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2438 lines, 1475 significant
2word_eval.py - Evaluator for the word language.
5from _devbuild.gen.id_kind_asdl import Id, Kind, Kind_str
6from _devbuild.gen.syntax_asdl import (
7 Token,
8 SimpleVarSub,
9 loc,
10 loc_t,
11 BracedVarSub,
12 CommandSub,
13 bracket_op,
14 bracket_op_e,
15 suffix_op,
16 suffix_op_e,
17 ShArrayLiteral,
18 SingleQuoted,
19 DoubleQuoted,
20 word_e,
21 word_t,
22 CompoundWord,
23 rhs_word,
24 rhs_word_e,
25 rhs_word_t,
26 word_part,
27 word_part_e,
29from _devbuild.gen.runtime_asdl import (
30 part_value,
31 part_value_e,
32 part_value_t,
33 cmd_value,
34 cmd_value_e,
35 cmd_value_t,
36 AssignArg,
37 a_index,
38 a_index_e,
39 VTestPlace,
40 VarSubState,
41 Piece,
43from _devbuild.gen.option_asdl import option_i, builtin_i
44from _devbuild.gen.value_asdl import (
45 value,
46 value_e,
47 value_t,
48 sh_lvalue,
49 sh_lvalue_t,
51from core import error
52from core import pyos
53from core import pyutil
54from core import state
55from core import ui
56from core import util
57from data_lang import j8
58from data_lang import j8_lite
59from core.error import e_die
60from frontend import consts
61from frontend import lexer
62from frontend import location
63from mycpp import mops
64from mycpp.mylib import log, tagswitch, NewDict
65from osh import braces
66from osh import glob_
67from osh import string_ops
68from osh import word_
69from ysh import expr_eval
70from ysh import val_ops
72from typing import Optional, Tuple, List, Dict, cast, TYPE_CHECKING
75 from _devbuild.gen.syntax_asdl import word_part_t
76 from _devbuild.gen.option_asdl import builtin_t
77 from core import optview
78 from core.state import Mem
79 from core.ui import ErrorFormatter
80 from core.vm import _Executor
81 from osh.split import SplitContext
82 from osh import prompt
83 from osh import sh_expr_eval
85# Flags for _EvalWordToParts and _EvalWordPart (not all are used for both)
86QUOTED = 1 << 0
87IS_SUBST = 1 << 1
89EXTGLOB_FILES = 1 << 2 # allow @(cc) from file system?
90EXTGLOB_MATCH = 1 << 3 # allow @(cc) in pattern matching?
91EXTGLOB_NESTED = 1 << 4 # for @(one|!(two|three))
93# For EvalWordToString
94QUOTE_FNMATCH = 1 << 5
95QUOTE_ERE = 1 << 6
97# For compatibility, ${BASH_SOURCE} and ${BASH_SOURCE[@]} are both valid.
98# Ditto for ${FUNCNAME} and ${BASH_LINENO}.
102def ShouldArrayDecay(var_name, exec_opts, is_plain_var_sub=True):
103 # type: (str, optview.Exec, bool) -> bool
104 """Return whether we should allow ${a} to mean ${a[0]}."""
105 return (not exec_opts.strict_array() or
106 is_plain_var_sub and var_name in _STRING_AND_ARRAY)
109def DecayArray(val):
110 # type: (value_t) -> value_t
111 """Resolve ${array} to ${array[0]}."""
112 if val.tag() == value_e.BashArray:
113 array_val = cast(value.BashArray, val)
114 s = array_val.strs[0] if len(array_val.strs) else None
115 elif val.tag() == value_e.BashAssoc:
116 assoc_val = cast(value.BashAssoc, val)
117 s = assoc_val.d['0'] if '0' in assoc_val.d else None
118 else:
119 raise AssertionError(val.tag())
121 if s is None:
122 return value.Undef
123 else:
124 return value.Str(s)
127def GetArrayItem(strs, index):
128 # type: (List[str], int) -> Optional[str]
130 n = len(strs)
131 if index < 0:
132 index += n
134 if 0 <= index and index < n:
135 # TODO: strs->index() has a redundant check for (i < 0)
136 s = strs[index]
137 # note: s could be None because representation is sparse
138 else:
139 s = None
140 return s
143def _DetectMetaBuiltinStr(s):
144 # type: (str) -> bool
145 """
146 We need to detect all of these cases:
148 builtin local
149 command local
150 builtin builtin local
151 builtin command local
153 Fundamentally, assignment builtins have different WORD EVALUATION RULES
154 for a=$x (no word splitting), so it seems hard to do this in
155 meta_osh.Builtin() or meta_osh.Command()
156 """
157 return (consts.LookupNormalBuiltin(s)
158 in (builtin_i.builtin, builtin_i.command))
161def _DetectMetaBuiltin(val0):
162 # type: (part_value_t) -> bool
163 UP_val0 = val0
164 if val0.tag() == part_value_e.String:
165 val0 = cast(Piece, UP_val0)
166 if not val0.quoted:
167 return _DetectMetaBuiltinStr(val0.s)
168 return False
171def _SplitAssignArg(arg, blame_word):
172 # type: (str, CompoundWord) -> AssignArg
173 """Dynamically parse argument to declare, export, etc.
175 This is a fallback to the static parsing done below.
176 """
177 # Note: it would be better to cache regcomp(), but we don't have an API for
178 # that, and it probably isn't a bottleneck now
179 m = util.RegexSearch(consts.ASSIGN_ARG_RE, arg)
180 if m is None:
181 e_die("Assignment builtin expected NAME=value, got %r" % arg,
182 blame_word)
184 var_name = m[1]
185 # m[2] is used for grouping; ERE doesn't have non-capturing groups
187 op = m[3]
188 assert op is not None, op
189 if len(op): # declare NAME=
190 val = value.Str(m[4]) # type: Optional[value_t]
191 append = op[0] == '+'
192 else: # declare NAME
193 val = None # no operator
194 append = False
196 return AssignArg(var_name, val, append, blame_word)
199# NOTE: Could be done with util.BackslashEscape like glob_.GlobEscape().
200def _BackslashEscape(s):
201 # type: (str) -> str
202 """Double up backslashes.
204 Useful for strings about to be globbed and strings about to be IFS
205 escaped.
206 """
207 return s.replace('\\', '\\\\')
210def _ValueToPartValue(val, quoted, part_loc):
211 # type: (value_t, bool, word_part_t) -> part_value_t
212 """Helper for VarSub evaluation.
214 Called by _EvalBracedVarSub and _EvalWordPart for SimpleVarSub.
215 """
216 UP_val = val
218 with tagswitch(val) as case:
219 if case(value_e.Undef):
220 # This happens in the case of ${undef+foo}. We skipped _EmptyStrOrError,
221 # but we have to append to the empty string.
222 return Piece('', quoted, not quoted)
224 elif case(value_e.Str):
225 val = cast(value.Str, UP_val)
226 return Piece(val.s, quoted, not quoted)
228 elif case(value_e.BashArray):
229 val = cast(value.BashArray, UP_val)
230 return part_value.Array(val.strs)
232 elif case(value_e.BashAssoc):
233 val = cast(value.BashAssoc, UP_val)
234 # bash behavior: splice values!
235 return part_value.Array(val.d.values())
237 # Cases added for YSH
238 # value_e.List is also here - we use val_ops.stringify()s err message
239 elif case(value_e.Null, value_e.Bool, value_e.Int, value_e.Float,
240 value_e.Eggex, value_e.List):
241 s = val_ops.Stringify(val, loc.Missing)
242 return Piece(s, quoted, not quoted)
244 else:
245 raise error.TypeErr(val, "Can't substitute into word",
246 loc.WordPart(part_loc))
248 raise AssertionError('for -Wreturn-type in C++')
251def _MakeWordFrames(part_vals):
252 # type: (List[part_value_t]) -> List[List[Piece]]
253 """A word evaluates to a flat list of part_value (String or Array). frame
254 is a portion that results in zero or more args. It can never be joined.
255 This idea exists because of arrays like "$@" and "${a[@]}".
257 Example:
259 a=(1 '2 3' 4)
260 x=x
261 y=y
263 # This word
264 $x"${a[@]}"$y
266 # Results in Three frames:
267 [ ('x', False, True), ('1', True, False) ]
268 [ ('2 3', True, False) ]
269 [ ('4', True, False), ('y', False, True) ]
271 Note: A frame is a 3-tuple that's identical to Piece()? Maybe we
272 should make that top level type.
274 TODO:
275 - Instead of List[List[Piece]], where List[Piece] is a Frame
276 - Change this representation to
277 Frames = (List[Piece] pieces, List[int] break_indices)
278 # where break_indices are the end
280 Consider a common case like "$x" or "${x}" - I think this a lot more
281 efficient?
283 And then change _EvalWordFrame(pieces: List[Piece], start: int, end: int)
284 """
285 current = [] # type: List[Piece]
286 frames = [current]
288 for p in part_vals:
289 UP_p = p
291 with tagswitch(p) as case:
292 if case(part_value_e.String):
293 p = cast(Piece, UP_p)
294 current.append(p)
296 elif case(part_value_e.Array):
297 p = cast(part_value.Array, UP_p)
299 is_first = True
300 for s in p.strs:
301 if s is None:
302 continue # ignore undefined array entries
304 # Arrays parts are always quoted; otherwise they would have decayed to
305 # a string.
306 piece = Piece(s, True, False)
307 if is_first:
308 current.append(piece)
309 is_first = False
310 else:
311 current = [piece]
312 frames.append(current) # singleton frame
314 else:
315 raise AssertionError()
317 return frames
320# TODO: This could be _MakeWordFrames and then sep.join(). It's redundant.
321def _DecayPartValuesToString(part_vals, join_char):
322 # type: (List[part_value_t], str) -> str
323 # Decay ${a=x"$@"x} to string.
324 out = [] # type: List[str]
325 for p in part_vals:
326 UP_p = p
327 with tagswitch(p) as case:
328 if case(part_value_e.String):
329 p = cast(Piece, UP_p)
330 out.append(p.s)
331 elif case(part_value_e.Array):
332 p = cast(part_value.Array, UP_p)
333 # TODO: Eliminate double join for speed?
334 tmp = [s for s in p.strs if s is not None]
335 out.append(join_char.join(tmp))
336 else:
337 raise AssertionError()
338 return ''.join(out)
341def _PerformSlice(
342 val, # type: value_t
343 begin, # type: int
344 length, # type: int
345 has_length, # type: bool
346 part, # type: BracedVarSub
347 arg0_val, # type: value.Str
349 # type: (...) -> value_t
350 UP_val = val
351 with tagswitch(val) as case:
352 if case(value_e.Str): # Slice UTF-8 characters in a string.
