1 | ---
2 | in_progress: true
3 | default_highlighter: oils-sh
4 | ---
5 |
6 | YSH I/O Builtins
7 | ================
8 |
9 | POSIX shell has overlapping and quirky constructs for doing I/O:
10 |
11 | - the builtins `echo`, `printf`, and `read`
12 | - the `$(command sub)` construct
13 | - Bash has `mapfile` and `readarray`
14 |
15 | YSH rationalizes I/O with:
16 |
17 | - A new `write` builtin
18 | - Long flags to `read`, like `--all`
19 | - The distinction between `$(string sub)` and `@(array sub)`
20 | - A set of data languages called [J8 Notation](j8-notation.html).
21 |
22 | YSH also has orthogonal mechanisms for string processing:
23 |
24 | - `${.myproc arg}` and `@{.myproc arg}` are an optimization (TODO)
25 | - `${x %.2f}` as a static version of the `printf` builtin (TODO)
26 | - `${x|html}` for safe escaping (TODO)
27 |
28 | These are discussed in more detail the [strings](strings.html) doc.
29 |
30 | <!-- TODO: should run all this code as in tour.md -->
31 |
32 | <div id="toc">
33 | </div>
34 |
35 | ## Problems With Shell
36 |
37 | - `echo` is flaky because `echo $x` is a bug. `$x` could be `-n`.
38 | - YSH `write` accepts `--`.
39 | - `read` is non-obvious because the `-r` flag to ignore `\` line continuations
40 | isn't the default. The `\` creates a mini-language that isn't understood by
41 | other line-based tools like `grep` and `awk`.
42 | - TODO: YSH should have a mechanism to read buffered lines.
43 | - There's no way to tell if `$()` strips the trailing newline,.
44 | - YSH has `read --all`, as well as lastpipe being on.
45 |
46 | Example:
47 |
48 | hostname | read --all (&x)
49 | write -- $x
50 |
51 | ## Summary of YSH features
52 |
53 | - `write`: `--qsn`, `--sep`, `--end`
54 | - `read`: `--all` (future: `--line`, `--all-lines`?)
55 | - `$(string sub)` removes the trailing newline, if any
56 | - `@(array sub)` splits by IFS
57 | - TODO: should it split by `IFS=$'\n'`?
58 |
59 | ### write
60 |
61 | - `-sep`: Characters to separate each argument. (Default: newline)
62 | - `-end`: Characters to terminate the whole invocation. (Default: newline)
63 | - `-n`: A synonym for `-end ''`.
64 |
65 | ## Buffered vs. Unbuffered
66 |
67 | - The POSIX flags to `read` issue many `read(0, 1)` calls. They do it
68 | byte-by-byte.
69 | - The `--long` flags to `read` use buffered I/O.
70 |
71 | ## Invariants
72 |
73 | Here are some design notes on making the I/O builtins orthogonal and
74 | composable. There should be clean ways to "round trip" data between the OS and
75 | YSH data structures.
76 |
77 | ### File -> String -> File
78 |
79 | cat input.txt | read --all
80 |
81 | # suppress the newline
82 | write --end '' $_reply > output.txt
83 |
84 | diff input.txt output.txt # should be equal
85 |
86 |
87 | ### File -> Array -> File
88 |
89 | TODO
90 |
91 | cat input.txt | read --all-lines :myarray
92 |
93 | # suppress the newline
94 | write --sep '' --end '' -- @myarray > output.txt
95 |
96 | diff input.txt output.txt # should be equal
97 |
98 | ### Array -> J8 Lines -> Array
99 |
100 | TODO
101 |
102 | ## Related
103 |
104 | - [JSON](json.html) support.