1 | """
2 | ir_pass.py - Translate (eventually) the mypy AST into our own IR.
3 | """
4 | from typing import Dict
5 |
6 | import mypy
7 | from mypy.nodes import Expression, NameExpr
8 | from mypy.types import Type
9 |
10 | from mycpp.util import split_py_name
11 | from mycpp.visitor import SimpleVisitor, T
12 | from mycpp import util
13 | from mycpp import pass_state
14 |
15 |
16 | class UnsupportedException(Exception):
17 | pass
18 |
19 |
20 | class Build(SimpleVisitor):
21 |
22 | def __init__(self, types: Dict[Expression, Type]):
23 |
24 | self.types = types
25 | self.dot_exprs = {}
26 |
27 | self.imported_names = set() # MemberExpr -> module::Foo() or self->foo
28 | # HACK for conditional import inside mylib.PYTHON
29 | # in core/shell.py
30 | self.imported_names.add('help_meta')
31 |
32 | # Statements
33 |
34 | def visit_import(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.Import') -> T:
35 | for name, as_name in o.ids:
36 | if as_name is not None:
37 | # import time as time_
38 | self.imported_names.add(as_name)
39 | else:
40 | # import libc
41 | self.imported_names.add(name)
42 |
43 | def visit_import_from(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.ImportFrom') -> T:
44 | """
45 | Write C++ namespace aliases and 'using' for imports.
46 | We need them in the 'decl' phase for default arguments like
47 | runtime_asdl::scope_e -> scope_e
48 | """
49 | # For MemberExpr . -> module::func() or this->field. Also needed in
50 | # the decl phase for default arg values.
51 | for name, alias in o.names:
52 | if alias:
53 | self.imported_names.add(alias)
54 | else:
55 | self.imported_names.add(name)
56 |
57 | # Expressions
58 |
59 | def visit_member_expr(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.MemberExpr') -> T:
60 | # Why do we not get some of the types? e.g. hnode.Record in asdl/runtime
61 | # But this might suffice for the "Str_v" and "value_v" refactoring.
62 | # We want to rewrite w.parts not to w->parts, but to w.parts() (method call)
63 |
64 | is_small_str = False
65 | if util.SMALL_STR:
66 | lhs_type = self.types.get(o.expr)
67 | if util.IsStr(lhs_type):
68 | is_small_str = True
69 | else:
70 | #self.log('NOT a string %s %s', o.expr, o.name)
71 | pass
72 | """
73 | if lhs_type is not None and isinstance(lhs_type, Instance):
74 | self.log('lhs_type %s expr %s name %s',
75 | lhs_type.type.fullname, o.expr, o.name)
76 |
77 | """
78 |
79 | is_asdl = o.name == 'CreateNull' # hack for MyType.CreateNull(alloc_lists=True)
80 | is_module = (isinstance(o.expr, NameExpr) and
81 | o.expr.name in self.imported_names)
82 |
83 | # This is an approximate hack that assumes that locals don't shadow
84 | # imported names. Might be a problem with names like 'word'?
85 | if is_small_str:
86 | self.dot_exprs[o] = pass_state.StackObjectMember(
87 | o.expr, self.types[o.expr], o.name)
88 | elif is_asdl:
89 | self.dot_exprs[o] = pass_state.StaticObjectMember(
90 | self.types[o].ret_type.type.fullname, o.name)
91 | elif is_module:
92 | self.dot_exprs[o] = pass_state.ModuleMember(
93 | split_py_name(o.expr.fullname or o.expr.name), o.name)
94 |
95 | else:
96 | self.dot_exprs[o] = pass_state.HeapObjectMember(
97 | o.expr, self.types[o.expr], o.name)
98 |
99 | self.accept(o.expr)