353 val = cast(value.Str, UP_val)
354 s = val.s
355 n = len(s)
357 if begin < 0: # Compute offset with unicode
358 byte_begin = n
359 num_iters = -begin
360 for _ in xrange(num_iters):
361 byte_begin = string_ops.PreviousUtf8Char(s, byte_begin)
362 else:
363 byte_begin = string_ops.AdvanceUtf8Chars(s, begin, 0)
365 if has_length:
366 if length < 0: # Compute offset with unicode
367 # Confusing: this is a POSITION
368 byte_end = n
369 num_iters = -length
370 for _ in xrange(num_iters):
371 byte_end = string_ops.PreviousUtf8Char(s, byte_end)
372 else:
373 byte_end = string_ops.AdvanceUtf8Chars(
374 s, length, byte_begin)
375 else:
376 byte_end = len(s)
378 substr = s[byte_begin:byte_end]
379 result = value.Str(substr) # type: value_t
381 elif case(value_e.BashArray): # Slice array entries.
382 val = cast(value.BashArray, UP_val)
383 # NOTE: This error is ALWAYS fatal in bash. It's inconsistent with
384 # strings.
385 if has_length and length < 0:
386 e_die("Array slice can't have negative length: %d" % length,
387 loc.WordPart(part))
389 # Quirk: "begin" for positional arguments ($@ and $*) counts $0.
390 if arg0_val is not None:
391 orig = [arg0_val.s]
392 orig.extend(val.strs)
393 else:
394 orig = val.strs
396 n = len(orig)
397 if begin < 0:
398 i = n + begin # ${@:-3} starts counts from the end
399 else:
400 i = begin
401 strs = [] # type: List[str]
402 count = 0
403 while i < n:
404 if has_length and count == length: # length could be 0
405 break
406 s = orig[i]
407 if s is not None: # Unset elements don't count towards the length
408 strs.append(s)
409 count += 1
410 i += 1
412 result = value.BashArray(strs)
414 elif case(value_e.BashAssoc):
415 e_die("Can't slice associative arrays", loc.WordPart(part))
417 else:
418 raise error.TypeErr(val, 'Slice op expected Str or BashArray',
419 loc.WordPart(part))
421 return result
424class StringWordEvaluator(object):
425 """Interface used by ArithEvaluator / BoolEvaluator"""
427 def __init__(self):
428 # type: () -> None
429 """Empty constructor for mycpp."""
430 pass
432 def EvalWordToString(self, w, eval_flags=0):
433 # type: (word_t, int) -> value.Str
434 raise NotImplementedError()
437def _GetDollarHyphen(exec_opts):
438 # type: (optview.Exec) -> str
439 chars = [] # type: List[str]
440 if exec_opts.interactive():
441 chars.append('i')
443 if exec_opts.errexit():
444 chars.append('e')
445 if exec_opts.noglob():
446 chars.append('f')
447 if exec_opts.noexec():
448 chars.append('n')
449 if exec_opts.nounset():
450 chars.append('u')
451 # NO letter for pipefail?
452 if exec_opts.xtrace():
453 chars.append('x')
454 if exec_opts.noclobber():
455 chars.append('C')
457 # bash has:
458 # - c for sh -c, i for sh -i (mksh also has this)
459 # - h for hashing (mksh also has this)
460 # - B for brace expansion
461 return ''.join(chars)
464class TildeEvaluator(object):
466 def __init__(self, mem, exec_opts):
467 # type: (Mem, optview.Exec) -> None
468 self.mem = mem
469 self.exec_opts = exec_opts
471 def GetMyHomeDir(self):
472 # type: () -> Optional[str]
473 """Consult $HOME first, and then make a libc call.
475 Important: the libc call can FAIL, which is why we prefer $HOME. See issue
476 #1578.
477 """
478 # First look up the HOME var, then ask the OS. This is what bash does.
479 val = self.mem.GetValue('HOME')
480 UP_val = val
481 if val.tag() == value_e.Str:
482 val = cast(value.Str, UP_val)
483 return val.s
484 return pyos.GetMyHomeDir()
486 def Eval(self, part):
487 # type: (word_part.TildeSub) -> str
488 """Evaluates ~ and ~user, given a Lit_TildeLike token."""
490 if part.user_name is None:
491 result = self.GetMyHomeDir()
492 else:
493 result = pyos.GetHomeDir(part.user_name)
495 if result is None:
496 if self.exec_opts.strict_tilde():
497 e_die("Error expanding tilde (e.g. invalid user)", part.left)
498 else:
499 # Return ~ or ~user literally
500 result = '~'
501 if part.user_name is not None:
502 result = result + part.user_name # mycpp doesn't have +=
504 return result
507class AbstractWordEvaluator(StringWordEvaluator):
508 """Abstract base class for word evaluators.
510 Public entry points:
511 EvalWordToString EvalForPlugin EvalRhsWord
512 EvalWordSequence EvalWordSequence2
513 """
515 def __init__(
516 self,
517 mem, # type: state.Mem
518 exec_opts, # type: optview.Exec
519 mutable_opts, # type: state.MutableOpts
520 tilde_ev, # type: TildeEvaluator
521 splitter, # type: SplitContext
522 errfmt, # type: ui.ErrorFormatter
523 ):
524 # type: (...) -> None
525 self.arith_ev = None # type: sh_expr_eval.ArithEvaluator
526 self.expr_ev = None # type: expr_eval.ExprEvaluator
527 self.prompt_ev = None # type: prompt.Evaluator
529 self.unsafe_arith = None # type: sh_expr_eval.UnsafeArith
531 self.tilde_ev = tilde_ev
533 self.mem = mem # for $HOME, $1, etc.
534 self.exec_opts = exec_opts # for nounset
535 self.mutable_opts = mutable_opts # for _allow_command_sub
536 self.splitter = splitter
537 self.errfmt = errfmt
539 self.globber = glob_.Globber(exec_opts)
541 def CheckCircularDeps(self):
542 # type: () -> None
543 raise NotImplementedError()
545 def _EvalCommandSub(self, cs_part, quoted):
546 # type: (CommandSub, bool) -> part_value_t
547 """Abstract since it has a side effect."""
548 raise NotImplementedError()
550 def _EvalProcessSub(self, cs_part):
551 # type: (CommandSub) -> part_value_t
552 """Abstract since it has a side effect."""
553 raise NotImplementedError()
555 def _EvalVarNum(self, var_num):
556 # type: (int) -> value_t
557 assert var_num >= 0
558 return self.mem.GetArgNum(var_num)
560 def _EvalSpecialVar(self, op_id, quoted, vsub_state):
561 # type: (int, bool, VarSubState) -> value_t
562 """Evaluate $?
564 and so forth
565 """
566 # $@ is special -- it need to know whether it is in a double quoted
567 # context.
568 #
569 # - If it's $@ in a double quoted context, return an ARRAY.
570 # - If it's $@ in a normal context, return a STRING, which then will be
571 # subject to splitting.
573 if op_id in (Id.VSub_At, Id.VSub_Star):
574 argv = self.mem.GetArgv()
575 val = value.BashArray(argv) # type: value_t
576 if op_id == Id.VSub_At:
577 # "$@" evaluates to an array, $@ should be decayed
578 vsub_state.join_array = not quoted
579 else: # $* "$*" are both decayed
580 vsub_state.join_array = True
582 elif op_id == Id.VSub_Hyphen:
583 val = value.Str(_GetDollarHyphen(self.exec_opts))
585 else:
586 val = self.mem.GetSpecialVar(op_id)
588 return val
590 def _ApplyTestOp(
591 self,
592 val, # type: value_t
593 op, # type: suffix_op.Unary
594 quoted, # type: bool
595 part_vals, # type: Optional[List[part_value_t]]
596 vtest_place, # type: VTestPlace
597 blame_token, # type: Token
598 ):
599 # type: (...) -> bool
600 """
601 Returns:
602 Whether part_vals was mutated
604 ${a:-} returns part_value[]
605 ${a:+} returns part_value[]
606 ${a:?error} returns error word?
607 ${a:=} returns part_value[] but also needs self.mem for side effects.
609 So I guess it should return part_value[], and then a flag for raising an
610 error, and then a flag for assigning it?
611 The original BracedVarSub will have the name.
613 Example of needing multiple part_value[]
615 echo X-${a:-'def'"ault"}-X
617 We return two part values from the BracedVarSub. Also consider:
619 echo ${a:-x"$@"x}
620 """
621 eval_flags = IS_SUBST
622 if quoted:
623 eval_flags |= QUOTED
625 tok = op.op
626 # NOTE: Splicing part_values is necessary because of code like
627 # ${undef:-'a b' c 'd # e'}. Each part_value can have a different
628 # do_glob/do_elide setting.
629 UP_val = val
630 with tagswitch(val) as case:
631 if case(value_e.Undef):
632 is_falsey = True
634 elif case(value_e.Str):
635 val = cast(value.Str, UP_val)
636 if tok.id in (Id.VTest_ColonHyphen, Id.VTest_ColonEquals,
637 Id.VTest_ColonQMark, Id.VTest_ColonPlus):
638 is_falsey = len(val.s) == 0
639 else:
640 is_falsey = False
642 elif case(value_e.BashArray):
643 val = cast(value.BashArray, UP_val)
644 # TODO: allow undefined
645 is_falsey = len(val.strs) == 0
647 elif case(value_e.BashAssoc):
648 val = cast(value.BashAssoc, UP_val)
649 is_falsey = len(val.d) == 0
651 else:
652 # value.Eggex, etc. are all false
653 is_falsey = False
655 if tok.id in (Id.VTest_ColonHyphen, Id.VTest_Hyphen):
656 if is_falsey:
657 self._EvalRhsWordToParts(op.arg_word, part_vals, eval_flags)
658 return True
659 else:
660 return False
662 # Inverse of the above.
663 elif tok.id in (Id.VTest_ColonPlus, Id.VTest_Plus):
664 if is_falsey:
665 return False
666 else:
667 self._EvalRhsWordToParts(op.arg_word, part_vals, eval_flags)
668 return True
670 # Splice and assign
671 elif tok.id in (Id.VTest_ColonEquals, Id.VTest_Equals):
672 if is_falsey:
673 # Collect new part vals.
674 assign_part_vals = [] # type: List[part_value_t]
675 self._EvalRhsWordToParts(op.arg_word, assign_part_vals,
676 eval_flags)
677 # Append them to out param AND return them.
678 part_vals.extend(assign_part_vals)
680 if vtest_place.name is None:
681 # TODO: error context
682 e_die("Can't assign to special variable")
683 else:
684 # NOTE: This decays arrays too! 'shopt -s strict_array' could
685 # avoid it.
