1 | #!/usr/bin/env bash
2 |
3 |
4 | sleep_test() {
5 | echo "Sleeping for 10 seconds in subshell of PID $$"
6 | type sleep # external command
7 |
8 | # NOTE: Within a subshell, $$ returns the PID of the script, not the subshell!
9 |
10 | # process tree for dash and bash looks different.
11 | #
12 | # dash appears to run the first thing not in a subshell? Hm maybe I could do
13 | # that too. But then global var references would be different.
14 |
15 | ( echo "PID $$"; sleep 10 ) | tee foo.txt
16 | #( echo "PID $BASHPID"; sleep 10 )
17 |
18 | # This doesn't cause an extra subshell in bash.
19 | ( sleep 10 )
20 | }
21 |
22 | g=0
23 |
24 | myfunc() {
25 | echo 'running myfunc'
26 | g=1
27 | }
28 |
29 | # Hm bash and dash both seem to behave the same here.
30 | var_test() {
31 | myfunc | tee _tmp/command-sub.txt
32 | { g=2; echo brace; } | tee _tmp/command-sub.txt
33 |
34 | echo "g after pipeline: $g"
35 | }
36 |
37 | #sleep_test "$@"
38 |
39 | var_test