#!/bin/sh ######################################################################## # # Convert an rtf document to pdf format using 'Ted' and 'GhostScript'. # # Usage rtf2pdf.sh --paper paper something.rtf something.pdf # Or rtf2pdf.sh something.rtf something.pdf # # Valid values for paper are a4, a5, a6, letter, legal and executive # # This is an example. Refer to http://www.nllgg.nl/Ted/index.html for the # 'Ted' documentation. # # If you want 'Ted' to use X11 configurable resources, use # Ted ++printToFilePaper ... In conjuction with X11 resources, the # standard X11 command line arguments to set resources can be practical. E.G: # Ted -xrm Ted.usePostScriptFilters:1 -xrm Ted.usePostScriptIndexedImages:1 # ++printToFilePaper ..... # # The file /usr/share/ghostscript/version/doc/Ps2pdf.htm documents # many settings for ghostscript that influence the generation of pdf. # The actual meaning of the parameters is explained in Adobe technical # note #5151: "Acobat Distiller Parameters". With some effort, note #5151 # can be found using the search facility on www.adobe.com. # # To disable jpeg compression of 8 bit per component images: # -dAutoFilterColorImages=false -dEncodeColorImages=false # or # -dAutoFilterColorImages=false -sColorImageFilter=FlateEncode # to enable: (default) # -dAutoFilterColorImages=true # # To produce uncompressed pdf: # -dCompressPages=false # To produce compressed pdf: (default) # -dCompressPages=true # # Depending on your temper, you could also have a look at the pdfopt script # ######################################################################## PAPER= case $# in 2) ;; 4) case $1 in --paper) ;; *) echo $0: '$1='$1 'Expected --paper' exit 1 ;; esac case $2 in a4|a5|a6|letter|legal|executive) PAPER=$2 ;; *) echo $0: '$2='$2 'Expected a4|a5|a6|letter|legal|executive' exit 1 ;; esac shift; shift; ;; *) echo $0: '$#='$# exit 1 ;; esac case $PAPER in ?*) Ted --printToFilePaper $1 /tmp/$$.ps $PAPER gs -q -dNOPAUSE \ -sDEVICE=pdfwrite \ -sPAPERSIZE=$PAPER \ -sOutputFile=$2 \ /tmp/$$.ps \ -c quit rm /tmp/$$.ps ;; *) Ted --printToFile $1 /tmp/$$.ps gs -q -dNOPAUSE \ -sDEVICE=pdfwrite \ -sOutputFile=$2 \ /tmp/$$.ps \ -c quit rm /tmp/$$.ps ;; esac