686 rhs_str = _DecayPartValuesToString(
687 assign_part_vals, self.splitter.GetJoinChar())
688 if vtest_place.index is None: # using None when no index
689 lval = location.LName(
690 vtest_place.name) # type: sh_lvalue_t
691 else:
692 var_name = vtest_place.name
693 var_index = vtest_place.index
694 UP_var_index = var_index
696 with tagswitch(var_index) as case:
697 if case(a_index_e.Int):
698 var_index = cast(a_index.Int, UP_var_index)
699 lval = sh_lvalue.Indexed(
700 var_name, var_index.i, loc.Missing)
701 elif case(a_index_e.Str):
702 var_index = cast(a_index.Str, UP_var_index)
703 lval = sh_lvalue.Keyed(var_name, var_index.s,
704 loc.Missing)
705 else:
706 raise AssertionError()
708 state.OshLanguageSetValue(self.mem, lval,
709 value.Str(rhs_str))
710 return True
712 else:
713 return False
715 elif tok.id in (Id.VTest_ColonQMark, Id.VTest_QMark):
716 if is_falsey:
717 # The arg is the error message
718 error_part_vals = [] # type: List[part_value_t]
719 self._EvalRhsWordToParts(op.arg_word, error_part_vals,
720 eval_flags)
721 error_str = _DecayPartValuesToString(
722 error_part_vals, self.splitter.GetJoinChar())
724 #
725 # Display fancy/helpful error
726 #
727 if vtest_place.name is None:
728 var_name = '???'
729 else:
730 var_name = vtest_place.name
732 if 0:
733 # This hint is nice, but looks too noisy for now
734 op_str = lexer.LazyStr(tok)
735 if tok.id == Id.VTest_ColonQMark:
736 why = 'empty or unset'
737 else:
738 why = 'unset'
740 self.errfmt.Print_(
741 "Hint: operator %s means a variable can't be %s" %
742 (op_str, why), tok)
744 if val.tag() == value_e.Undef:
745 actual = 'unset'
746 else:
747 actual = 'empty'
749 if len(error_str):
750 suffix = ': %r' % error_str
751 else:
752 suffix = ''
753 e_die("Var %s is %s%s" % (var_name, actual, suffix),
754 blame_token)
756 else:
757 return False
759 else:
760 raise AssertionError(tok.id)
762 def _Length(self, val, token):
763 # type: (value_t, Token) -> int
764 """Returns the length of the value, for ${#var}"""
765 UP_val = val
766 with tagswitch(val) as case:
767 if case(value_e.Str):
768 val = cast(value.Str, UP_val)
769 # NOTE: Whether bash counts bytes or chars is affected by LANG
770 # environment variables.
771 # Should we respect that, or another way to select? set -o
772 # count-bytes?
774 # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17368067/length-of-string-in-bash
775 try:
776 length = string_ops.CountUtf8Chars(val.s)
777 except error.Strict as e:
778 # Add this here so we don't have to add it so far down the stack.
779 # TODO: It's better to show BOTH this CODE an the actual DATA
780 # somehow.
781 e.location = token
783 if self.exec_opts.strict_word_eval():
784 raise
785 else:
786 # NOTE: Doesn't make the command exit with 1; it just returns a
787 # length of -1.
788 self.errfmt.PrettyPrintError(e, prefix='warning: ')
789 return -1
791 elif case(value_e.BashArray):
792 val = cast(value.BashArray, UP_val)
793 # There can be empty placeholder values in the array.
794 length = 0
795 for s in val.strs:
796 if s is not None:
797 length += 1
799 elif case(value_e.BashAssoc):
800 val = cast(value.BashAssoc, UP_val)
801 length = len(val.d)
803 else:
804 raise error.TypeErr(
805 val, "Length op expected Str, BashArray, BashAssoc", token)
807 return length
809 def _Keys(self, val, token):
810 # type: (value_t, Token) -> value_t
811 """Return keys of a container, for ${!array[@]}"""
813 UP_val = val
814 with tagswitch(val) as case:
815 if case(value_e.BashArray):
816 val = cast(value.BashArray, UP_val)
817 # translation issue: tuple indices not supported in list comprehensions
818 #indices = [str(i) for i, s in enumerate(val.strs) if s is not None]
819 indices = [] # type: List[str]
820 for i, s in enumerate(val.strs):
821 if s is not None:
822 indices.append(str(i))
823 return value.BashArray(indices)
825 elif case(value_e.BashAssoc):
826 val = cast(value.BashAssoc, UP_val)
827 assert val.d is not None # for MyPy, so it's not Optional[]
829 # BUG: Keys aren't ordered according to insertion!
830 return value.BashArray(val.d.keys())
832 else:
833 raise error.TypeErr(val, 'Keys op expected Str', token)
835 def _EvalVarRef(self, val, blame_tok, quoted, vsub_state, vtest_place):
836 # type: (value_t, Token, bool, VarSubState, VTestPlace) -> value_t
837 """Handles indirect expansion like ${!var} and ${!a[0]}.
839 Args:
840 blame_tok: 'foo' for ${!foo}
841 """
842 UP_val = val
843 with tagswitch(val) as case:
844 if case(value_e.Undef):
845 return value.Undef # ${!undef} is just weird bash behavior
847 elif case(value_e.Str):
848 val = cast(value.Str, UP_val)
849 bvs_part = self.unsafe_arith.ParseVarRef(val.s, blame_tok)
850 return self._VarRefValue(bvs_part, quoted, vsub_state,
851 vtest_place)
853 elif case(value_e.BashArray): # caught earlier but OK
854 e_die('Indirect expansion of array')
856 elif case(value_e.BashAssoc): # caught earlier but OK
857 e_die('Indirect expansion of assoc array')
859 else:
860 raise error.TypeErr(val, 'Var Ref op expected Str', blame_tok)
862 def _ApplyUnarySuffixOp(self, val, op):
863 # type: (value_t, suffix_op.Unary) -> value_t
864 assert val.tag() != value_e.Undef
866 op_kind = consts.GetKind(op.op.id)
868 if op_kind == Kind.VOp1:
869 # NOTE: glob syntax is supported in ^ ^^ , ,, ! As well as % %% # ##.
870 # Detect has_extglob so that DoUnarySuffixOp doesn't use the fast
871 # shortcut for constant strings.
872 arg_val, has_extglob = self.EvalWordToPattern(op.arg_word)
873 assert arg_val.tag() == value_e.Str
875 UP_val = val
876 with tagswitch(val) as case:
877 if case(value_e.Str):
878 val = cast(value.Str, UP_val)
879 s = string_ops.DoUnarySuffixOp(val.s, op.op, arg_val.s,
880 has_extglob)
881 #log('%r %r -> %r', val.s, arg_val.s, s)
882 new_val = value.Str(s) # type: value_t
884 elif case(value_e.BashArray):
885 val = cast(value.BashArray, UP_val)
886 # ${a[@]#prefix} is VECTORIZED on arrays. YSH should have this too.
887 strs = [] # type: List[str]
888 for s in val.strs:
889 if s is not None:
890 strs.append(
891 string_ops.DoUnarySuffixOp(
892 s, op.op, arg_val.s, has_extglob))
893 new_val = value.BashArray(strs)
895 elif case(value_e.BashAssoc):
896 val = cast(value.BashAssoc, UP_val)
897 strs = []
898 for s in val.d.values():
899 strs.append(
900 string_ops.DoUnarySuffixOp(s, op.op, arg_val.s,
901 has_extglob))
902 new_val = value.BashArray(strs)
904 else:
905 raise error.TypeErr(
906 val, 'Unary op expected Str, BashArray, BashAssoc',
907 op.op)
909 else:
910 raise AssertionError(Kind_str(op_kind))
912 return new_val
914 def _PatSub(self, val, op):
915 # type: (value_t, suffix_op.PatSub) -> value_t
917 pat_val, has_extglob = self.EvalWordToPattern(op.pat)
918 # Extended globs aren't supported because we only translate * ? etc. to
919 # ERE. I don't think there's a straightforward translation from !(*.py) to
920 # ERE! You would need an engine that supports negation? (Derivatives?)
921 if has_extglob:
922 e_die('extended globs not supported in ${x//GLOB/}', op.pat)
924 if op.replace:
925 replace_val = self.EvalRhsWord(op.replace)
926 # Can't have an array, so must be a string
927 assert replace_val.tag() == value_e.Str, replace_val
928 replace_str = cast(value.Str, replace_val).s
929 else:
930 replace_str = ''
932 # note: doesn't support self.exec_opts.extglob()!
933 regex, warnings = glob_.GlobToERE(pat_val.s)
934 if len(warnings):
935 # TODO:
936 # - Add 'shopt -s strict_glob' mode and expose warnings.
937 # "Glob is not in CANONICAL FORM".
938 # - Propagate location info back to the 'op.pat' word.
939 pass
940 #log('regex %r', regex)
941 replacer = string_ops.GlobReplacer(regex, replace_str, op.slash_tok)
943 with tagswitch(val) as case2:
944 if case2(value_e.Str):
945 str_val = cast(value.Str, val)
946 s = replacer.Replace(str_val.s, op)
947 val = value.Str(s)
949 elif case2(value_e.BashArray):
950 array_val = cast(value.BashArray, val)
951 strs = [] # type: List[str]
952 for s in array_val.strs:
953 if s is not None:
954 strs.append(replacer.Replace(s, op))
955 val = value.BashArray(strs)
957 elif case2(value_e.BashAssoc):
958 assoc_val = cast(value.BashAssoc, val)
959 strs = []
960 for s in assoc_val.d.values():
961 strs.append(replacer.Replace(s, op))
962 val = value.BashArray(strs)
964 else:
965 raise error.TypeErr(
966 val, 'Pat Sub op expected Str, BashArray, BashAssoc',
967 op.slash_tok)
969 return val
971 def _Slice(self, val, op, var_name, part):
972 # type: (value_t, suffix_op.Slice, Optional[str], BracedVarSub) -> value_t
974 begin = self.arith_ev.EvalToInt(op.begin)
976 # Note: bash allows lengths to be negative (with odd semantics), but
977 # we don't allow that right now.
978 has_length = False
979 length = -1
980 if op.length:
981 has_length = True
982 length = self.arith_ev.EvalToInt(op.length)
984 try:
985 arg0_val = None # type: value.Str
986 if var_name is None: # $* or $@
987 arg0_val = self.mem.GetArg0()
988 val = _PerformSlice(val, begin, length, has_length, part, arg0_val)
989 except error.Strict as e:
990 if self.exec_opts.strict_word_eval():
991 raise
992 else:
993 self.errfmt.PrettyPrintError(e, prefix='warning: ')
994 with tagswitch(val) as case2:
995 if case2(value_e.Str):
996 val = value.Str('')
997 elif case2(value_e.BashArray):
998 val = value.BashArray([])
999 else:
1000 raise NotImplementedError()
1001 return val
1003 def _Nullary(self, val, op, var_name):
1004 # type: (value_t, Token, Optional[str]) -> Tuple[value.Str, bool]
1006 UP_val = val
1007 quoted2 = False
1008 op_id = op.id
1009 if op_id == Id.VOp0_P:
1010 with tagswitch(val) as case:
1011 if case(value_e.Str):
1012 str_val = cast(value.Str, UP_val)
1013 prompt = self.prompt_ev.EvalPrompt(str_val)
1014 # readline gets rid of these, so we should too.
