#!/bin/bash #(c) Copyright Barry Kauler 2009, puppylinux.com. #2009 Lesser GPL licence v2 (http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/lgpl.html) #generates index.html master help page. called from petget, rc.update, # /usr/local/petget/installpreview.sh, 3builddistro (in Woof). #w012 commented-out drop-down for all installed pkgs as too big in Ubuntu-Puppy. #w016 support/find_homepages (in Woof) used to manually update HOMEPAGEDB variable. #w019 now have /root/.packages/PKGS_HOMEPAGES #w464 reintroduce dropdown help for all builtin packages. #v423 file PKGS_HOMEPAGES is now a db of all known pkgs, not just in puppy. #120225 copy from raw doc files. export LANG=C . /etc/DISTRO_SPECS #has DISTRO_BINARY_COMPAT, DISTRO_COMPAT_VERSION, DISTRO_PUPPYDATE . /root/.packages/DISTRO_PKGS_SPECS WKGDIR="`pwd`" #120225 this is done in Woof by rootfs-skeleton/pinstall.sh, but do need to do it #here to support language translations (see /usr/share/sss/doc_strings)... if [ -f /usr/share/doc/index.html.top-raw ];then #see Woof rootfs-skeleton/pinstall.sh, also /usr/share/sss/doc_strings cp -f /usr/share/doc/index.html.top-raw /usr/share/doc/index.html.top cp -f /usr/share/doc/index.html.bottom-raw /usr/share/doc/index.html.bottom cp -f /usr/share/doc/home-raw.htm /usr/share/doc/home.htm cutDISTRONAME="`echo -n "$DISTRO_NAME" | cut -f 1 -d ' '`" cPATTERN="s/cutDISTRONAME/${cutDISTRONAME}/g" RIGHTVER="$DISTRO_VERSION" dPATTERN="s/PUPPYDATE/${DISTRO_PUPPYDATE}/g" PATTERN1="s/RIGHTVER/${RIGHTVER}/g" PATTERN2="s/DISTRO_VERSION/${DISTRO_VERSION}/g" nPATTERN="s/DISTRO_NAME/${DISTRO_NAME}/g" sed -i -e "$PATTERN1" -e "$PATTERN2" -e "$nPATTERN" -e "$dPATTERN" -e "$cPATTERN" /usr/share/doc/index.html.top sed -i -e "$PATTERN1" -e "$PATTERN2" -e "$nPATTERN" -e "$dPATTERN" /usr/share/doc/index.html.bottom #...note, /usr/sbin/indexgen.sh puts these together as index.html (normally via rc.update and 3builddistro). sed -i -e "$nPATTERN" /usr/share/doc/home.htm fi #search for installed pkgs with descriptions... #search .desktop files... # -e '\% %d' = ignore .desktop files with spaces, otherwise everything fails.. PKGINFO1="`ls -1 /usr/share/applications | sed -e 's%^%/usr/share/applications/%' -e '\% %d' | xargs cat - | grep '^Name=' | cut -f 2 -d '='`" #...normal format of each entry is 'name description', ex: 'Geany text editor'. EXCLLISTsd=" 0rootfs_skeleton autologin bootflash burniso2cd cd/dvd check configure desktop format network pupdvdtool wallpaper pbackup pburn pcdripper pdict pdisk pdvdrsab pmetatagger pschedule pstopwatch prename pprocess pmirror pfind pcdripper pmount puppy pupctorrent pupscan pupx pwireless set text " cp -f /usr/share/doc/index.html.top /tmp/newinfoindex.xml #dropdown menu for apps in menu... echo '

Applications available in the desktop menu:

' >>/tmp/newinfoindex.xml echo '
' #w464 dropdown list of all builtin pkgs... echo '

Complete list of packages (in Puppy or not):

' #now complete the index.html file... cat /usr/share/doc/index.html.bottom ) >> /tmp/newinfoindex.xml #################################################################### mv -f /tmp/newinfoindex.xml /usr/share/doc/index.html ###END###