1 | ---
2 | default_highlighter: oils-sh
3 | ---
4 |
5 | BYO - Protocols for Build, Test, Deploy
6 | ===========
7 |
8 | Points of reference:
9 |
10 | - 12 factor app for Hosting (Heroku)
11 | - CGI / FastCGI
12 | - TAP - Test Anything Protocol
13 |
14 | Derived from usage in Oils itself.
15 |
16 | Name:
17 |
18 | - stood for Bash YSH OSH
19 | - But "bring your own" is a good acronym
20 |
21 | ## Detection
22 |
23 | BYO_COMMAND=detect ./any-executable </dev/null
24 | list-tests
25 | run-tests
26 |
27 | # must exit 66? 66 is ASCII 'B'
28 | # and print env
29 |
30 |
31 | ## Testing
32 |
33 | BYO_COMMAND=list-tests
34 |
35 | BYO_COMMAND=run-tests
36 | BYO_ARG=foo
37 |
38 | ## Benchmarking
39 |
40 | TSV?
41 |
42 | ## Build
43 |
44 | Ninja
45 |
46 |
47 | ## Deploy
48 |
49 | Hm
50 |
51 | ## Logs
52 |
53 | - Usage logs
54 | - Monitoring / latency logs