1015 p = prompt.replace('\x01', '').replace('\x02', '')
1016 result = value.Str(p)
1017 else:
1018 e_die("Can't use @P on %s" % ui.ValType(val), op)
1020 elif op_id == Id.VOp0_Q:
1021 with tagswitch(val) as case:
1022 if case(value_e.Str):
1023 str_val = cast(value.Str, UP_val)
1025 # TODO: use fastfunc.ShellEncode or
1026 # fastfunc.PosixShellEncode()
1027 result = value.Str(j8_lite.MaybeShellEncode(str_val.s))
1028 # oddly, 'echo ${x@Q}' is equivalent to 'echo "${x@Q}"' in bash
1029 quoted2 = True
1030 elif case(value_e.BashArray):
1031 array_val = cast(value.BashArray, UP_val)
1033 # TODO: should use fastfunc.ShellEncode
1034 tmp = [j8_lite.MaybeShellEncode(s) for s in array_val.strs]
1035 result = value.Str(' '.join(tmp))
1036 else:
1037 e_die("Can't use @Q on %s" % ui.ValType(val), op)
1039 elif op_id == Id.VOp0_a:
1040 # We're ONLY simluating -a and -A, not -r -x -n for now. See
1041 # spec/ble-idioms.test.sh.
1042 chars = [] # type: List[str]
1043 with tagswitch(val) as case:
1044 if case(value_e.BashArray):
1045 chars.append('a')
1046 elif case(value_e.BashAssoc):
1047 chars.append('A')
1049 if var_name is not None: # e.g. ${?@a} is allowed
1050 cell = self.mem.GetCell(var_name)
1051 if cell:
1052 if cell.readonly:
1053 chars.append('r')
1054 if cell.exported:
1055 chars.append('x')
1056 if cell.nameref:
1057 chars.append('n')
1059 result = value.Str(''.join(chars))
1061 else:
1062 e_die('Var op %r not implemented' % lexer.TokenVal(op), op)
1064 return result, quoted2
1066 def _WholeArray(self, val, part, quoted, vsub_state):
1067 # type: (value_t, BracedVarSub, bool, VarSubState) -> value_t
1068 op_id = cast(bracket_op.WholeArray, part.bracket_op).op_id
1070 if op_id == Id.Lit_At:
1071 vsub_state.join_array = not quoted # ${a[@]} decays but "${a[@]}" doesn't
1072 UP_val = val
1073 with tagswitch(val) as case2:
1074 if case2(value_e.Undef):
1075 if not vsub_state.has_test_op:
1076 val = self._EmptyBashArrayOrError(part.token)
1077 elif case2(value_e.Str):
1078 if self.exec_opts.strict_array():
1079 e_die("Can't index string with @", loc.WordPart(part))
1080 elif case2(value_e.BashArray):
1081 pass # no-op
1083 elif op_id == Id.Arith_Star:
1084 vsub_state.join_array = True # both ${a[*]} and "${a[*]}" decay
1085 UP_val = val
1086 with tagswitch(val) as case2:
1087 if case2(value_e.Undef):
1088 if not vsub_state.has_test_op:
1089 val = self._EmptyBashArrayOrError(part.token)
1090 elif case2(value_e.Str):
1091 if self.exec_opts.strict_array():
1092 e_die("Can't index string with *", loc.WordPart(part))
1093 elif case2(value_e.BashArray):
1094 pass # no-op
1096 else:
1097 raise AssertionError(op_id) # unknown
1099 return val
1101 def _ArrayIndex(self, val, part, vtest_place):
1102 # type: (value_t, BracedVarSub, VTestPlace) -> value_t
1103 """Process a numeric array index like ${a[i+1]}"""
1104 anode = cast(bracket_op.ArrayIndex, part.bracket_op).expr
1106 UP_val = val
1107 with tagswitch(val) as case2:
1108 if case2(value_e.Undef):
1109 pass # it will be checked later
1111 elif case2(value_e.Str):
1112 # Bash treats any string as an array, so we can't add our own
1113 # behavior here without making valid OSH invalid bash.
1114 e_die("Can't index string %r with integer" % part.var_name,
1115 part.token)
1117 elif case2(value_e.BashArray):
1118 array_val = cast(value.BashArray, UP_val)
1119 index = self.arith_ev.EvalToInt(anode)
1120 vtest_place.index = a_index.Int(index)
1122 s = GetArrayItem(array_val.strs, index)
1124 if s is None:
1125 val = value.Undef
1126 else:
1127 val = value.Str(s)
1129 elif case2(value_e.BashAssoc):
1130 assoc_val = cast(value.BashAssoc, UP_val)
1131 # Location could also be attached to bracket_op? But
1132 # arith_expr.VarSub works OK too
1133 key = self.arith_ev.EvalWordToString(
1134 anode, blame_loc=location.TokenForArith(anode))
1136 vtest_place.index = a_index.Str(key) # out param
1137 s = assoc_val.d.get(key)
1139 if s is None:
1140 val = value.Undef
1141 else:
1142 val = value.Str(s)
1144 else:
1145 raise error.TypeErr(val,
1146 'Index op expected BashArray, BashAssoc',
1147 loc.WordPart(part))
1149 return val
1151 def _EvalDoubleQuoted(self, parts, part_vals):
1152 # type: (List[word_part_t], List[part_value_t]) -> None
1153 """Evaluate parts of a DoubleQuoted part.
1155 Args:
1156 part_vals: output param to append to.
1157 """
1158 # Example of returning array:
1159 # $ a=(1 2); b=(3); $ c=(4 5)
1160 # $ argv "${a[@]}${b[@]}${c[@]}"
1161 # ['1', '234', '5']
1162 #
1163 # Example of multiple parts
1164 # $ argv "${a[@]}${undef[@]:-${c[@]}}"
1165 # ['1', '24', '5']
1167 # Special case for "". The parser outputs (DoubleQuoted []), instead
1168 # of (DoubleQuoted [Literal '']). This is better but it means we
1169 # have to check for it.
1170 if len(parts) == 0:
1171 v = Piece('', True, False)
1172 part_vals.append(v)
1173 return
1175 for p in parts:
1176 self._EvalWordPart(p, part_vals, QUOTED)
1178 def EvalDoubleQuotedToString(self, dq_part):
1179 # type: (DoubleQuoted) -> str
1180 """For double quoted strings in YSH expressions.
1182 Example: var x = "$foo-${foo}"
1183 """
1184 part_vals = [] # type: List[part_value_t]
1185 self._EvalDoubleQuoted(dq_part.parts, part_vals)
1186 return self._ConcatPartVals(part_vals, dq_part.left)
1188 def _DecayArray(self, val):
1189 # type: (value.BashArray) -> value.Str
1190 """Decay $* to a string."""
1191 assert val.tag() == value_e.BashArray, val
1192 sep = self.splitter.GetJoinChar()
1193 tmp = [s for s in val.strs if s is not None]
1194 return value.Str(sep.join(tmp))
1196 def _EmptyStrOrError(self, val, token):
1197 # type: (value_t, Token) -> value_t
1198 if val.tag() != value_e.Undef:
1199 return val
1201 if not self.exec_opts.nounset():
1202 return value.Str('')
1204 tok_str = lexer.TokenVal(token)
1205 name = tok_str[1:] if tok_str.startswith('$') else tok_str
1206 e_die('Undefined variable %r' % name, token)
1208 def _EmptyBashArrayOrError(self, token):
1209 # type: (Token) -> value_t
1210 assert token is not None
1211 if self.exec_opts.nounset():
1212 e_die('Undefined array %r' % lexer.TokenVal(token), token)
1213 else:
1214 return value.BashArray([])
1216 def _EvalBracketOp(self, val, part, quoted, vsub_state, vtest_place):
1217 # type: (value_t, BracedVarSub, bool, VarSubState, VTestPlace) -> value_t
1219 if part.bracket_op:
1220 with tagswitch(part.bracket_op) as case:
1221 if case(bracket_op_e.WholeArray):
1222 val = self._WholeArray(val, part, quoted, vsub_state)
1224 elif case(bracket_op_e.ArrayIndex):
1225 val = self._ArrayIndex(val, part, vtest_place)
1227 else:
1228 raise AssertionError(part.bracket_op.tag())
1230 else: # no bracket op
1231 var_name = vtest_place.name
1232 if (var_name is not None and
1233 val.tag() in (value_e.BashArray, value_e.BashAssoc) and
1234 not vsub_state.is_type_query):
1235 if ShouldArrayDecay(var_name, self.exec_opts,
1236 not (part.prefix_op or part.suffix_op)):
1237 # for ${BASH_SOURCE}, etc.
1238 val = DecayArray(val)
1239 else:
1240 e_die(
1241 "Array %r can't be referred to as a scalar (without @ or *)"
1242 % var_name, loc.WordPart(part))
1244 return val
1246 def _VarRefValue(self, part, quoted, vsub_state, vtest_place):
1247 # type: (BracedVarSub, bool, VarSubState, VTestPlace) -> value_t
1248 """Duplicates some logic from _EvalBracedVarSub, but returns a
1249 value_t."""
1251 # 1. Evaluate from (var_name, var_num, token Id) -> value
1252 if part.token.id == Id.VSub_Name:
1253 vtest_place.name = part.var_name
1254 val = self.mem.GetValue(part.var_name)
1256 elif part.token.id == Id.VSub_Number:
1257 var_num = int(part.var_name)
1258 val = self._EvalVarNum(var_num)
1260 else:
1261 # $* decays
1262 val = self._EvalSpecialVar(part.token.id, quoted, vsub_state)
1264 # We don't need var_index because it's only for L-Values of test ops?
1265 if self.exec_opts.eval_unsafe_arith():
1266 val = self._EvalBracketOp(val, part, quoted, vsub_state,
1267 vtest_place)
1268 else:
1269 with state.ctx_Option(self.mutable_opts,
1270 [option_i._allow_command_sub], False):
1271 val = self._EvalBracketOp(val, part, quoted, vsub_state,
1272 vtest_place)
1274 return val
1276 def _EvalBracedVarSub(self, part, part_vals, quoted):
1277 # type: (BracedVarSub, List[part_value_t], bool) -> None
1278 """
1279 Args:
1280 part_vals: output param to append to.
1281 """
1282 # We have different operators that interact in a non-obvious order.
1283 #
1284 # 1. bracket_op: value -> value, with side effect on vsub_state
1285 #
1286 # 2. prefix_op
1287 # a. length ${#x}: value -> value
1288 # b. var ref ${!ref}: can expand to an array
1289 #
1290 # 3. suffix_op:
1291 # a. no operator: you have a value
1292 # b. Test: value -> part_value[]
1293 # c. Other Suffix: value -> value
1294 #
1295 # 4. Process vsub_state.join_array here before returning.
1296 #
1297 # These cases are hard to distinguish:
1298 # - ${!prefix@} prefix query
1299 # - ${!array[@]} keys
1300 # - ${!ref} named reference
1301 # - ${!ref[0]} named reference
1302 #
1303 # I think we need several stages:
1304 #
1305 # 1. value: name, number, special, prefix query
1306 # 2. bracket_op
1307 # 3. prefix length -- this is TERMINAL
1308 # 4. indirection? Only for some of the ! cases
1309 # 5. string transformation suffix ops like ##
1310 # 6. test op
1311 # 7. vsub_state.join_array
1313 # vsub_state.join_array is for joining "${a[*]}" and unquoted ${a[@]} AFTER
1314 # suffix ops are applied. If we take the length with a prefix op, the
1315 # distinction is ignored.
