1 | #!/usr/bin/env bash
2 | #
3 | # Usage:
4 | # ./show-fd-table.sh <function name>
5 |
6 | set -o nounset
7 | set -o pipefail
8 | set -o errexit
9 |
10 | source test/spec-runner.sh
11 |
12 | show-fd-table() {
13 | echo " function in pid $$"
14 | # Make it truly parallel
15 | sleep 0.5
16 | /usr/bin/env time --output /tmp/$$.txt -- spec/bin/show_fd_table.py "$@"
17 | }
18 |
19 | # Trying to recreate spec-runner problem with file descriptors.
20 | main() {
21 | spec/bin/show_fd_table.py
22 | echo
23 |
24 | spec/bin/show_fd_table.py 2>/dev/null
25 | echo
26 |
27 | # File descriptor 3 is open!
28 | /usr/bin/env time --output /tmp/task.txt -- spec/bin/show_fd_table.py
29 | echo
30 |
31 | # Cannot reproduce problem. What's the deal with descriptors 8 and 9? Oh
32 | # maybe they have to be truly parallel.
33 | echo 'XARGS'
34 | seq 10 | xargs -n 1 -P 10 --verbose -- $0 show-fd-table
35 | echo
36 | }
37 |
38 | "$@"