1 | bin/osh is compatible with POSIX shell, bash, and other shells.
2 |
3 | Usage: osh FLAG* SCRIPT ARG*
4 | osh FLAG* -c COMMAND ARG*
5 | osh FLAG*
6 |
7 | The command line accepted by `bin/osh` is compatible with /bin/sh and
8 | bash.
9 |
10 | osh -c 'echo hi'
11 | osh myscript.sh
12 | echo 'echo hi' | osh
13 |
14 | It also has a few enhancements:
15 |
16 | osh -n -c 'hello' # pretty-print the AST
17 | osh --ast-format text -n -c 'hello' # print it full
18 |
19 | osh accepts POSIX sh flags, with these additions:
20 |
21 | -n parse the program but don't execute it.
22 | Print the AST.
23 | --ast-format what format the AST should be in