1 | #!/usr/bin/env Rscript
2 | #
3 | # release-history.R
4 |
5 | library(dplyr)
6 | library(ggplot2)
7 | library(tidyr)
8 |
9 | options(stringsAsFactors = F)
10 |
11 | Log = function(fmt, ...) {
12 | cat(sprintf(fmt, ...))
13 | cat('\n')
14 | }
15 |
16 | LoadAll = function(in_dir, ctx) {
17 | wwz = read.delim(file.path(in_dir, 'wwz.tsv'))
18 | Log('wwz.tsv')
19 | print(summary(wwz))
20 | Log('')
21 |
22 | wwz$date = as.POSIXct(wwz$date)
23 |
24 | wwz %>% arrange(date) -> wwz
25 | earliest = wwz$date[1]
26 | latest = wwz$date[nrow(wwz)]
27 | duration = latest - earliest
28 |
29 | Log('Summary: %d releases over %.1f days (%.1f years)', nrow(wwz), duration,
30 | duration / 365)
31 | Log('Average interval: %.1f days ', duration / nrow(wwz))
32 |
33 | n1 = nrow(wwz %>% filter(spec_wwz != '-'))
34 | Log('Number of spec.wwz: %d', n1)
35 |
36 | n2 = nrow(wwz %>% filter(survey_path != '-'))
37 | Log('Number of survey_path: %d', n2)
38 |
39 | n3 = nrow(wwz %>% filter(cpp_summary_path != '-'))
40 | Log('Number of cpp_summary_path: %d', n3)
41 |
42 | ctx$wwz = wwz
43 |
44 | Log('----')
45 | Log('spec.tsv')
46 | spec = read.delim(file.path(in_dir, 'spec.tsv'))
47 | print(summary(spec))
48 | Log('')
49 |
50 | spec$date = as.POSIXct(spec$release_date)
51 |
52 | Log('spec rows: %d', nrow(spec))
53 |
54 | n1 = nrow(spec %>% filter(!is.na(osh_py_passing)))
55 | Log('Number of osh_py_passing: %d', n1)
56 |
57 | n2 = nrow(spec %>% filter(!is.na(osh_cc_passing)))
58 | Log('Number of osh_cc_passing: %d', n2)
59 |
60 |
61 | # Version errata:
62 | #
63 | # - 0.7.pre4 -- oil-* spec tests were somehow counted here, seems a bit buggy
64 | # Delete it because it breaks the monotonicity of the graph
65 | # - 0.9.1 had stale benchmarks, but spec tests seem OK
66 |
67 | Log("Removing bad value in 0.7.pre4")
68 | spec[spec$version == "0.7.pre4", 'osh_py_passing'] = NA
69 |
70 | ctx$spec = spec
71 |
72 | }
73 |
74 | ProcessAll = function(ctx) {
75 |
76 | long = gather(ctx$spec, implementation, num_passing, c('osh_py_passing', 'osh_cc_passing'))
77 |
78 | print(head(long))
79 |
80 | blueIndexLeft = which(long$version == '0.2.0' & long$implementation == 'osh_py_passing')
81 | redIndexLeft = which(long$version == '0.8.pre5' & long$implementation == 'osh_cc_passing')
82 | #indexRight = which(long$version == '0.9.9')
83 |
84 | Log('blueIndexLeft %d', blueIndexLeft)
85 | Log('redIndexLeft %d', redIndexLeft)
86 | #Log('indexRight %d', indexRight)
87 |
88 | long$label = NA
89 |
90 | # Label for readability
91 | long$label[blueIndexLeft] = sprintf(
92 | "v%s on %s\npassed %d tests in Python", long$version[blueIndexLeft],
93 | strftime(long$date[blueIndexLeft], format = '%Y-%m-%d'),
94 | long$num_passing[blueIndexLeft])
95 |
96 | long$label[redIndexLeft] = sprintf(
97 | "v%s on %s\npassed %d tests in C++", long$version[redIndexLeft],
98 | strftime(long$date[redIndexLeft], format = '%Y-%m-%d'),
99 | long$num_passing[redIndexLeft])
100 |
101 | print(head(long))
102 | ctx$long = long # debugging
103 |
104 | g = ggplot(long, aes(date, num_passing, group = implementation,
105 | color = implementation)) +
106 | xlab('release date') +
107 | ylab('number of passing spec tests') +
108 | # Start from 0 spec tests
109 | ylim(0, NA) +
110 | theme(legend.position = 'bottom') +
111 | # lower luminance to make it darker
112 | scale_color_hue(labels = c('Fast Generated C++', 'Python Source (executable spec)'), l = 40) +
113 | ggtitle('Middle-Out Progress on https://oilshell.org',
114 | subtitle = "Weissman score: 99") +
115 | geom_line() +
116 | geom_point()
117 |
118 | g = g + geom_text(aes(label = label),
119 | vjust = 2, hjust = 'inward', size = 5)
120 |
121 | # Fallow Period
122 | g = g + annotate("rect",
123 | xmin = as.POSIXct('2020-08-01'),
124 | xmax = as.POSIXct('2021-07-01'),
125 | ymin = 600,
126 | ymax = 1200,
127 | alpha = 0.2)
128 |
129 | ctx$plot = g
130 |
131 | g
132 | }
133 |
134 | WriteAll = function(ctx, out_dir) {
135 | png_path = file.path(out_dir, 'spec-test-history-2.png')
136 |
137 | png(png_path, width=700, height=600)
138 | print(ctx$plot)
139 | dev.off()
140 | Log('Wrote %s', png_path)
141 | }
142 |
143 | main = function(argv) {
144 | in_dir = argv[[1]]
145 | out_dir = argv[[2]]
146 |
147 | ctx = new.env()
148 |
149 | LoadAll(in_dir, ctx)
150 | ProcessAll(ctx)
151 | WriteAll(ctx, out_dir)
152 |
153 | Log('PID %d done', Sys.getpid())
154 | }
155 |
156 | if (length(sys.frames()) == 0) {
157 | # increase ggplot font size globally
158 | theme_set(theme_grey(base_size = 20))
159 |
160 | main(commandArgs(TRUE))
161 | }