1317 var_name = None # type: Optional[str] # used throughout the function
1318 vtest_place = VTestPlace(var_name, None) # For ${foo=default}
1319 vsub_state = VarSubState.CreateNull() # for $*, ${a[*]}, etc.
1321 # 1. Evaluate from (var_name, var_num, token Id) -> value
1322 if part.token.id == Id.VSub_Name:
1323 # Handle ${!prefix@} first, since that looks at names and not values
1324 # Do NOT handle ${!A[@]@a} here!
1325 if (part.prefix_op is not None and part.bracket_op is None and
1326 part.suffix_op is not None and
1327 part.suffix_op.tag() == suffix_op_e.Nullary):
1328 nullary_op = cast(Token, part.suffix_op)
1329 # ${!x@} but not ${!x@P}
1330 if consts.GetKind(nullary_op.id) == Kind.VOp3:
1331 names = self.mem.VarNamesStartingWith(part.var_name)
1332 names.sort()
1334 if quoted and nullary_op.id == Id.VOp3_At:
1335 part_vals.append(part_value.Array(names))
1336 else:
1337 sep = self.splitter.GetJoinChar()
1338 part_vals.append(Piece(sep.join(names), quoted, True))
1339 return # EARLY RETURN
1341 var_name = part.var_name
1342 vtest_place.name = var_name # for _ApplyTestOp
1344 val = self.mem.GetValue(var_name)
1346 elif part.token.id == Id.VSub_Number:
1347 var_num = int(part.var_name)
1348 val = self._EvalVarNum(var_num)
1349 else:
1350 # $* decays
1351 val = self._EvalSpecialVar(part.token.id, quoted, vsub_state)
1353 suffix_op_ = part.suffix_op
1354 if suffix_op_:
1355 UP_op = suffix_op_
1356 with tagswitch(suffix_op_) as case:
1357 if case(suffix_op_e.Nullary):
1358 suffix_op_ = cast(Token, UP_op)
1360 # Type query ${array@a} is a STRING, not an array
1361 # NOTE: ${array@Q} is ${array[0]@Q} in bash, which is different than
1362 # ${array[@]@Q}
1363 if suffix_op_.id == Id.VOp0_a:
1364 vsub_state.is_type_query = True
1366 elif case(suffix_op_e.Unary):
1367 suffix_op_ = cast(suffix_op.Unary, UP_op)
1369 # Do the _EmptyStrOrError/_EmptyBashArrayOrError up front, EXCEPT in
1370 # the case of Kind.VTest
1371 if consts.GetKind(suffix_op_.op.id) == Kind.VTest:
1372 vsub_state.has_test_op = True
1374 # 2. Bracket Op
1375 val = self._EvalBracketOp(val, part, quoted, vsub_state, vtest_place)
1377 if part.prefix_op:
1378 if part.prefix_op.id == Id.VSub_Pound: # ${#var} for length
1379 if not vsub_state.has_test_op: # undef -> '' BEFORE length
1380 val = self._EmptyStrOrError(val, part.token)
1382 n = self._Length(val, part.token)
1383 part_vals.append(Piece(str(n), quoted, False))
1384 return # EARLY EXIT: nothing else can come after length
1386 elif part.prefix_op.id == Id.VSub_Bang:
1387 if (part.bracket_op and
1388 part.bracket_op.tag() == bracket_op_e.WholeArray):
1389 if vsub_state.has_test_op:
1390 # ${!a[@]-'default'} is a non-fatal runtime error in bash. Here
1391 # it's fatal.
1392 op_tok = cast(suffix_op.Unary, UP_op).op
1393 e_die('Test operation not allowed with ${!array[@]}',
1394 op_tok)
1396 # ${!array[@]} to get indices/keys
1397 val = self._Keys(val, part.token)
1398 # already set vsub_State.join_array ABOVE
1399 else:
1400 # Process ${!ref}. SURPRISE: ${!a[0]} is an indirect expansion unlike
1401 # ${!a[@]} !
1402 # ${!ref} can expand into an array if ref='array[@]'
1404 # Clear it now that we have a var ref
1405 vtest_place.name = None
1406 vtest_place.index = None
1408 val = self._EvalVarRef(val, part.token, quoted, vsub_state,
1409 vtest_place)
1411 if not vsub_state.has_test_op: # undef -> '' AFTER indirection
1412 val = self._EmptyStrOrError(val, part.token)
1414 else:
1415 raise AssertionError(part.prefix_op)
1417 else:
1418 if not vsub_state.has_test_op: # undef -> '' if no prefix op
1419 val = self._EmptyStrOrError(val, part.token)
1421 quoted2 = False # another bit for @Q
1422 if suffix_op_:
1423 op = suffix_op_ # could get rid of this alias
1425 with tagswitch(suffix_op_) as case:
1426 if case(suffix_op_e.Nullary):
1427 op = cast(Token, UP_op)
1428 val, quoted2 = self._Nullary(val, op, var_name)
1430 elif case(suffix_op_e.Unary):
1431 op = cast(suffix_op.Unary, UP_op)
1432 if consts.GetKind(op.op.id) == Kind.VTest:
1433 if self._ApplyTestOp(val, op, quoted, part_vals,
1434 vtest_place, part.token):
1435 # e.g. to evaluate ${undef:-'default'}, we already appended
1436 # what we need
1437 return
1439 else:
1440 # Other suffix: value -> value
1441 val = self._ApplyUnarySuffixOp(val, op)
1443 elif case(suffix_op_e.PatSub): # PatSub, vectorized
1444 op = cast(suffix_op.PatSub, UP_op)
1445 val = self._PatSub(val, op)
1447 elif case(suffix_op_e.Slice):
1448 op = cast(suffix_op.Slice, UP_op)
1449 val = self._Slice(val, op, var_name, part)
1451 elif case(suffix_op_e.Static):
1452 op = cast(suffix_op.Static, UP_op)
1453 e_die('Not implemented', op.tok)
1455 else:
1456 raise AssertionError()
1458 # After applying suffixes, process join_array here.
1459 UP_val = val
1460 if val.tag() == value_e.BashArray:
1461 array_val = cast(value.BashArray, UP_val)
1462 if vsub_state.join_array:
1463 val = self._DecayArray(array_val)
1464 else:
1465 val = array_val
1467 # For example, ${a} evaluates to value.Str(), but we want a
1468 # Piece().
1469 part_val = _ValueToPartValue(val, quoted or quoted2, part)
1470 part_vals.append(part_val)
1472 def _ConcatPartVals(self, part_vals, location):
1473 # type: (List[part_value_t], loc_t) -> str
1475 strs = [] # type: List[str]
1476 for part_val in part_vals:
1477 UP_part_val = part_val
1478 with tagswitch(part_val) as case:
1479 if case(part_value_e.String):
1480 part_val = cast(Piece, UP_part_val)
1481 s = part_val.s
1483 elif case(part_value_e.Array):
1484 part_val = cast(part_value.Array, UP_part_val)
1485 if self.exec_opts.strict_array():
1486 # Examples: echo f > "$@"; local foo="$@"
1487 e_die("Illegal array word part (strict_array)",
1488 location)
1489 else:
1490 # It appears to not respect IFS
1491 # TODO: eliminate double join()?
1492 tmp = [s for s in part_val.strs if s is not None]
1493 s = ' '.join(tmp)
1495 else:
1496 raise AssertionError()
1498 strs.append(s)
1500 return ''.join(strs)
1502 def EvalBracedVarSubToString(self, part):
1503 # type: (BracedVarSub) -> str
1504 """For double quoted strings in YSH expressions.
1506 Example: var x = "$foo-${foo}"
1507 """
1508 part_vals = [] # type: List[part_value_t]
1509 self._EvalBracedVarSub(part, part_vals, False)
1510 # blame ${ location
1511 return self._ConcatPartVals(part_vals, part.left)
1513 def _EvalSimpleVarSub(self, part, part_vals, quoted):
1514 # type: (SimpleVarSub, List[part_value_t], bool) -> None
1516 token = part.tok
1518 vsub_state = VarSubState.CreateNull()
1520 # 1. Evaluate from (var_name, var_num, Token) -> defined, value
1521 if token.id == Id.VSub_DollarName:
1522 var_name = lexer.LazyStr(token)
1523 # TODO: Special case for LINENO
1524 val = self.mem.GetValue(var_name)
1525 if val.tag() in (value_e.BashArray, value_e.BashAssoc):
1526 if ShouldArrayDecay(var_name, self.exec_opts):
1527 # for $BASH_SOURCE, etc.
1528 val = DecayArray(val)
1529 else:
1530 e_die(
1531 "Array %r can't be referred to as a scalar (without @ or *)"
1532 % var_name, token)
1534 elif token.id == Id.VSub_Number:
1535 var_num = int(lexer.LazyStr(token))
1536 val = self._EvalVarNum(var_num)
1538 else:
1539 val = self._EvalSpecialVar(token.id, quoted, vsub_state)
1541 #log('SIMPLE %s', part)
1542 val = self._EmptyStrOrError(val, token)
1543 UP_val = val
1544 if val.tag() == value_e.BashArray:
1545 array_val = cast(value.BashArray, UP_val)
1546 if vsub_state.join_array:
1547 val = self._DecayArray(array_val)
1548 else:
1549 val = array_val
1551 v = _ValueToPartValue(val, quoted, part)
1552 part_vals.append(v)
1554 def EvalSimpleVarSubToString(self, node):
1555 # type: (SimpleVarSub) -> str
1556 """For double quoted strings in YSH expressions.
1558 Example: var x = "$foo-${foo}"
1559 """
1560 part_vals = [] # type: List[part_value_t]
1561 self._EvalSimpleVarSub(node, part_vals, False)
1562 return self._ConcatPartVals(part_vals, node.tok)
1564 def _EvalExtGlob(self, part, part_vals):
1565 # type: (word_part.ExtGlob, List[part_value_t]) -> None
1566 """Evaluate @($x|'foo'|$(hostname)) and flatten it."""
1567 op = part.op
1568 if op.id == Id.ExtGlob_Comma:
1569 op_str = '@('
1570 else:
1571 op_str = lexer.LazyStr(op)
1572 # Do NOT split these.
1573 part_vals.append(Piece(op_str, False, False))
1575 for i, w in enumerate(part.arms):
1576 if i != 0:
1577 part_vals.append(Piece('|', False, False)) # separator
1578 # FLATTEN the tree of extglob "arms".
1579 self._EvalWordToParts(w, part_vals, EXTGLOB_NESTED)
1580 part_vals.append(Piece(')', False, False)) # closing )
1582 def _TranslateExtGlob(self, part_vals, w, glob_parts, fnmatch_parts):
1583 # type: (List[part_value_t], CompoundWord, List[str], List[str]) -> None
1584 """Translate a flattened WORD with an ExtGlob part to string patterns.
