OSH Runtime Performance

Source code: benchmarks/osh-runtime.sh

Raw files

Elapsed Time by Shell (milliseconds)

Some benchmarks call many external tools, while some exercise the shell interpreter itself.

workload host name bash dash osh-cpython osh-native py bash ratio native bash ratio
abuild-print-help no-host 20 9 464 23 23.38 1.16
bin-true no-host 683 551 2,283 827 3.34 1.21
configure.cpython no-host 15,501 15,604 29,613 15,701 1.91 1.01
configure.ocaml no-host 3,902 3,825 4,738 3,927 1.21 1.01
configure.tcc no-host 50 43 195 50 3.94 1.01
configure.util-linux no-host 14,449 15,345 32,172 14,906 2.23 1.03
configure.yash no-host 1,887 1,826 2,517 1,897 1.33 1.00
hello-world no-host 2 1 49 3 29.23 1.71

Minor Page Faults

workload host name bash dash osh-cpython osh-native py bash ratio native bash ratio
abuild-print-help no-host 2,516 1,108 23,272 3,191 9.25 1.27
bin-true no-host 104,366 66,424 758,922 127,166 7.27 1.22
configure.cpython no-host 2,215,767 2,239,641 6,135,639 2,229,444 2.77 1.01
configure.ocaml no-host 410,805 391,453 637,169 413,263 1.55 1.01
configure.tcc no-host 6,530 5,474 23,162 6,996 3.55 1.07
configure.util-linux no-host 2,097,356 2,262,339 5,318,181 2,017,430 2.54 0.96
configure.yash no-host 256,106 245,235 384,277 257,817 1.50 1.01
hello-world no-host 152 82 3,654 346 24.04 2.28

Memory Usage (Max Resident Set Size in MB)

Memory usage is measured in MB (powers of 10), not MiB (powers of 2).

workload host name bash dash osh-cpython osh-native py bash ratio native bash ratio
abuild-print-help no-host 4.3 3.5 21.8 8.9 5.03 2.06
bin-true no-host 2.9 1.4 17.3 8.0 6.00 2.77
configure.cpython no-host 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 1.00 1.00
configure.ocaml no-host 20.6 20.6 20.4 20.6 0.99 1.00
configure.tcc no-host 19.4 19.3 19.3 19.4 0.99 1.00
configure.util-linux no-host 30.1 30.3 30.3 30.1 1.00 1.00
configure.yash no-host 24.2 24.4 24.2 24.2 1.00 1.00
hello-world no-host 2.9 1.4 17.1 6.2 5.94 2.14

GC Stats

workload host name elapsed ms max gc millis total gc millis allocated MB max rss MB num allocated num live max survived num in heap num in pool 1 num in pool 2 num gc points num gc done gc threshold num growths
hello-world no-host 3 0 0 0.2 6.2 3,711 3,711 0 681 1,866 1,164 2 0 50,000 0
bin-true no-host 827 1 2 2.7 8.0 154,676 12,986 2,793 11,734 78,335 64,607 5,012 3 50,000 0
configure.cpython no-host 15,701 1 63 15.8 27.4 1,772,595 49,191 28,502 101,770 908,042 762,783 42,399 60 50,000 0
configure.util-linux no-host 14,906 3 62 22.2 30.1 2,703,259 44,760 65,786 126,121 1,320,486 1,256,652 49,081 41 131,572 1
configure.ocaml no-host 3,927 1 2 2.7 20.6 150,021 11,039 5,132 8,602 71,620 69,799 2,680 3 50,000 0
configure.tcc no-host 50 0 0 1.3 19.4 30,514 30,514 0 1,599 14,790 14,125 350 0 50,000 0
configure.yash no-host 1,897 1 2 2.6 24.2 139,678 7,958 6,594 7,554 70,292 61,832 2,990 3 50,000 0
abuild-print-help no-host 23 1 2 2.8 8.9 116,257 64,449 42,657 4,609 54,535 57,113 478 3 85,314 1

