1 | #include "mycpp/gc_mylib.h"
2 |
3 | #include <errno.h>
4 | #include <stdio.h>
5 | #include <unistd.h> // isatty
6 |
7 | namespace mylib {
8 |
9 | void InitCppOnly() {
10 | // We don't seem need this now that we have ctx_FlushStdout().
11 | // setvbuf(stdout, 0, _IONBF, 0);
12 |
13 | // Arbitrary threshold of 50K objects based on eyeballing
14 | // benchmarks/osh-runtime 10K or 100K aren't too bad either.
15 | gHeap.Init(50000);
16 | }
17 |
18 | void print_stderr(BigStr* s) {
19 | fputs(s->data_, stderr); // prints until first NUL
20 | fputc('\n', stderr);
21 | }
22 |
23 | #if 0
24 | void writeln(BigStr* s, int fd) {
25 | // TODO: handle errors and write in a loop, like posix::write(). If possible,
26 | // use posix::write directly, but that introduces some dependency problems.
27 |
28 | if (write(fd, s->data_, len(s)) < 0) {
29 | assert(0);
30 | }
31 | if (write(fd, "\n", 1) < 0) {
32 | assert(0);
33 | }
34 | }
35 | #endif
36 |
37 | BigStr* JoinBytes(List<int>* byte_list) {
38 | int n = len(byte_list);
39 | BigStr* result = NewStr(n);
40 | for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
41 | result->data_[i] = byte_list->at(i);
42 | }
43 | return result;
44 | }
45 |
46 | // For BashArray
47 | void BigIntSort(List<mops::BigInt>* keys) {
48 | keys->sort();
49 | }
50 |
51 | class MutableStr : public BigStr {};
52 |
53 | MutableStr* NewMutableStr(int n) {
54 | // In order for everything to work, MutableStr must be identical in layout to
55 | // BigStr. One easy way to achieve this is for MutableStr to have no members
56 | // and to inherit from BigStr.
57 | static_assert(sizeof(MutableStr) == sizeof(BigStr),
58 | "BigStr and MutableStr must have same size");
59 | return reinterpret_cast<MutableStr*>(NewStr(n));
60 | }
61 |
62 | Tuple2<BigStr*, BigStr*> split_once(BigStr* s, BigStr* delim) {
63 | DCHECK(len(delim) == 1);
64 |
65 | const char* start = s->data_; // note: this pointer may move
66 | char c = delim->data_[0];
67 | int length = len(s);
68 |
69 | const char* p = static_cast<const char*>(memchr(start, c, length));
70 |
71 | if (p) {
72 | int len1 = p - start;
73 | int len2 = length - len1 - 1; // -1 for delim
74 |
75 | BigStr* s1 = nullptr;
76 | BigStr* s2 = nullptr;
77 | // Allocate together to avoid 's' moving in between
78 | s1 = NewStr(len1);
79 | s2 = NewStr(len2);
80 |
81 | memcpy(s1->data_, s->data_, len1);
82 | memcpy(s2->data_, s->data_ + len1 + 1, len2);
83 |
84 | return Tuple2<BigStr*, BigStr*>(s1, s2);
85 | } else {
86 | return Tuple2<BigStr*, BigStr*>(s, nullptr);
87 | }
88 | }
89 |
90 | LineReader* gStdin;
91 |
92 | LineReader* open(BigStr* path) {
93 | // TODO: Don't use C I/O; use POSIX I/O!
94 | FILE* f = fopen(path->data_, "r");
95 | if (f == nullptr) {
96 | throw Alloc<IOError>(errno);
97 | }
98 |
99 | return reinterpret_cast<LineReader*>(Alloc<CFile>(f));
100 | }
101 |
102 | BigStr* CFile::readline() {
103 | char* line = nullptr;
104 | size_t allocated_size = 0; // unused
105 |
106 | // Reset errno because we turn the EOF error into empty string (like Python).
107 | errno = 0;
108 | ssize_t len = getline(&line, &allocated_size, f_);
109 | // log("getline = %d", len);
110 | if (len < 0) {
111 | // man page says the buffer should be freed even if getline fails
112 | free(line);
113 | if (errno != 0) { // Unexpected error
114 | // log("getline() error: %s", strerror(errno));
115 | // Reset EOF flag so the next readline() will get the line
116 | clearerr(f_);
117 | throw Alloc<IOError>(errno);
118 | }
119 | return kEmptyString; // EOF indicated by by empty string, like Python
120 | }
121 |
122 | // Note: getline() NUL-terminates the buffer
123 | BigStr* result = ::StrFromC(line, len);
124 | free(line);
125 | return result;
126 | }
127 |
128 | bool CFile::isatty() {
129 | return ::isatty(fileno(f_));
130 | }
131 |
132 | // Problem: most BigStr methods like index() and slice() COPY so they have a
133 | // NUL terminator.
134 | // log("%s") falls back on sprintf, so it expects a NUL terminator.
135 | // It would be easier for us to just share.
