1 | #!/usr/bin/env python
2 | from __future__ import print_function
3 | """
4 | csv2html.py
5 |
6 | Usage:
7 | csv2html.py foo.csv
8 |
9 | Attempts to read foo_schema.csv. If not it assumes everything is a string.
10 |
11 | Things it handles:
12 |
13 | - table-sort.js integration <colgroup>
14 | - <table id="foo"> for making columns sortable
15 | - for choosing the comparator to use!
16 | - for highlighting on sort
17 | - static / visual
18 | - Aligning right for number, left for strings.
19 | - highlighting NA numbers in red (only if it's considered a number)
20 | - formatting numbers to a certain precision
21 | - or displaying them as percentages
22 | - changing CSV headers like 'elapsed_ms' to 'elapsed ms'
23 | - Accepting a column with a '_HREF' suffix to make an HTML link
24 | - We could have something like type:
25 | string/anchor:shell-id
26 | string/href:shell-id
27 | - But the simple _HREF suffix is simpler. Easier to write R code for.
28 |
29 | Implementation notes:
30 | - To align right: need a class on every cell, e.g. "num". Can't do it through
31 | <colgroup>.
32 | - To color, can use <colgroup>. table-sort.js needs this.
33 |
34 | TODO:
35 | Does it make sense to implement <rowspan> and <colspan> ? It's nice for
36 | visualization.
37 | """
38 |
39 | import cgi
40 | import csv
41 | import optparse
42 | import os
43 | import re
44 | import sys
45 |
46 |
47 | def log(msg, *args):
48 | if args:
49 | msg = msg % args
50 | print(msg, file=sys.stderr)
51 |
52 |
53 | class NullSchema:
54 | def VerifyColumnNames(self, col_names):
55 | pass
56 |
57 | def IsNumeric(self, col_name):
58 | return False
59 |
60 | def ColumnIndexIsNumeric(self, index):
61 | return False
62 |
63 | def ColumnIndexIsInteger(self, index):
64 | return False
65 |
66 | def ColumnIndexHasHref(self, index):
67 | return False
68 |
69 |
70 | INTEGER_TYPES = ('integer',)
71 |
72 | # for sorting, right-justification
73 | NUMERIC_TYPES = ('double', 'number') + INTEGER_TYPES
74 |
75 |
76 | class Schema:
77 | def __init__(self, rows):
78 | schema_col_names = rows[0]
79 | assert 'column_name' in schema_col_names, schema_col_names
80 | assert 'type' in schema_col_names, schema_col_names
81 |
82 | # Schema columns
83 | s_cols = {}
84 | s_cols['column_name'] = []
85 | s_cols['type'] = []
86 | s_cols['precision'] = []
87 | for row in rows[1:]:
88 | for i, cell in enumerate(row):
89 | name = schema_col_names[i]
90 | s_cols[name].append(cell)
91 |
92 | self.type_lookup = dict(
93 | (name, t) for (name, t) in
94 | zip(s_cols['column_name'], s_cols['type']))
95 |
96 | # NOTE: it's OK if precision is missing.
97 | self.precision_lookup = dict(
98 | (name, p) for (name, p) in
99 | zip(s_cols['column_name'], s_cols['precision']))
100 |
101 | #log('SCHEMA %s', schema_col_names)
102 | #log('type_lookup %s', self.type_lookup)
103 | #log('precision_lookup %s', self.precision_lookup)
104 |
105 | self.col_names = None
106 | self.col_has_href = None
107 |
108 | def VerifyColumnNames(self, col_names):
109 | """Assert that the column names we got are all in the schema."""