rusage Details

task id host name workload elapsed ms user ms sys ms max rss MB shell label
7 no-host abuild-print-help 20 12 8 4.3 bash
15 no-host abuild-print-help 9 8 1 3.5 dash
23 no-host abuild-print-help 464 430 38 21.8 osh-cpython
31 no-host abuild-print-help 23 14 9 8.9 osh-native
1 no-host bin-true 683 491 223 2.9 bash
9 no-host bin-true 551 418 142 1.4 dash
17 no-host bin-true 2,283 1,426 1,123 17.3 osh-cpython
25 no-host bin-true 827 599 245 8.0 osh-native
2 no-host configure.cpython 15,501 9,317 6,596 27.4 bash
10 no-host configure.cpython 15,604 9,326 6,714 27.4 dash
18 no-host configure.cpython 29,613 17,687 13,850 27.4 osh-cpython
26 no-host configure.cpython 15,701 9,247 6,721 27.4 osh-native
4 no-host configure.ocaml 3,902 1,725 1,217 20.6 bash
12 no-host configure.ocaml 3,825 1,610 1,236 20.6 dash
20 no-host configure.ocaml 4,738 2,321 1,623 20.4 osh-cpython
28 no-host configure.ocaml 3,927 1,770 1,197 20.6 osh-native
5 no-host configure.tcc 50 31 19 19.4 bash
13 no-host configure.tcc 43 30 14 19.3 dash
21 no-host configure.tcc 195 143 56 19.3 osh-cpython
29 no-host configure.tcc 50 30 20 19.4 osh-native
3 no-host configure.util-linux 14,449 9,101 5,838 30.1 bash
11 no-host configure.util-linux 15,345 9,274 6,572 30.3 dash
19 no-host configure.util-linux 32,172 21,064 12,244 30.3 osh-cpython
27 no-host configure.util-linux 14,906 8,824 6,284 30.1 osh-native
6 no-host configure.yash 1,887 1,098 796 24.2 bash
14 no-host configure.yash 1,826 1,042 787 24.4 dash
22 no-host configure.yash 2,517 1,553 1,009 24.2 osh-cpython
30 no-host configure.yash 1,897 1,112 789 24.2 osh-native
0 no-host hello-world 2 2 0 2.9 bash
8 no-host hello-world 1 1 0 1.4 dash
16 no-host hello-world 49 21 28 17.1 osh-cpython
24 no-host hello-world 3 0 3 6.2 osh-native

More Details

task id host name workload minor faults major faults swaps in block out block signals voluntary ctx involuntary ctx shell label
7 no-host abuild-print-help 2,516 0 0 0 16 0 41 3 bash
15 no-host abuild-print-help 1,108 0 0 0 8 0 39 1 dash
23 no-host abuild-print-help 23,272 0 0 0 8 0 47 12 osh-cpython
31 no-host abuild-print-help 3,191 0 0 0 16 0 41 1 osh-native
1 no-host bin-true 104,366 0 0 0 8 0 1,990 76 bash
9 no-host bin-true 66,424 0 0 0 8 0 1,983 46 dash
17 no-host bin-true 758,922 0 0 0 8 0 1,996 213 osh-cpython
25 no-host bin-true 127,166 0 0 0 16 0 1,984 72 osh-native
2 no-host configure.cpython 2,215,767 0 0 0 32,928 0 14,515 1,104 bash
10 no-host configure.cpython 2,239,641 0 0 0 32,992 0 14,585 1,035 dash
18 no-host configure.cpython 6,135,639 1 0 0 27,512 0 13,245 1,362 osh-cpython
26 no-host configure.cpython 2,229,444 1 0 0 27,520 0 13,256 1,079 osh-native
4 no-host configure.ocaml 410,805 0 0 0 5,120 0 1,948 188 bash
12 no-host configure.ocaml 391,453 0 0 0 5,112 0 1,884 149 dash
20 no-host configure.ocaml 637,169 0 0 0 5,112 0 1,862 196 osh-cpython
28 no-host configure.ocaml 413,263 0 0 0 5,120 0 1,935 151 osh-native
5 no-host configure.tcc 6,530 0 0 0 104 0 49 8 bash
13 no-host configure.tcc 5,474 0 0 0 96 0 47 5 dash
21 no-host configure.tcc 23,162 0 0 0 96 0 53 5 osh-cpython
29 no-host configure.tcc 6,996 0 0 0 104 0 47 15 osh-native
3 no-host configure.util-linux 2,097,356 8 0 0 42,400 0 18,642 1,137 bash
11 no-host configure.util-linux 2,262,339 0 0 0 42,584 0 17,416 1,226 dash
19 no-host configure.util-linux 5,318,181 8 0 0 39,136 0 17,072 1,345 osh-cpython
27 no-host configure.util-linux 2,017,430 1 0 0 39,128 0 17,067 995 osh-native
6 no-host configure.yash 256,106 0 0 0 4,120 0 871 109 bash
14 no-host configure.yash 245,235 0 0 0 3,720 0 866 80 dash
22 no-host configure.yash 384,277 0 0 0 3,728 0 856 143 osh-cpython
30 no-host configure.yash 257,817 0 0 0 3,736 0 852 83 osh-native
0 no-host hello-world 152 0 0 0 8 0 1 0 bash
8 no-host hello-world 82 0 0 0 8 0 1 0 dash
16 no-host hello-world 3,654 0 0 0 8 0 7 4 osh-cpython
24 no-host hello-world 346 0 0 0 16 0 1 0 osh-native

Shell and Host

shell label shell id
bash bash-41dc6f72
dash dash-308ec8e6
osh-cpython osh-8500aa88
osh-native osh-bd387dbb
host label host id
no-host no-host-e54d7702