1586 We need both glob and fnmatch patterns. _EvalExtGlob does the
1587 flattening.
1588 """
1589 for i, part_val in enumerate(part_vals):
1590 UP_part_val = part_val
1591 with tagswitch(part_val) as case:
1592 if case(part_value_e.String):
1593 part_val = cast(Piece, UP_part_val)
1594 if part_val.quoted and not self.exec_opts.noglob():
1595 s = glob_.GlobEscape(part_val.s)
1596 else:
1597 # e.g. the @( and | in @(foo|bar) aren't quoted
1598 s = part_val.s
1599 glob_parts.append(s)
1600 fnmatch_parts.append(s) # from _EvalExtGlob()
1602 elif case(part_value_e.Array):
1603 # Disallow array
1604 e_die(
1605 "Extended globs and arrays can't appear in the same word",
1606 w)
1608 elif case(part_value_e.ExtGlob):
1609 part_val = cast(part_value.ExtGlob, UP_part_val)
1610 # keep appending fnmatch_parts, but repplace glob_parts with '*'
1611 self._TranslateExtGlob(part_val.part_vals, w, [],
1612 fnmatch_parts)
1613 glob_parts.append('*')
1615 else:
1616 raise AssertionError()
1618 def _EvalWordPart(self, part, part_vals, flags):
1619 # type: (word_part_t, List[part_value_t], int) -> None
1620 """Evaluate a word part, appending to part_vals
1622 Called by _EvalWordToParts, EvalWordToString, and _EvalDoubleQuoted.
1623 """
1624 quoted = bool(flags & QUOTED)
1625 is_subst = bool(flags & IS_SUBST)
1627 UP_part = part
1628 with tagswitch(part) as case:
1629 if case(word_part_e.ShArrayLiteral):
1630 part = cast(ShArrayLiteral, UP_part)
1631 e_die("Unexpected array literal", loc.WordPart(part))
1632 elif case(word_part_e.BashAssocLiteral):
1633 part = cast(word_part.BashAssocLiteral, UP_part)
1634 e_die("Unexpected associative array literal",
1635 loc.WordPart(part))
1637 elif case(word_part_e.Literal):
1638 part = cast(Token, UP_part)
1639 # Split if it's in a substitution.
1640 # That is: echo is not split, but ${foo:-echo} is split
1641 v = Piece(lexer.LazyStr(part), quoted, is_subst)
1642 part_vals.append(v)
1644 elif case(word_part_e.EscapedLiteral):
1645 part = cast(word_part.EscapedLiteral, UP_part)
1646 v = Piece(part.ch, True, False)
1647 part_vals.append(v)
1649 elif case(word_part_e.SingleQuoted):
1650 part = cast(SingleQuoted, UP_part)
1651 v = Piece(part.sval, True, False)
1652 part_vals.append(v)
1654 elif case(word_part_e.DoubleQuoted):
1655 part = cast(DoubleQuoted, UP_part)
1656 self._EvalDoubleQuoted(part.parts, part_vals)
1658 elif case(word_part_e.CommandSub):
1659 part = cast(CommandSub, UP_part)
1660 id_ = part.left_token.id
1661 if id_ in (Id.Left_DollarParen, Id.Left_AtParen,
1662 Id.Left_Backtick):
1663 sv = self._EvalCommandSub(part,
1664 quoted) # type: part_value_t
1666 elif id_ in (Id.Left_ProcSubIn, Id.Left_ProcSubOut):
1667 sv = self._EvalProcessSub(part)
1669 else:
1670 raise AssertionError(id_)
1672 part_vals.append(sv)
1674 elif case(word_part_e.SimpleVarSub):
1675 part = cast(SimpleVarSub, UP_part)
1676 self._EvalSimpleVarSub(part, part_vals, quoted)
1678 elif case(word_part_e.BracedVarSub):
1679 part = cast(BracedVarSub, UP_part)
1680 self._EvalBracedVarSub(part, part_vals, quoted)
1682 elif case(word_part_e.TildeSub):
1683 part = cast(word_part.TildeSub, UP_part)
1684 # We never parse a quoted string into a TildeSub.
1685 assert not quoted
1686 s = self.tilde_ev.Eval(part)
1687 v = Piece(s, True, False) # NOT split even when unquoted!
1688 part_vals.append(v)
1690 elif case(word_part_e.ArithSub):
1691 part = cast(word_part.ArithSub, UP_part)
1692 num = self.arith_ev.EvalToBigInt(part.anode)
1693 v = Piece(mops.ToStr(num), quoted, not quoted)
1694 part_vals.append(v)
1696 elif case(word_part_e.ExtGlob):
1697 part = cast(word_part.ExtGlob, UP_part)
1698 #if not self.exec_opts.extglob():
1699 # die() # disallow at runtime? Don't just decay
1701 # Create a node to hold the flattened tree. The caller decides whether
1702 # to pass it to fnmatch() or replace it with '*' and pass it to glob().
1703 part_vals2 = [] # type: List[part_value_t]
1704 self._EvalExtGlob(part, part_vals2) # flattens tree
1705 part_vals.append(part_value.ExtGlob(part_vals2))
1707 elif case(word_part_e.BashRegexGroup):
1708 part = cast(word_part.BashRegexGroup, UP_part)
1710 part_vals.append(Piece('(', False, False)) # not quoted
1711 if part.child:
1712 self._EvalWordToParts(part.child, part_vals, 0)
1713 part_vals.append(Piece(')', False, False))
1715 elif case(word_part_e.Splice):
1716 part = cast(word_part.Splice, UP_part)
1717 val = self.mem.GetValue(part.var_name)
1719 strs = self.expr_ev.SpliceValue(val, part)
1720 part_vals.append(part_value.Array(strs))
1722 elif case(word_part_e.ExprSub):
1723 part = cast(word_part.ExprSub, UP_part)
1724 part_val = self.expr_ev.EvalExprSub(part)
1725 part_vals.append(part_val)
1727 elif case(word_part_e.ZshVarSub):
1728 part = cast(word_part.ZshVarSub, UP_part)
1729 e_die("ZSH var subs are parsed, but can't be evaluated",
1730 part.left)
1732 else:
1733 raise AssertionError(part.tag())
1735 def _EvalRhsWordToParts(self, w, part_vals, eval_flags=0):
1736 # type: (rhs_word_t, List[part_value_t], int) -> None
1737 quoted = bool(eval_flags & QUOTED)
1739 UP_w = w
1740 with tagswitch(w) as case:
1741 if case(rhs_word_e.Empty):
1742 part_vals.append(Piece('', quoted, not quoted))
1744 elif case(rhs_word_e.Compound):
1745 w = cast(CompoundWord, UP_w)
1746 self._EvalWordToParts(w, part_vals, eval_flags=eval_flags)
1748 else:
1749 raise AssertionError()
1751 def _EvalWordToParts(self, w, part_vals, eval_flags=0):
1752 # type: (CompoundWord, List[part_value_t], int) -> None
1753 """Helper for EvalRhsWord, EvalWordSequence, etc.
1755 Returns:
1756 Appends to part_vals. Note that this is a TREE.
1757 """
1758 # Does the word have an extended glob? This is a special case because
1759 # of the way we use glob() and then fnmatch(..., FNM_EXTMATCH) to
1760 # implement extended globs. It's hard to carry that extra information
1761 # all the way past the word splitting stage.
1763 # OSH semantic limitations: If a word has an extended glob part, then
1764 # 1. It can't have an array
1765 # 2. Word splitting of unquoted words isn't respected
1767 word_part_vals = [] # type: List[part_value_t]
1768 has_extglob = False
1769 for p in w.parts:
1770 if p.tag() == word_part_e.ExtGlob:
1771 has_extglob = True
1772 self._EvalWordPart(p, word_part_vals, eval_flags)
1774 # Caller REQUESTED extglob evaluation, AND we parsed word_part.ExtGlob()
1775 if has_extglob:
1776 if bool(eval_flags & EXTGLOB_FILES):
1777 # Treat the WHOLE word as a pattern. We need to TWO VARIANTS of the
1778 # word because of the way we use libc:
1779 # 1. With '*' for extglob parts
1780 # 2. With _EvalExtGlob() for extglob parts
1782 glob_parts = [] # type: List[str]
1783 fnmatch_parts = [] # type: List[str]
1784 self._TranslateExtGlob(word_part_vals, w, glob_parts,
1785 fnmatch_parts)
1787 #log('word_part_vals %s', word_part_vals)
1788 glob_pat = ''.join(glob_parts)
1789 fnmatch_pat = ''.join(fnmatch_parts)
1790 #log("glob %s fnmatch %s", glob_pat, fnmatch_pat)
1792 results = [] # type: List[str]
1793 n = self.globber.ExpandExtended(glob_pat, fnmatch_pat, results)
1794 if n < 0:
1795 raise error.FailGlob(
1796 'Extended glob %r matched no files' % fnmatch_pat, w)
1798 part_vals.append(part_value.Array(results))
1799 elif bool(eval_flags & EXTGLOB_NESTED):
1800 # We only glob at the TOP level of @(nested|@(pattern))
1801 part_vals.extend(word_part_vals)
1802 else:
1803 # e.g. simple_word_eval, assignment builtin
1804 e_die('Extended glob not allowed in this word', w)
1805 else:
1806 part_vals.extend(word_part_vals)
1808 def _PartValsToString(self, part_vals, w, eval_flags, strs):
1809 # type: (List[part_value_t], CompoundWord, int, List[str]) -> None
1810 """Helper for EvalWordToString, similar to _ConcatPartVals() above.
1812 Note: arg 'w' could just be a span ID
1813 """
1814 for part_val in part_vals:
1815 UP_part_val = part_val
1816 with tagswitch(part_val) as case:
1817 if case(part_value_e.String):
1818 part_val = cast(Piece, UP_part_val)
1819 s = part_val.s
1820 if part_val.quoted:
1821 if eval_flags & QUOTE_FNMATCH:
1822 # [[ foo == */"*".py ]] or case (*.py) or ${x%*.py} or ${x//*.py/}
1823 s = glob_.GlobEscape(s)
1824 elif eval_flags & QUOTE_ERE:
1825 s = glob_.ExtendedRegexEscape(s)
1826 strs.append(s)
1828 elif case(part_value_e.Array):
1829 part_val = cast(part_value.Array, UP_part_val)
1830 if self.exec_opts.strict_array():
1831 # Examples: echo f > "$@"; local foo="$@"
1833 # TODO: This attributes too coarsely, to the word rather than the
1834 # parts. Problem: the word is a TREE of parts, but we only have a
1835 # flat list of part_vals. The only case where we really get arrays
1836 # is "$@", "${a[@]}", "${a[@]//pat/replace}", etc.
1837 e_die(
1838 "This word should yield a string, but it contains an array",
1839 w)
1841 # TODO: Maybe add detail like this.
