1 | .once
2 |
3 | .include "control-flow.dl"
4 |
5 | // Facts and Relations (Inputs)
6 | // ============================
7 |
8 | // Statements can define and use variables.
9 | .type Reference = Variable { v: symbol }
10 | | Member { v: symbol, m: symbol }
11 |
12 | // Variable (or object) `r` is allocated, or assigned a literal value, in
13 | // statement `s` of `f`.
14 | .decl define(f:Function, s:Statement, r:Reference)
15 | .input define
16 |
17 | // Variable (or object) `b` is assigned to another variable `a` in statement `s`
18 | // of `f`.
19 | .decl assign(f:Function, s:Statement, a:Reference, b:Reference)
20 | .input assign
21 |
22 | // `a` (defined at statement `sf` in `f`) is aliased by `b` in statement `sg` in
23 | // `g`.
24 | .decl alias(f:Function, sf:Statement, a:Reference, g:Function, sg:Statement, b:Reference)
25 | .output alias
26 |
27 | // Rules and Outputs
28 | // =================
29 |
30 | // `r` is implicitly defined when it is assigned to.
31 | define(f, s, r) :- assign(f, s, r, _).
32 |
33 | // Simple aliasing with locals.
34 | // a = ...
35 | // b = a
36 | alias(f, s1, $Variable(v), f, s2, $Variable(v2)) :-
37 | define(f, s1, $Variable(v)),
38 | assign(f, s2, $Variable(v2), $Variable(v)),
39 | CFGraph.reachable(f, s1, f, s2).
40 |
41 | // Object members can be aliased by locals.
42 | // a = ...
43 | // b.c = a
44 | alias(f, s1, $Variable(v), "<heap>", -1, $Member(c, m)) :-
45 | define(f, s1, $Variable(v)),
46 | assign(f, s2, $Member(c, m), $Variable(v)),
47 | CFGraph.reachable(f, s1, f, s2).
48 |
49 | // Objects members can be aliased too. Note the special function name and statement
50 | // number.
51 | // a.b = ...
52 | // c = a.b
53 | alias("<heap>", -1, $Member(c, m), f, s2, r) :-
54 | assign(_, _, $Member(c, m), _),
55 | assign(f, s2, r, $Member(c, m)).
56 |
57 | // Inductive case.
58 | alias(f, s1, r, h, s2, r3) :-
59 | alias(f, s1, r, g, _, r2),
60 | alias(g, _, r2, h, s2, r3).