1 | ## our_shell: ysh
2 |
3 | #### join()
4 | var x = :|a b 'c d'|
5 |
6 | var y = join(x)
7 | argv.py $y
8 |
9 | var z = join(x, ":")
10 | argv.py $z
11 | ## STDOUT:
12 | ['abc d']
13 | ['a:b:c d']
14 | ## END
15 |
16 | #### abs
17 |
18 | source --builtin math.ysh
19 |
20 | # Also test smooshing
21 | write $[abs(-5)]$[abs(-0)]$[abs(5)]
22 | write $[abs(-5)] $[abs(-0)] $[abs(5)]
23 | ## STDOUT:
24 | 505
25 | 5
26 | 0
27 | 5
28 | ## END
29 |
30 | #### any() and all()
31 | source --builtin list.ysh
32 |
33 | var a1 = all( :|yes yes| )
34 | var a2 = all( :|yes ''| )
35 | var a3 = all( :|'' ''| )
36 | # This should be true and false or what?
37 | write $a1 $a2 $a3
38 | write __
39 |
40 | var x1 = any( :|yes yes| )
41 | var x2 = any( :|yes ''| )
42 | var x3 = any( :|'' ''| )
43 | write $x1 $x2 $x3
44 |
45 | ## STDOUT:
46 | true
47 | false
48 | false
49 | __
50 | true
51 | true
52 | false
53 | ## END
54 |
55 | #### sum()
56 | source --builtin list.ysh
57 |
58 | var start = 42
59 |
60 | write $[sum( 0 .. 3 )]
61 | write $[sum( 0 .. 3; start=42)]
62 | write $[sum( 0 .. 0, start=42)]
63 |
64 | ## STDOUT:
65 | 3
66 | 45
67 | 42
68 | ## END
69 |
70 | #### @[split(x)] respects IFS
71 | setvar IFS = ":"
72 | var x = "one:two:three"
73 | argv.py @[split(x)]
74 | ## STDOUT:
75 | ['one', 'two', 'three']
76 | ## END
77 |
78 | #### @[maybe(x)]
79 | setvar empty = ''
80 | setvar x = 'X'
81 | argv.py a @[maybe(empty)] @[maybe(x)] b
82 |
83 | setvar n = null
84 | argv.py a @[maybe(n)] b
85 |
86 | ## STDOUT:
87 | ['a', 'X', 'b']
88 | ['a', 'b']
89 | ## END
90 |
91 | #### maybe() on invalid type is fatal error
92 |
93 | # not allowed
94 | setvar marray = :||
95 | argv.py a @[maybe(marray)] b
96 | echo done
97 | ## status: 3
98 | ## STDOUT:
99 | ## END
100 |
101 | #### split() on invalid type is fatal error
102 | var myarray = :| --all --long |
103 | write -- @[myarray]
104 | write -- @[split(myarray)]
105 | ## status: 3
106 | ## STDOUT:
107 | --all
108 | --long
109 | ## END
110 |
111 | #### @[glob(x)]
112 |
113 | # empty glob
114 | write -- A @[glob('__nope__')] B
115 | echo ___
116 |
117 | touch -- a.z b.z -.z
118 | write -- @[glob('?.z')]
119 | echo ___
120 |
121 | # add it back
122 | shopt -s dashglob
123 | write -- @[glob('?.z')]
124 |
125 | ## STDOUT:
126 | A
127 | B
128 | ___
129 | a.z
130 | b.z
131 | ___
132 | -.z
133 | a.z
134 | b.z
135 | ## END
136 |
137 |
138 | #### smoke test for stream.ysh and table.ysh
139 |
140 | shopt --set redefine_proc_func # byo-maybe-main
141 |
142 | source --builtin stream.ysh
143 | source --builtin table.ysh
144 |
145 | # Also run tests
146 |
147 | # I guess this should not require being in a specific dir.
148 | # Also I guess it doesn't need to be executable?
149 |
150 | # we can run tests under bash for OSH/YSH code, so there's no coupling.
151 |
152 | $REPO_ROOT/test/byo-client.sh run-tests $SH $REPO_ROOT/stdlib/stream.ysh
153 | $REPO_ROOT/test/byo-client.sh run-tests $SH $REPO_ROOT/stdlib/table.ysh
154 |
155 | #$SH $REPO_ROOT/stdlib/stream.ysh run-byo-tests
156 | # $SH $REPO_ROOT/stdlib/table.ysh run-byo-tests
157 |
158 | ## status: 0