1 | ## compare_shells: bash-4.4
2 |
3 | # Tests for bash's type flags on cells. Hopefully we don't have to implement
4 | # this, but it's good to know the behavior.
5 | #
6 | # OSH follows a Python-ish model of types carried with values/objects, not
7 | # locations.
8 | #
9 | # See https://github.com/oilshell/oil/issues/26
10 |
11 |
12 | #### declare -i -l -u errors can be silenced - ignore_flags_not_impl
13 |
14 | declare -i foo=2+3
15 | echo status=$?
16 | echo foo=$foo
17 | echo
18 |
19 | shopt -s ignore_flags_not_impl
20 | declare -i bar=2+3
21 | echo status=$?
22 | echo bar=$bar
23 |
24 | ## STDOUT:
25 | status=2
26 | foo=
27 |
28 | status=0
29 | bar=2+3
30 | ## END
31 |
32 | # bash doesn't need this
33 |
34 | ## OK bash STDOUT:
35 | status=0
36 | foo=5
37 |
38 | status=0
39 | bar=5
40 | ## END
41 |
42 | #### declare -i with +=
43 | declare s
44 | s='1 '
45 | s+=' 2 ' # string append
46 |
47 | declare -i i
48 | i='1 '
49 | i+=' 2 ' # arith add
50 |
51 | declare -i j
52 | j=x # treated like zero
53 | j+=' 2 ' # arith add
54 |
55 | echo "[$s]"
56 | echo [$i]
57 | echo [$j]
58 | ## STDOUT:
59 | [1 2 ]
60 | [3]
61 | [2]
62 | ## END
63 | ## N-I osh STDOUT:
64 | [1 2 ]
65 | [1 2 ]
66 | [x 2 ]
67 | ## END
68 |
69 | #### declare -i with arithmetic inside strings (Nix, issue 864)
70 |
71 | # example
72 | # https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/stdenv/generic/setup.sh#L379
73 |
74 | declare -i s
75 | s='1 + 2'
76 | echo s=$s
77 |
78 | declare -a array=(1 2 3)
79 | declare -i item
80 | item='array[1+1]'
81 | echo item=$item
82 |
83 | ## STDOUT:
84 | s=3
85 | item=3
86 | ## END
87 | ## N-I osh STDOUT:
88 | s=1 + 2
89 | item=array[1+1]
90 | ## END
91 |
92 | #### append in arith context
93 | declare s
94 | (( s='1 '))
95 | (( s+=' 2 ')) # arith add
96 | declare -i i
97 | (( i='1 ' ))
98 | (( i+=' 2 ' ))
99 | declare -i j
100 | (( j='x ' )) # treated like zero
101 | (( j+=' 2 ' ))
102 | echo "$s|$i|$j"
103 | ## STDOUT:
104 | 3|3|2
105 | ## END
106 |
107 | #### declare array vs. string: mixing -a +a and () ''
108 | # dynamic parsing of first argument.
109 | declare +a 'xyz1=1'
110 | declare +a 'xyz2=(2 3)'
111 | declare -a 'xyz3=4'
112 | declare -a 'xyz4=(5 6)'
113 | argv.py "${xyz1}" "${xyz2}" "${xyz3[@]}" "${xyz4[@]}"
114 | ## STDOUT:
115 | ['1', '(2 3)', '4', '5', '6']
116 | ## END
117 | ## N-I osh STDOUT:
118 | ['', '']
119 | ## END
120 |
121 |
122 | #### declare array vs. associative array
123 | # Hm I don't understand why the array only has one element. I guess because
124 | # index 0 is used twice?
125 | declare -a 'array=([a]=b [c]=d)'
126 | declare -A 'assoc=([a]=b [c]=d)'
127 | argv.py "${#array[@]}" "${!array[@]}" "${array[@]}"
128 | argv.py "${#assoc[@]}" "${!assoc[@]}" "${assoc[@]}"
129 | ## STDOUT:
130 | ['1', '0', 'd']
131 | ['2', 'a', 'c', 'b', 'd']
132 | ## END
133 | ## N-I osh STDOUT:
134 | ['0']
135 | ['0']
136 | ## END
137 |
138 |
139 | #### declare -l -u
140 |
141 | declare -l lower=FOO
142 | declare -u upper=foo
143 |
144 | echo $lower
145 | echo $upper
146 |
147 | # other:
148 | # -t trace
149 | # -I inherit attributes
150 |
151 | ## STDOUT:
152 | foo
153 | FOO
154 | ## END
155 |
156 | ## N-I osh STDOUT:
157 | FOO
158 | foo
159 | ## END