1 | #!/usr/bin/env python2
2 | from __future__ import print_function
3 | """fmt_check.py
4 |
5 | Check that the output HTML obeys the following rules:
6 |
7 | - No orphaned backticks '`' should be part of a `inline code block`
8 | (ie. any backticks not in a <code> block is treated as an error)
9 | """
10 |
11 | import HTMLParser
12 | import sys
13 |
14 | from doctools.util import log
15 |
16 |
17 | class TagAwareHTMLParser(HTMLParser.HTMLParser):
18 |
19 | def __init__(self, file):
20 | HTMLParser.HTMLParser.__init__(self)
21 | self.tag_stack = []
22 | self.file = file
23 |
24 | def location_str(self):
25 | line, col = self.getpos()
26 | return '%s:%d:%d' % (self.file, line, col)
27 |
28 | def handle_starttag(self, tag, _attrs):
29 | # Skip self-closing elements
30 | if tag in ('meta', 'img'):
31 | return
32 |
33 | self.tag_stack.append(tag)
34 |
35 | def handle_endtag(self, tag):
36 | popped = self.tag_stack.pop()
37 | if tag != popped:
38 | print('%s [WARN] Mismatched tag!' % self.location_str(),
39 | 'Expected </%s> but got </%s>' % (popped, tag))
40 |
41 |
42 | class CheckBackticks(TagAwareHTMLParser):
43 |
44 | def __init__(self, file):
45 | TagAwareHTMLParser.__init__(self, file)
46 | self.has_error = False
47 |
48 | def handle_data(self, text):
49 | # Ignore eg, <code> tags
50 | if len(self.tag_stack) and (self.tag_stack[-1]
51 | not in ("p", "h1", "h2", "h3", "a")):
52 | return
53 |
54 | idx = text.find('`')
55 | if idx == -1:
56 | return
57 |
58 | print('%s [ERROR] Found stray backtick %r' %
59 | (self.location_str(), text))
60 |
61 | self.has_error = True
62 |
63 |
64 | def FormatCheck(filename):
65 | backticks = CheckBackticks(filename)
66 | with open(filename, "r") as f:
67 | backticks.feed(f.read())
68 |
69 | return backticks.has_error
70 |
71 |
72 | def main(argv):
73 | any_error = False
74 | for path in argv[1:]:
75 | if not path.endswith('.html'):
76 | raise RuntimeError('Expected %r to be a .html file' % path)
77 |
78 | this_error = FormatCheck(path)
79 | any_error = any_error or this_error
80 | log("%s %s" % ("ER" if this_error else "OK", path))
81 |
82 | if any_error:
83 | raise RuntimeError("Formatting errors found")
84 |
85 |
86 | if __name__ == '__main__':
87 | try:
88 | main(sys.argv)
89 | except RuntimeError as e:
90 | print('FATAL: %s' % e, file=sys.stderr)
91 | sys.exit(1)