110 | for name in col_names:
111 | log('%s : %s', name, self.type_lookup[name])
112 |
113 | n = len(col_names)
114 | self.col_has_href = [False] * n
115 | for i in xrange(n-1):
116 | this_name, next_name= col_names[i], col_names[i+1]
117 | if this_name + '_HREF' == next_name:
118 | self.col_has_href[i] = True
119 |
120 | log('href: %s', self.col_has_href)
121 | self.col_names = col_names
122 |
123 | def IsNumeric(self, col_name):
124 | return self.type_lookup[col_name] in NUMERIC_TYPES
125 |
126 | def ColumnIndexIsNumeric(self, index):
127 | col_name = self.col_names[index]
128 | return self.IsNumeric(col_name)
129 |
130 | def ColumnIndexIsInteger(self, index):
131 | col_name = self.col_names[index]
132 | return self.type_lookup[col_name] in INTEGER_TYPES
133 |
134 | def ColumnIndexHasHref(self, index):
135 | """
136 | Is the next one?
137 | """
138 | return self.col_has_href[index]
139 |
140 | def ColumnPrecision(self, index):
141 | col_name = self.col_names[index]
142 | return self.precision_lookup.get(col_name, 1) # default is arbitrary
143 |
144 |
145 | def PrintRow(row, schema):
146 | """Print a CSV row as HTML, using the given formatting.
147 |
148 | Returns:
149 | An array of booleans indicating whether each cell is a number.
150 | """
151 | i = 0
152 | n = len(row)
153 | while True:
154 | if i == n:
155 | break
156 |
157 | cell = row[i]
158 | css_classes = []
159 | cell_str = cell # by default, we don't touch it
160 |
161 | if schema.ColumnIndexIsInteger(i):
162 | css_classes.append('num') # right justify
163 |
164 | try:
165 | cell_int = int(cell)
166 | except ValueError:
167 | pass # NA?
168 | else:
169 | # commas AND floating point
170 | cell_str = '{:,}'.format(cell_int)
171 |
172 | # Look up by index now?
173 | elif schema.ColumnIndexIsNumeric(i):
174 | css_classes.append('num') # right justify
175 |
176 | try:
177 | cell_float = float(cell)
178 | except ValueError:
179 | pass # NA
180 | else:
181 | # commas AND floating point to a given precision
182 | precision = schema.ColumnPrecision(i)
183 | cell_str = '{0:,.{precision}f}'.format(cell_float, precision=precision)
184 |
185 | # Percentage
186 | #cell_str = '{:.1f}%'.format(cell_float * 100)
187 |
188 | # Special CSS class for R NA values.
189 | if cell.strip() == 'NA':
190 | css_classes.append('na') # make it red
191 |
192 | if css_classes:
193 | print(' <td class="{}">'.format(' '.join(css_classes)), end=' ')
194 | else:
195 | print(' <td>', end=' ')
196 |
197 | # Advance to next row if it's an _HREF.
198 | if schema.ColumnIndexHasHref(i):
199 | i += 1
200 | href = row[i]
201 | s = '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (cgi.escape(href), cgi.escape(cell_str))
202 | else:
203 | s = cgi.escape(cell_str)
204 |
205 | print(s, end=' ')
206 | print('</td>')
207 |
208 | i += 1
209 |
210 |
211 | def PrintColGroup(col_names, schema):
212 | """Print HTML colgroup element, used for JavaScript sorting."""
213 | print(' <colgroup>')
214 | for i, col in enumerate(col_names):
215 | if col.endswith('_HREF'):
216 | continue
217 |
218 | # CSS class is used for sorting
219 | if schema.IsNumeric(col):
220 | css_class = 'number'
221 | else:
222 | css_class = 'case-insensitive'
223 |
224 | # NOTE: id is a comment only; not used
225 | print(' <col id="{}" type="{}" />'.format(col, css_class))
226 | print(' </colgroup>')
227 |
228 |
229 | def PrintTable(css_id, schema, col_names, rows, css_class_pattern):
230 | if css_class_pattern:
231 | css_class, r = css_class_pattern.split(None, 2)
232 | cell_regex = re.compile(r)
233 | else:
234 | css_class = None
235 | cell_regex = None
236 |
237 | print('<table id="%s">' % css_id)
238 | print(' <thead>')
239 | print(' <tr>')
240 | for i, col in enumerate(col_names):
241 | if col.endswith('_HREF'):
242 | continue
243 | heading_str = cgi.escape(col.replace('_', ' '))
244 | if schema.ColumnIndexIsNumeric(i):
245 | print(' <td class="num">%s</td>' % heading_str)
246 | else:
247 | print(' <td>%s</td>' % heading_str)
248 | print(' </tr>')
249 | print(' </thead>')
250 |
251 | print(' <tbody>')
252 | for row in rows:
253 |
254 | # TODO: There should be a special column called CSS_CLASS. Output that
255 | # from R.
