#!/bin/bash ## You can manually add an alternative kernel to the puppy cd. ## Just run this script and add the 'altkernel' dir to the target ISO with ISO Master ## uncomment URL=... and specify a link to the desired huge_kernel tarball ## you can place the tarball in the current dir and the script will not download it #URL=http://distro.ibiblio.org/puppylinux/huge_kernels/huge-3.4.103-tahr_nopae.tar.bz2 #===================================================================================== #command line if [ "$1" != "" ] ; then URL=$1 fi [ -z $URL ] && exit 1 if touch ____aaaaa_____ &>/dev/null ; then rm -f ____aaaaa_____ else echo "Need write access to $PWD" exit 1 fi file="$(basename "$URL")" mkdir -p altkernel DOWNLOAD_TARBALL=1 if [ -f "$file" ] ; then echo "* Verifying $file" tar -taf "$file" &>/dev/null && DOWNLOAD_TARBALL=0 fi if [ $DOWNLOAD_TARBALL -eq 1 ] ; then wget -c --no-check-certificate "$URL" echo "* Verifying $file" tar -taf "$file" &>/dev/null || exit 1 fi echo "* Extracting $file to altkernel" tar --directory=altkernel -xaf "$file" || exit 1 kernel_ver=$(echo "$file" | cut -f2 -d '-') mv -f altkernel/kernel-modules.sfs-* altkernel/zdrv.sfs mv -f altkernel/vmlinuz-* altkernel/vmlinuz echo "$URL" > altkernel/origin.txt echo "$kernel_ver" > altkernel/kernel_ver.txt if [ -z "$BUILDSYS" ] ; then isomaster & sleep 1 echo echo "Done !" echo "Now with 'ISO Master', add the 'altkernel' directory to the target ISO" fi ### END ###