1842 #e_die('RHS of assignment should only have strings. '
1843 # 'To assign arrays, use b=( "${a[@]}" )')
1844 else:
1845 # It appears to not respect IFS
1846 tmp = [s for s in part_val.strs if s is not None]
1847 s = ' '.join(tmp) # TODO: eliminate double join()?
1848 strs.append(s)
1850 elif case(part_value_e.ExtGlob):
1851 part_val = cast(part_value.ExtGlob, UP_part_val)
1853 # Extended globs are only allowed where we expect them!
1854 if not bool(eval_flags & QUOTE_FNMATCH):
1855 e_die('extended glob not allowed in this word', w)
1857 # recursive call
1858 self._PartValsToString(part_val.part_vals, w, eval_flags,
1859 strs)
1861 else:
1862 raise AssertionError()
1864 def EvalWordToString(self, UP_w, eval_flags=0):
1865 # type: (word_t, int) -> value.Str
1866 """Given a word, return a string.
1868 Flags can contain a quoting algorithm.
1869 """
1870 assert UP_w.tag() == word_e.Compound, UP_w
1871 w = cast(CompoundWord, UP_w)
1873 if eval_flags == 0: # QUOTE_FNMATCH etc. breaks optimization
1874 fast_str = word_.FastStrEval(w)
1875 if fast_str is not None:
1876 return value.Str(fast_str)
1878 # Could we additionally optimize a=$b, if we know $b isn't an array
1879 # etc.?
1881 # Note: these empty lists are hot in fib benchmark
1883 part_vals = [] # type: List[part_value_t]
1884 for p in w.parts:
1885 # this doesn't use eval_flags, which is slightly confusing
1886 self._EvalWordPart(p, part_vals, 0)
1888 strs = [] # type: List[str]
1889 self._PartValsToString(part_vals, w, eval_flags, strs)
1890 return value.Str(''.join(strs))
1892 def EvalWordToPattern(self, UP_w):
1893 # type: (rhs_word_t) -> Tuple[value.Str, bool]
1894 """Like EvalWordToString, but returns whether we got ExtGlob."""
1895 if UP_w.tag() == rhs_word_e.Empty:
1896 return value.Str(''), False
1898 assert UP_w.tag() == rhs_word_e.Compound, UP_w
1899 w = cast(CompoundWord, UP_w)
1901 has_extglob = False
1902 part_vals = [] # type: List[part_value_t]
1903 for p in w.parts:
1904 # this doesn't use eval_flags, which is slightly confusing
1905 self._EvalWordPart(p, part_vals, 0)
1906 if p.tag() == word_part_e.ExtGlob:
1907 has_extglob = True
1909 strs = [] # type: List[str]
1910 self._PartValsToString(part_vals, w, QUOTE_FNMATCH, strs)
1911 return value.Str(''.join(strs)), has_extglob
1913 def EvalForPlugin(self, w):
1914 # type: (CompoundWord) -> value.Str
1915 """Wrapper around EvalWordToString that prevents errors.
1917 Runtime errors like $(( 1 / 0 )) and mutating $? like $(exit 42)
1918 are handled here.
1920 Similar to ExprEvaluator.PluginCall().
1921 """
1922 with state.ctx_Registers(self.mem): # to "sandbox" $? and $PIPESTATUS
1923 try:
1924 val = self.EvalWordToString(w)
1925 except error.FatalRuntime as e:
1926 val = value.Str('<Runtime error: %s>' % e.UserErrorString())
1928 except (IOError, OSError) as e:
1929 val = value.Str('<I/O error: %s>' % pyutil.strerror(e))
1931 except KeyboardInterrupt:
1932 val = value.Str('<Ctrl-C>')
1934 return val
1936 def EvalRhsWord(self, UP_w):
1937 # type: (rhs_word_t) -> value_t
1938 """Used for RHS of assignment.
1940 There is no splitting.
1941 """
1942 if UP_w.tag() == rhs_word_e.Empty:
1943 return value.Str('')
1945 assert UP_w.tag() == word_e.Compound, UP_w
1946 w = cast(CompoundWord, UP_w)
1948 if len(w.parts) == 1:
1949 part0 = w.parts[0]
1950 UP_part0 = part0
1951 tag = part0.tag()
1952 # Special case for a=(1 2). ShArrayLiteral won't appear in words that
1953 # don't look like assignments.
1954 if tag == word_part_e.ShArrayLiteral:
1955 part0 = cast(ShArrayLiteral, UP_part0)
1956 array_words = part0.words
1957 words = braces.BraceExpandWords(array_words)
1958 strs = self.EvalWordSequence(words)
1959 return value.BashArray(strs)
1961 if tag == word_part_e.BashAssocLiteral:
1962 part0 = cast(word_part.BashAssocLiteral, UP_part0)
1963 d = NewDict() # type: Dict[str, str]
1964 for pair in part0.pairs:
1965 k = self.EvalWordToString(pair.key)
1966 v = self.EvalWordToString(pair.value)
1967 d[k.s] = v.s
1968 return value.BashAssoc(d)
1970 # If RHS doesn't look like a=( ... ), then it must be a string.
1971 return self.EvalWordToString(w)
1973 def _EvalWordFrame(self, frame, argv):
1974 # type: (List[Piece], List[str]) -> None
1975 all_empty = True
1976 all_quoted = True
1977 any_quoted = False
1979 #log('--- frame %s', frame)
1981 for piece in frame:
1982 if len(piece.s):
1983 all_empty = False
1985 if piece.quoted:
1986 any_quoted = True
1987 else:
1988 all_quoted = False
1990 # Elision of ${empty}${empty} but not $empty"$empty" or $empty""
1991 if all_empty and not any_quoted:
1992 return
1994 # If every frag is quoted, e.g. "$a$b" or any part in "${a[@]}"x, then
1995 # don't do word splitting or globbing.
1996 if all_quoted:
1997 tmp = [piece.s for piece in frame]
1998 a = ''.join(tmp)
1999 argv.append(a)
2000 return
2002 will_glob = not self.exec_opts.noglob()
2004 # Array of strings, some of which are BOTH IFS-escaped and GLOB escaped!
2005 frags = [] # type: List[str]
2006 for piece in frame:
2007 if will_glob and piece.quoted:
2008 frag = glob_.GlobEscape(piece.s)
2009 else:
2010 # If we have a literal \, then we turn it into \\\\.
2011 # Splitting takes \\\\ -> \\
2012 # Globbing takes \\ to \ if it doesn't match
2013 frag = _BackslashEscape(piece.s)
2015 if piece.do_split:
2016 frag = _BackslashEscape(frag)
2017 else:
2018 frag = self.splitter.Escape(frag)
2020 frags.append(frag)
2022 flat = ''.join(frags)
2023 #log('flat: %r', flat)
2025 args = self.splitter.SplitForWordEval(flat)
2027 # space=' '; argv $space"". We have a quoted part, but we CANNOT elide.
2028 # Add it back and don't bother globbing.
2029 if len(args) == 0 and any_quoted:
2030 argv.append('')
2031 return
2033 #log('split args: %r', args)
2034 for a in args:
2035 if glob_.LooksLikeGlob(a):
2036 n = self.globber.Expand(a, argv)
2037 if n < 0:
2038 # TODO: location info, with span IDs carried through the frame
2039 raise error.FailGlob('Pattern %r matched no files' % a,
2040 loc.Missing)
2041 else:
2042 argv.append(glob_.GlobUnescape(a))
2044 def _EvalWordToArgv(self, w):
2045 # type: (CompoundWord) -> List[str]
2046 """Helper for _EvalAssignBuiltin.
2048 Splitting and globbing are disabled for assignment builtins.
2050 Example: declare -"${a[@]}" b=(1 2)
2051 where a is [x b=a d=a]
2052 """
2053 part_vals = [] # type: List[part_value_t]
2054 self._EvalWordToParts(w, part_vals, 0) # not double quoted
2055 frames = _MakeWordFrames(part_vals)
2056 argv = [] # type: List[str]
2057 for frame in frames:
2058 if len(frame): # empty array gives empty frame!
2059 tmp = [piece.s for piece in frame]
2060 argv.append(''.join(tmp)) # no split or glob
2061 #log('argv: %s', argv)
2062 return argv
2064 def _EvalAssignBuiltin(self, builtin_id, arg0, words, meta_offset):
2065 # type: (builtin_t, str, List[CompoundWord], int) -> cmd_value.Assign
2066 """Handles both static and dynamic assignment, e.g.
2068 x='foo=bar'
2069 local a=(1 2) $x
2071 Grammar:
2073 ('builtin' | 'command')* keyword flag* pair*
2074 flag = [-+].*
2076 There is also command -p, but we haven't implemented it. Maybe just
2077 punt on it.
2078 """
2079 eval_to_pairs = True # except for -f and -F
2080 started_pairs = False
2082 flags = [arg0] # initial flags like -p, and -f -F name1 name2
2083 flag_locs = [words[0]]
2084 assign_args = [] # type: List[AssignArg]
2086 n = len(words)
2087 for i in xrange(meta_offset + 1, n): # skip first word
2088 w = words[i]
2090 if word_.IsVarLike(w):
2091 started_pairs = True # Everything from now on is an assign_pair
2093 if started_pairs:
2094 left_token, close_token, part_offset = word_.DetectShAssignment(
2095 w)
2096 if left_token: # Detected statically
2097 if left_token.id != Id.Lit_VarLike:
2098 # (not guaranteed since started_pairs is set twice)
2099 e_die('LHS array not allowed in assignment builtin', w)
2101 if lexer.IsPlusEquals(left_token):
2102 var_name = lexer.TokenSliceRight(left_token, -2)
2103 append = True
2104 else:
2105 var_name = lexer.TokenSliceRight(left_token, -1)
2106 append = False
2108 if part_offset == len(w.parts):
2109 rhs = rhs_word.Empty # type: rhs_word_t
2110 else:
2111 # tmp is for intersection of C++/MyPy type systems
2112 tmp = CompoundWord(w.parts[part_offset:])
2113 word_.TildeDetectAssign(tmp)
2114 rhs = tmp
2116 with state.ctx_AssignBuiltin(self.mutable_opts):
2117 right = self.EvalRhsWord(rhs)
2119 arg2 = AssignArg(var_name, right, append, w)
2120 assign_args.append(arg2)
2122 else: # e.g. export $dynamic
2123 argv = self._EvalWordToArgv(w)
2124 for arg in argv:
2125 arg2 = _SplitAssignArg(arg, w)
2126 assign_args.append(arg2)
2128 else:
2129 argv = self._EvalWordToArgv(w)
2130 for arg in argv:
2131 if arg.startswith('-') or arg.startswith('+'):
2132 # e.g. declare -r +r
2133 flags.append(arg)
2134 flag_locs.append(w)
2136 # Shortcut that relies on -f and -F always meaning "function" for
2137 # all assignment builtins
2138 if 'f' in arg or 'F' in arg:
2139 eval_to_pairs = False
2141 else: # e.g. export $dynamic
2142 if eval_to_pairs:
2143 arg2 = _SplitAssignArg(arg, w)
2144 assign_args.append(arg2)
2145 started_pairs = True
2146 else:
2147 flags.append(arg)
2149 return cmd_value.Assign(builtin_id, flags, flag_locs, assign_args)
2151 def _DetectAssignBuiltinStr(self, arg0, words, meta_offset):
2152 # type: (str, List[CompoundWord], int) -> Optional[cmd_value.Assign]
2153 builtin_id = consts.LookupAssignBuiltin(arg0)
2154 if builtin_id != consts.NO_INDEX:
2155 return self._EvalAssignBuiltin(builtin_id, arg0, words,
2156 meta_offset)
2157 return None
2159 def _DetectAssignBuiltin(self, val0, words, meta_offset):
2160 # type: (part_value_t, List[CompoundWord], int) -> Optional[cmd_value.Assign]
2161 UP_val0 = val0
2162 if val0.tag() == part_value_e.String:
2163 val0 = cast(Piece, UP_val0)
2164 if not val0.quoted:
2165 return self._DetectAssignBuiltinStr(val0.s, words, meta_offset)
2166 return None
2168 def SimpleEvalWordSequence2(self, words, allow_assign):
2169 # type: (List[CompoundWord], bool) -> cmd_value_t
2170 """Simple word evaluation for YSH."""
