Results for

pass 17
0pass try requires an argument
1pass User errors behave like builtin errors
2pass _error register is initially empty dict
3pass error builtin sets _error.message, which can be used by programs
4pass error builtin adds named args as properties on _error Dict
5pass Errors within multiple functions
6pass Impact of errors on var declaration
7pass default error code is 10
8pass error code should be an integer
9pass Error code should be named arg, not positional
10pass error cannot take word args
11pass error requires arguments
12pass error cannot have a code of 0
13pass try { error oops }
14pass Handle _error.code
15pass failed builtin usage
16pass failed builtin
17 passed, 0 OK, 0 not implemented, 0 BUG, 0 failed, 0 timeouts, 0 cases skipped