256 | row_class = ''
257 | if cell_regex:
258 | for cell in row:
259 | if cell_regex.search(cell):
260 | row_class = 'class="%s"' % css_class
261 | break
262 |
263 | print(' <tr {}>'.format(row_class))
264 |
265 | PrintRow(row, schema)
266 | print(' </tr>')
267 | print(' </tbody>')
268 |
269 | PrintColGroup(col_names, schema)
270 |
271 | print('</table>')
272 |
273 |
274 | def ReadFile(f, tsv=False):
275 | """Read the CSV file, returning the column names and rows."""
276 |
277 | if tsv:
278 | c = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t', doublequote=False,
279 | quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE)
280 | else:
281 | c = csv.reader(f)
282 |
283 | # The first row of the CSV is assumed to be a header. The rest are data.
284 | col_names = []
285 | rows = []
286 | for i, row in enumerate(c):
287 | if i == 0:
288 | col_names = row
289 | continue
290 | rows.append(row)
291 | return col_names, rows
292 |
293 |
294 | def CreateOptionsParser():
295 | p = optparse.OptionParser()
296 |
297 | # We are taking a path, and not using stdin, because we read it twice.
298 | p.add_option(
299 | '--schema', dest='schema', metavar="PATH", type='str',
300 | help='Path to the schema.')
301 | p.add_option(
302 | '--tsv', dest='tsv', default=False, action='store_true',
303 | help='Read input in TSV format')
304 | p.add_option(
305 | '--css-class-pattern', dest='css_class_pattern', type='str',
306 | help='A string of the form CSS_CLASS:PATTERN. If the cell contents '
307 | 'matches the pattern, then apply the given CSS class. '
308 | 'Example: osh:^osh')
309 | return p
310 |
311 |
312 | def main(argv):
313 | (opts, argv) = CreateOptionsParser().parse_args(argv[1:])
314 |
315 | try:
316 | csv_path = argv[0]
317 | except IndexError:
318 | raise RuntimeError('Expected CSV filename.')
319 |
320 | schema = None
321 | if opts.schema:
322 | try:
323 | schema_f = open(opts.schema)
324 | except IOError as e:
325 | raise RuntimeError('Error opening schema: %s' % e)
326 | else:
327 | if csv_path.endswith('.csv'):
328 | schema_path = csv_path.replace('.csv', '.schema.csv')
329 | elif csv_path.endswith('.tsv'):
330 | schema_path = csv_path.replace('.tsv', '.schema.tsv')
331 | else:
332 | raise AssertionError(csv_path)
333 |
334 | log('schema path %s', schema_path)
335 | try:
336 | schema_f = open(schema_path)
337 | except IOError:
338 | schema_f = None # allowed to have no schema
339 |
340 | if schema_f:
341 | if opts.tsv:
342 | r = csv.reader(schema_f, delimiter='\t', doublequote=False,
343 | quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE)
344 | else:
345 | r = csv.reader(schema_f)
346 |
347 | schema = Schema(list(r))
348 | else:
349 | schema = NullSchema()
350 | # Default string schema
351 |
352 | log('schema %s', schema)
353 |
354 | with open(csv_path) as f:
355 | col_names, rows = ReadFile(f, opts.tsv)
356 |
357 | schema.VerifyColumnNames(col_names)
358 |
359 | filename = os.path.basename(csv_path)
360 | css_id, _ = os.path.splitext(filename)
361 | PrintTable(css_id, schema, col_names, rows, opts.css_class_pattern)
362 |
363 |
364 | if __name__ == '__main__':
365 | try:
366 | main(sys.argv)
367 | except RuntimeError as e:
368 | print('FATAL: %s' % e, file=sys.stderr)
369 | sys.exit(1)