2171 strs = [] # type: List[str]
2172 locs = [] # type: List[CompoundWord]
2174 meta_offset = 0
2175 for i, w in enumerate(words):
2176 # No globbing in the first arg for command.Simple.
2177 if i == meta_offset and allow_assign:
2178 strs0 = self._EvalWordToArgv(w)
2179 # TODO: Remove this because YSH will disallow assignment
2180 # builtins? (including export?)
2181 if len(strs0) == 1:
2182 cmd_val = self._DetectAssignBuiltinStr(
2183 strs0[0], words, meta_offset)
2184 if cmd_val:
2185 return cmd_val
2187 strs.extend(strs0)
2188 for _ in strs0:
2189 locs.append(w)
2190 continue
2192 if glob_.LooksLikeStaticGlob(w):
2193 val = self.EvalWordToString(w) # respects strict-array
2194 num_appended = self.globber.Expand(val.s, strs)
2195 if num_appended < 0:
2196 raise error.FailGlob('Pattern %r matched no files' % val.s,
2197 w)
2198 for _ in xrange(num_appended):
2199 locs.append(w)
2200 continue
2202 part_vals = [] # type: List[part_value_t]
2203 self._EvalWordToParts(w, part_vals, 0) # not quoted
2205 if 0:
2206 log('')
2207 log('Static: part_vals after _EvalWordToParts:')
2208 for entry in part_vals:
2209 log(' %s', entry)
2211 # Still need to process
2212 frames = _MakeWordFrames(part_vals)
2214 if 0:
2215 log('')
2216 log('Static: frames after _MakeWordFrames:')
2217 for entry in frames:
2218 log(' %s', entry)
2220 # We will still allow x"${a[@]"x, though it's deprecated by @a, which
2221 # disallows such expressions at parse time.
2222 for frame in frames:
2223 if len(frame): # empty array gives empty frame!
2224 tmp = [piece.s for piece in frame]
2225 strs.append(''.join(tmp)) # no split or glob
2226 locs.append(w)
2228 return cmd_value.Argv(strs, locs, None, None, None, None)
2230 def EvalWordSequence2(self, words, allow_assign=False):
2231 # type: (List[CompoundWord], bool) -> cmd_value_t
2232 """Turns a list of Words into a list of strings.
2234 Unlike the EvalWord*() methods, it does globbing.
2236 Args:
2237 allow_assign: True for command.Simple, False for BashArray a=(1 2 3)
2238 """
2239 if self.exec_opts.simple_word_eval():
2240 return self.SimpleEvalWordSequence2(words, allow_assign)
2242 # Parse time:
2243 # 1. brace expansion. TODO: Do at parse time.
2244 # 2. Tilde detection. DONE at parse time. Only if Id.Lit_Tilde is the
2245 # first WordPart.
2246 #
2247 # Run time:
2248 # 3. tilde sub, var sub, command sub, arith sub. These are all
2249 # "concurrent" on WordParts. (optional process sub with <() )
2250 # 4. word splitting. Can turn this off with a shell option? Definitely
2251 # off for oil.
2252 # 5. globbing -- several exec_opts affect this: nullglob, safeglob, etc.
2254 #log('W %s', words)
2255 strs = [] # type: List[str]
2256 locs = [] # type: List[CompoundWord]
2258 # 0 for declare x
2259 # 1 for builtin declare x
2260 # 2 for command builtin declare x
2261 # etc.
2262 meta_offset = 0
2264 n = 0
2265 for i, w in enumerate(words):
2266 fast_str = word_.FastStrEval(w)
2267 if fast_str is not None:
2268 strs.append(fast_str)
2269 locs.append(w)
2271 # e.g. the 'local' in 'local a=b c=d' will be here
2272 if allow_assign and i == meta_offset:
2273 cmd_val = self._DetectAssignBuiltinStr(
2274 fast_str, words, meta_offset)
2275 if cmd_val:
2276 return cmd_val
2278 if i <= meta_offset and _DetectMetaBuiltinStr(fast_str):
2279 meta_offset += 1
2281 continue
2283 part_vals = [] # type: List[part_value_t]
2284 self._EvalWordToParts(w, part_vals, EXTGLOB_FILES)
2286 # DYNAMICALLY detect if we're going to run an assignment builtin, and
2287 # change the rest of the evaluation algorithm if so.
2288 #
2289 # We want to allow:
2290 # e=export
2291 # $e foo=bar
2292 #
2293 # But we don't want to evaluate the first word twice in the case of:
2294 # $(some-command) --flag
2295 if len(part_vals) == 1:
2296 if allow_assign and i == meta_offset:
2297 cmd_val = self._DetectAssignBuiltin(
2298 part_vals[0], words, meta_offset)
2299 if cmd_val:
2300 return cmd_val
2302 if i <= meta_offset and _DetectMetaBuiltin(part_vals[0]):
2303 meta_offset += 1
2305 if 0:
2306 log('')
2307 log('part_vals after _EvalWordToParts:')
2308 for entry in part_vals:
2309 log(' %s', entry)
2311 frames = _MakeWordFrames(part_vals)
2312 if 0:
2313 log('')
2314 log('frames after _MakeWordFrames:')
2315 for entry in frames:
2316 log(' %s', entry)
2318 # Do splitting and globbing. Each frame will append zero or more args.
2319 for frame in frames:
2320 self._EvalWordFrame(frame, strs)
2322 # Fill in locations parallel to strs.
2323 n_next = len(strs)
2324 for _ in xrange(n_next - n):
2325 locs.append(w)
2326 n = n_next
2328 # A non-assignment command.
2329 # NOTE: Can't look up builtins here like we did for assignment, because
2330 # functions can override builtins.
2331 return cmd_value.Argv(strs, locs, None, None, None, None)
2333 def EvalWordSequence(self, words):
2334 # type: (List[CompoundWord]) -> List[str]
2335 """For arrays and for loops.
2337 They don't allow assignment builtins.
2338 """
2339 UP_cmd_val = self.EvalWordSequence2(words)
2341 assert UP_cmd_val.tag() == cmd_value_e.Argv
2342 cmd_val = cast(cmd_value.Argv, UP_cmd_val)
2343 return cmd_val.argv
2346class NormalWordEvaluator(AbstractWordEvaluator):
2348 def __init__(
2349 self,
2350 mem, # type: state.Mem
2351 exec_opts, # type: optview.Exec
2352 mutable_opts, # type: state.MutableOpts
2353 tilde_ev, # type: TildeEvaluator
2354 splitter, # type: SplitContext
2355 errfmt, # type: ErrorFormatter
2356 ):
2357 # type: (...) -> None
2358 AbstractWordEvaluator.__init__(self, mem, exec_opts, mutable_opts,
2359 tilde_ev, splitter, errfmt)
2360 self.shell_ex = None # type: _Executor
2362 def CheckCircularDeps(self):
2363 # type: () -> None
2364 assert self.arith_ev is not None
2365 # Disabled for pure OSH
2366 #assert self.expr_ev is not None
2367 assert self.shell_ex is not None
2368 assert self.prompt_ev is not None
2370 def _EvalCommandSub(self, cs_part, quoted):
2371 # type: (CommandSub, bool) -> part_value_t
2372 stdout_str = self.shell_ex.RunCommandSub(cs_part)
2374 if cs_part.left_token.id == Id.Left_AtParen:
2375 # YSH splitting algorithm: does not depend on IFS
2376 try:
2377 strs = j8.SplitJ8Lines(stdout_str)
2378 except error.Decode as e:
2379 # status code 4 is special, for encode/decode errors.
2380 raise error.Structured(4, e.Message(), cs_part.left_token)
2382 #strs = self.splitter.SplitForWordEval(stdout_str)
2383 return part_value.Array(strs)
2384 else:
2385 return Piece(stdout_str, quoted, not quoted)
2387 def _EvalProcessSub(self, cs_part):
2388 # type: (CommandSub) -> Piece
2389 dev_path = self.shell_ex.RunProcessSub(cs_part)
2390 # pretend it's quoted; no split or glob
2391 return Piece(dev_path, True, False)
2397class CompletionWordEvaluator(AbstractWordEvaluator):
2398 """An evaluator that has no access to an executor.
2400 NOTE: core/completion.py doesn't actually try to use these strings to
2401 complete. If you have something like 'echo $(echo hi)/f<TAB>', it sees the
2402 inner command as the last one, and knows that it is not at the end of the
2403 line.
2404 """
2406 def __init__(
2407 self,
2408 mem, # type: state.Mem
2409 exec_opts, # type: optview.Exec
2410 mutable_opts, # type: state.MutableOpts
2411 tilde_ev, # type: TildeEvaluator
2412 splitter, # type: SplitContext
2413 errfmt, # type: ErrorFormatter
2414 ):
2415 # type: (...) -> None
2416 AbstractWordEvaluator.__init__(self, mem, exec_opts, mutable_opts,
2417 tilde_ev, splitter, errfmt)
2419 def CheckCircularDeps(self):
2420 # type: () -> None
2421 assert self.prompt_ev is not None
2422 assert self.arith_ev is not None
2423 assert self.expr_ev is not None
2425 def _EvalCommandSub(self, cs_part, quoted):
2426 # type: (CommandSub, bool) -> part_value_t
2427 if cs_part.left_token.id == Id.Left_AtParen:
2428 return part_value.Array([_DUMMY])
2429 else:
2430 return Piece(_DUMMY, quoted, not quoted)
2432 def _EvalProcessSub(self, cs_part):
2433 # type: (CommandSub) -> Piece
2434 # pretend it's quoted; no split or glob
2435 return Piece('__NO_PROCESS_SUB__', True, False)
2438# vim: sw=4