1 | ---
2 | in_progress: yes
3 | default_highlighter: oils-sh
4 | ---
5 |
6 | OSH Standard Library - Tiny Code, Evolved Over Years
7 | ===========
8 |
9 | The [OSH][] standard library runs under both OSH and bash. ([YSH][] has a
10 | separate standard library.)
11 |
12 | This doc briefly describes a few hundred lines of code, documented in the Oils
13 | reference:
14 |
15 | - [Oils Reference](ref/) > [OSH Table of Contents](ref/toc-osh.html)
16 |
17 |
18 | [OSH]: $xref
19 | [YSH]: $xref
20 |
21 |
22 | <div id="toc">
23 | </div>
24 |
25 | ## Intro
26 |
27 | I use shell as a quick / iterative / incremental development environment.
28 |
29 | I use "task files" and write down everything I do, so I don't forget them.
30 |
31 | They evolve and grew over time, but are still small.
32 |
33 | ### Example of Task File
34 |
35 | : ${LIB_OSH=stdlib/osh} # to share with bash
36 | source $LIB_OSH/bash-strict.sh
37 | source $LIB_OSH/task-five.sh
38 |
39 | test-foo() {
40 | echo hi
41 | }
42 |
43 | task-five "$@"
44 |
45 |
46 | ## List of Libraries
47 |
48 | ### two
49 |
50 | Trivial functions I use all the time.
51 |
52 | ### bash-strict
53 |
54 | Catch errors.
55 |
56 | Saves you some boilerplate.
57 |
58 | ### no-quotes
59 |
60 | Test framework without extra levels of quoting. Compare to git sharness.
61 |
62 | nq-capture
63 | nq-capture-2
64 | nq-assert
65 |
66 | ### byo-server
67 |
68 | - Test discovery
69 | - Probably:
70 | - task discovery
71 | - auto-completion
72 |
73 | May want to fold this into task-five.
74 |
75 | ### task-five
76 |
77 | - Task files
78 |
79 | ## Appendix
80 |
81 | ### Why no standard way to set `$REPO_ROOT`?
82 |
83 | We commonly use this idiom:
84 |
85 | REPO_ROOT=$(cd $(dirname $0)/..; pwd)
86 |
87 | But there is no library for it, because there's no standard way for it. Other
88 | variants I've seen:
89 |
90 | pwd -P # we use pwd
91 | readlink -f $0
92 |
93 | That is, there's not one way to do it when symlinks are involved.
94 |
95 | Most of our scripts must be run from repo root, and there are no symlinks to
96 | them.
97 |
98 | (Note that in OSH or YSH you can use `$_this_dir` instead of `$REPO_ROOT`, but
99 | it's not available in bash.)
100 |