introspect () { run-file introspect "$@" } run-file () { local spec_name=$1; shift; sh-spec spec/$ --compare-shells --oils-bin-dir $PWD/bin "$@" } introspect: spec test case results

Results for

pass 1213
BUG 10
0pass pass ${FUNCNAME[@]} array
1BUG pass FUNCNAME with source (scalar or array)
2pass pass BASH_SOURCE and BASH_LINENO scalar or array (e.g. for virtualenv)
3pass pass ${FUNCNAME} with prefix/suffix operators
4pass pass operators on FUNCNAME
5pass pass ${FUNCNAME} and "set -u" (OSH regression)
6pass pass $((BASH_LINENO)) (scalar form in arith)
7pass pass ${BASH_SOURCE[@]} with source and function name
8pass pass ${BASH_SOURCE[@]} with line numbers
9pass pass ${BASH_LINENO[@]} is a stack of line numbers for function calls
10pass pass Locations with temp frame
11pass pass Locations when sourcing
12pass pass Sourcing inside function grows the debug stack
25 passed, 0 OK, 0 not implemented, 1 BUG, 0 failed, 0 timeouts, 0 cases skipped

Details on runs that didn't PASS

bash1 FUNCNAME with source (scalar or array)

['  @', 'source', 'f', 'g']
['  0', 'source']
['${}', 'source']
['  $', 'source']
['  @']
['  0', '']
['${}', '']
['  $', '']
['  @', 'A']
['  0', 'A']
['${}', 'A']
['  $', 'A']