16 chapters -> (doctools/make_help) -> 406

cards from 131

sections to None TOC: toc-data.md front-end j8 errors toc-osh.md type-method builtin-cmd front-end cmd-lang osh-assign word-lang mini-lang option special-var plugin toc-ysh.md type-method builtin-func builtin-cmd front-end cmd-lang ysh-cmd expr-lang word-lang mini-lang option special-var plugin TOC stats: All Topics: 451 Unique topics: 435 Topics marked implemented: 358 Topics not implemented: 82 Sections not implemented (X): 11 Chapter stats: num chapters = 16 num_sections = 131 num_topics = 412 num unique topics = 406 topics with first draft (more than 5 words) = 317 412 in link_to set: [('chap-builtin-cmd.html', 'alias'), ('chap-builtin-cmd.html', 'arg'), ('chap-builtin-cmd.html', 'boolstatus'), ('chap-builtin-cmd.html', 'builtin'), ('chap-builtin-cmd.html', 'cd'), ('chap-builtin-cmd.html', 'cmd/append'), ('chap-builtin-cmd.html', 'cmd/type'), ('chap-builtin-cmd.html', 'command'), ('chap-builtin-cmd.html', 'compadjust'), ('chap-builtin-cmd.html', 'compexport')] 439 in link_from set: [('chap-builtin-cmd.html', 'alias'), ('chap-builtin-cmd.html', 'arg'), ('chap-builtin-cmd.html', 'assert'), ('chap-builtin-cmd.html', 'bg'), ('chap-builtin-cmd.html', 'bind'), ('chap-builtin-cmd.html', 'boolstatus'), ('chap-builtin-cmd.html', 'builtin'), ('chap-builtin-cmd.html', 'caller'), ('chap-builtin-cmd.html', 'cd'), ('chap-builtin-cmd.html', 'cmd/append')] Topics in multiple chapters: triple-quoted: chap-expr-lang.html chap-word-lang.html ysh-string: chap-expr-lang.html chap-word-lang.html glob: chap-builtin-func.html chap-type-method.html complete: chap-builtin-cmd.html chap-plugin.html eval: chap-builtin-cmd.html chap-type-method.html time: chap-cmd-lang.html chap-type-method.html Duplicate topics in TOC: ascii-whitespace: toc-data.md toc-osh.md toc-ysh.md braces: toc-osh.md toc-ysh.md command-sub: toc-osh.md toc-ysh.md compadjust: toc-osh.md toc-ysh.md compexport: toc-osh.md toc-ysh.md complete: toc-osh.md toc-osh.md glob-pat: toc-osh.md toc-ysh.md oils-usage: toc-osh.md toc-ysh.md triple-quoted: toc-ysh.md toc-ysh.md ysh-string: toc-ysh.md toc-ysh.md 5 Broken Links: ('chap-builtin-cmd.html', 'assert') ('chap-builtin-cmd.html', 'cols') ('chap-builtin-cmd.html', 'group-by') ('chap-builtin-cmd.html', 'sort-by') ('chap-builtin-cmd.html', 'summary') 15 Orphaned Topics: ('chap-front-end.html', 'osh-chapters') ('chap-front-end.html', 'ysh-chapters') ('chap-index.html', 'append') ('chap-index.html', 'type') ('chap-option.html', 'dashglob') ('chap-option.html', 'eval_unsafe_arith') ('chap-option.html', 'nullglob') ('chap-option.html', 'parse_ignored') ('chap-option.html', 'parse_triple_quote') ('chap-option.html', 'parse_ysh_string') ('chap-option.html', 'sigpipe_status_ok') ('chap-option.html', 'strict_control_flow') ('chap-option.html', 'strict_nameref') ('chap-option.html', 'strict_tilde') ('chap-special-var.html', '_status') Short topics: readarray 'Alias for mapfile.\n' glob 'See glob-pat topic for syntax.\n' sha1dc "Git's algorithm.\n" or 'ls || die "failed"\n' return 'Return from a function.\n' startup 'History is read?\n' glob-pat 'TODO: glob syntax\n' extglob 'TODO: extended glob syntax\n' regex 'Part of dbracket\n' histsub 'History substitution uses !.\n' PS1 'First line of a prompt.\n' PS2 'Second line of a prompt.\n' PS3 "For the 'select' builtin (unimplemented).\n" ARGV 'Replacement for "$@"\n' _status 'DEPRECATED: Use _error.code instead.\n' LANG 'TODO: bash compat\n' GLOBIGNORE 'TODO: bash compat\n' COMP_CWORD 'Discouraged; for compatibility with bash.\n' COMP_LINE 'Discouraged; for compatibility with bash.\n' COMP_POINT 'Discouraged; for compatibility with bash.\n' COMP_WORDBREAKS 'Discouraged; for compatibility with bash.\n' RANDOM 'bash compat\n' upper 'Respects unicode.\n' lower 'Respects unicode.\n' time 'TODO: Depends on system clock.\n' tagged-str 'Not done.\n'