136 | BigStr* BufLineReader::readline() {
137 | BigStr* line = nullptr;
138 |
139 | int str_len = len(s_);
140 | if (pos_ == str_len) {
141 | return kEmptyString;
142 | }
143 |
144 | int orig_pos = pos_;
145 | const char* p = strchr(s_->data_ + pos_, '\n');
146 | // log("pos_ = %s", pos_);
147 | int line_len;
148 | if (p) {
149 | int new_pos = p - s_->data_;
150 | line_len = new_pos - pos_ + 1; // past newline char
151 | pos_ = new_pos + 1;
152 | } else { // leftover line
153 | if (pos_ == 0) { // The string has no newlines at all -- just return it
154 | pos_ = str_len; // advance to the end
155 | return s_;
156 | } else {
157 | line_len = str_len - pos_;
158 | pos_ = str_len; // advance to the end
159 | }
160 | }
161 |
162 | line = NewStr(line_len);
163 | memcpy(line->data_, s_->data_ + orig_pos, line_len);
164 | DCHECK(line->data_[line_len] == '\0');
165 | return line;
166 | }
167 |
168 | Writer* gStdout;
169 | Writer* gStderr;
170 |
171 | //
172 | // CFileWriter
173 | //
174 |
175 | void CFile::write(BigStr* s) {
176 | // Writes can be short!
177 | int n = len(s);
178 | int num_written = ::fwrite(s->data_, sizeof(char), n, f_);
179 | // Similar to CPython fileobject.c
180 | if (num_written != n) {
181 | throw Alloc<IOError>(errno);
182 | }
183 | }
184 |
185 | void CFile::flush() {
186 | if (::fflush(f_) != 0) {
187 | throw Alloc<IOError>(errno);
188 | }
189 | }
190 |
191 | void CFile::close() {
192 | if (::fclose(f_) != 0) {
193 | throw Alloc<IOError>(errno);
194 | }
195 | }
196 |
197 | //
198 | // BufWriter
199 | //
200 |
201 | void BufWriter::EnsureMoreSpace(int n) {
202 | if (str_ == nullptr) {
203 | // TODO: we could make the default capacity big enough for a line, e.g. 128
204 | // capacity: 128 -> 256 -> 512
205 | str_ = NewMutableStr(n);
206 | return;
207 | }
208 |
209 | int current_cap = len(str_);
210 | DCHECK(current_cap >= len_);
211 |
212 | int new_cap = len_ + n;
213 |
214 | if (current_cap < new_cap) {
215 | auto* s = NewMutableStr(std::max(current_cap * 2, new_cap));
216 | memcpy(s->data_, str_->data_, len_);
217 | s->data_[len_] = '\0';
218 | str_ = s;
219 | }
220 | }
221 |
222 | uint8_t* BufWriter::LengthPointer() {
223 | // start + len
224 | return reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(str_->data_) + len_;
225 | }
226 |
227 | uint8_t* BufWriter::CapacityPointer() {
228 | // start + capacity
229 | return reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(str_->data_) + str_->len_;
230 | }
231 |
232 | void BufWriter::SetLengthFrom(uint8_t* length_ptr) {
233 | uint8_t* begin = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(str_->data_);
234 | DCHECK(length_ptr >= begin); // we should have written some data
235 |
236 | // Set the length, e.g. so we know where to resume writing from
237 | len_ = length_ptr - begin;
238 | // printf("SET LEN to %d\n", len_);
239 | }
240 |
241 | void BufWriter::Truncate(int length) {
242 | len_ = length;
243 | }
244 |
245 | void BufWriter::WriteRaw(char* s, int n) {
246 | DCHECK(is_valid_); // Can't write() after getvalue()
247 |
248 | // write('') is a no-op, so don't create Buf if we don't need to
249 | if (n == 0) {
250 | return;
251 | }
252 |
253 | EnsureMoreSpace(n);
254 |
255 | // Append the contents to the buffer
256 | memcpy(str_->data_ + len_, s, n);
257 | len_ += n;
258 | str_->data_[len_] = '\0';
259 | }
260 |
261 | void BufWriter::WriteConst(const char* c_string) {
262 | // meant for short strings like '"'
263 | WriteRaw(const_cast<char*>(c_string), strlen(c_string));
264 | }
265 |
266 | void BufWriter::write(BigStr* s) {
267 | WriteRaw(s->data_, len(s));
268 | }
269 |
270 | void BufWriter::write_spaces(int n) {
271 | if (n == 0) {
272 | return;
273 | }
274 |
275 | EnsureMoreSpace(n);
276 |
277 | char* dest = str_->data_ + len_;
278 | for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
279 | dest[i] = ' ';
280 | }
281 | len_ += n;
282 | str_->data_[len_] = '\0';
283 | }
284 |
285 | BigStr* BufWriter::getvalue() {
286 | DCHECK(is_valid_); // Check for two INVALID getvalue() in a row
287 | is_valid_ = false;
288 |
289 | if (str_ == nullptr) { // if no write() methods are called, the result is ""
290 | return kEmptyString;
291 | } else {
292 | BigStr* s = str_;
293 | s->MaybeShrink(len_);
294 | str_ = nullptr;
295 | len_ = -1;
296 | return s;
297 | }
298 | }
299 |
300 | } // namespace mylib