1 | #!/usr/bin/env python2
2 | """
3 | loops.py: Common loops
4 | """
5 | from __future__ import print_function
6 |
7 | import os
8 |
9 | from mycpp import mylib
10 | from mycpp.mylib import log, iteritems
11 |
12 | from typing import Dict
13 |
14 |
15 | def TestListComp():
16 | # type: () -> None
17 | log('--- list comprehension')
18 |
19 | x = [1, 2, 3, 4]
20 |
21 | y = [i * 5 for i in x[1:]]
22 |
23 | log("len = %d", len(y))
24 | log("y[0] = %d", y[0])
25 | log("y[-1] = %d", y[-1])
26 |
27 | log('--- list comprehension changing type')
28 |
29 | z = ['[%d]' % i for i in x[1:-1]]
30 |
31 | # I think this rewrite might be necessary?
32 | #tmp1 = x[1:-1]
33 | #z = ['[%d]' % i for i in tmp1]
34 |
35 | if mylib.PYTHON:
36 | #log("z = %s", z)
37 | pass
38 |
39 | log("len = %d", len(z))
40 | log("z[0] = %s", z[0])
41 | log("z[-1] = %s", z[-1])
42 |
43 | pairs = [('one', 1), ('two', 2)]
44 | first = [s for s, _ in pairs]
45 | for s2 in first:
46 | log('first = %s', s2)
47 |
48 | parts = ['a', None, 'b']
49 | tmp = [s for s in parts if s is not None]
50 | print(''.join(tmp))
51 |
52 | tmp2 = [s for s in tmp if s.startswith('-')]
53 | print(''.join(tmp2))
54 |
55 |
56 | def TestDict():
57 | # type: () -> None
58 | log('--- Dict')
59 | d = {} # type: Dict[str, int]
60 | d['a'] = 99
61 | d['c'] = 42
62 | d['b'] = 0
63 |
64 | log('a = %d', d['a'])
65 | log('b = %d', d['b'])
66 | log('c = %d', d['c'])
67 |
68 | for k in d:
69 | log("k = %s", k)
70 |
71 | for k, v in iteritems(d):
72 | log("k = %s, v = %d", k, v)
73 |
74 |
75 | CATS = ['big', 'small', 'hairless']
76 |
77 | #EMPTY_DICT = {} # type: Dict[int, int]
78 |
79 |
80 | def run_tests():
81 | # type: () -> None
82 |
83 | log('--- iterate over bytes in string')
84 | for ch in 'abc':
85 | log('ch = %s', ch)
86 |
87 | log('--- iterate over items in list')
88 | for item in ['xx', 'yy']:
89 | log('item = %s', item)
90 |
91 | # TODO: iterate over items in dict
92 | # DictIter gives pairs? Just do .Key() and .Value()? Hm that makes sense.
93 |
94 | log('--- tuple unpacking')
95 |
96 | list_of_tuples = [(5, 'five'), (6, 'six')]
97 | for i, item in list_of_tuples:
98 | log("- [%d] %s", i, item)
99 |
100 | log('--- one arg xrange()')
101 |
102 | m = 2
103 | n = 3
104 |
105 | for j in xrange(m * 2):
106 | log("%d", j)
107 |
108 | log('--- two arg xrange()')
109 |
110 | # TODO: reuse index variable j
111 | for k in xrange(m + 2, n + 5):
112 | log("%d", k)
113 |
114 | log('--- three arg xrange()')
115 |
116 | # should iterate exactly once
117 | for m in xrange(0, 5, 2):
118 | log("%d", m)
119 |
120 | log('--- three arg reverse xrange()')
121 |
122 | # should iterate exactly once
123 | for m in xrange(0, -1, -1):
124 | log("reverse %d", m)
125 |
126 | log('--- enumerate()')
127 |
128 | for i, c in enumerate(CATS):
129 | log('%d %s', i, c)
130 |
131 | for i, pair in enumerate(list_of_tuples):
132 | index, s = pair
133 | log('%d %d %s', i, index, s)
134 |
135 | # TODO: Note: might want to combine with enumerate? But we're not using
136 | # that. We can specialize it for a list. ReverseListIter().
137 | log('--- reversed() list')
138 |
139 | list_of_strings = ['spam', 'eggs']
140 | for item in reversed(list_of_strings):
141 | log("- %s", item)
142 |
143 | log('--- reversed() list with tuple unpacking')
144 | for i, item in reversed(list_of_tuples):
145 | log("- [%d] %s", i, item)
146 |
147 | TestListComp()
148 |
149 | TestDict()
150 |
151 |
152 | def run_benchmarks():
153 | # type: () -> None
154 | n = 500000
155 |
156 | result = 0
157 |
158 | i = 0
159 | while i < n:
160 | for j in xrange(3, 10):
161 | result += j
162 |
163 | for j, c in enumerate(CATS):
164 | result += j
165 | result += len(c)
166 |
167 | i += 1
168 | log('result = %d', result)
169 | log('Ran %d iterations of xrange/enumerate', n)
170 |
171 |
172 | if __name__ == '__main__':
173 | if os.getenv('BENCHMARK'):
174 | log('Benchmarking...')
175 | run_benchmarks()
176 | else:
177 | run_tests()