %(a b););')
110 | node = self._ParseOsh('var x = $(var x = %(a b));')
111 |
112 | def testOtherExpr(self):
113 | """Some examples copied from pgen2/pgen2-test.sh mode-test."""
114 |
115 | CASES = [
116 | #'$/ x /',
117 | # TODO: Put this back after fixing double quoted strings in expression
118 | # mode.
119 | #'$/ "." [a-z A-Z] y /',
120 | #'$[echo hi]',
121 | '$(echo hi)',
122 |
123 | # TODO: Add these back
124 | '${x}',
125 | '"quoted ${x}"',
126 | ]
127 |
128 | # array literal
129 | for c in CASES:
130 | print('--- %s' % c)
131 | node = self._ParseYshExpression(c)
132 |
133 | def testLexer(self):
134 | CASES = [
135 | ("= x }", 4),
136 | ("= x;}", 3),
137 | ("= x; }", 3),
138 | ("echo $x;}", 8),
139 | ("echo $x; }", 8),
140 | ("= x\n}", 3),
141 | ("echo $x\n}", 8),
142 | ]
143 |
144 | for code_str, end_pos in CASES:
145 | line_reader = reader.StringLineReader(code_str, self.arena)
146 | cmd_parser = self.parse_ctx.MakeOshParser(line_reader)
147 | lexer = cmd_parser.lexer
148 |
149 | node = cmd_parser.ParseCommand()
150 |
151 | # Assert that we are at the RBrace. Ie,
152 | # 'x }\n'
153 | # ^
154 | self.assertEqual(end_pos, lexer.line_lexer.line_pos)
155 |
156 | print("-----")
157 | print("%r" % lexer.line_lexer.src_line.content)
158 | print(" " * (lexer.line_lexer.line_pos + 1) + "^")
159 | print("-----")
160 |
161 |
162 | if __name__ == '__main__':
163 | unittest.main()