#!/bin/sh # Create sparse file of 20MB which can be used by QEMU. if test $1 = "-e" -o $1 = "--empty" { # Create new hard disk image file. rm -f hdd.img truncate -s 20M hdd.img echo "Created new hard disk image file 'hdd.img' with 20MB size." } elif test $1 = "-f" -o $1 = "--folder" { if test ! $(id -u) = "0" { echo "Using option '-f' (or '--folder') requires root permissions." exit 1 } rm -f hdd.img truncate -s 20M hdd.img echo "Created new hard disk image file 'hdd.img' with 20MB size." setvar LOOP_DEVICE = $(losetup -f) losetup $LOOP_DEVICE hdd.img echo "Attached hard disk image file to loop device." mkfs.ext2 $LOOP_DEVICE echo "Hard disk image file has been formatted with Ext2 filesystem." mkdir folder mount hdd.img folder echo "Mounted hard disk image file to temporary folder." mkdir -p folder/minimal/rootfs mkdir -p folder/minimal/work echo "Overlay structure has been created." echo "This file is on external hard disk." > folder/minimal/rootfs/overlay.txt echo "Created sample text file." umount folder rm -rf folder echo "Unmounted hard disk image file." losetup -d $LOOP_DEVICE echo "Detached hard disk image file from loop device." chown $(logname) hdd.img echo "Applied original ownership to hard disk image file." } elif test $1 = "-s" -o $1 = "--sparse" { if test ! $(id -u) = "0" { echo "Using option '-s' (or '--sparse') requires root permissions." exit 1 } rm -f hdd.img truncate -s 20M hdd.img echo "Created new hard disk image file 'hdd.img' with 20MB size." setvar LOOP_DEVICE_HDD = $(losetup -f) losetup $LOOP_DEVICE_HDD hdd.img echo "Attached hard disk image file to loop device." mkfs.vfat $LOOP_DEVICE_HDD echo "Hard disk image file has been formatted with FAT filesystem." mkdir sparse mount hdd.img sparse echo "Mounted hard disk image file to temporary folder." rm -f sparse/minimal.img truncate -s 1M sparse/minimal.img echo "Created new overlay image file with 1MB size." setvar LOOP_DEVICE_OVL = $(losetup -f) losetup $LOOP_DEVICE_OVL sparse/minimal.img echo "Attached overlay image file to loop device." mkfs.ext2 $LOOP_DEVICE_OVL echo "Overlay image file has been formatted with Ext2 filesystem." mkdir ovl mount sparse/minimal.img ovl echo "Mounted overlay image file to temporary folder." mkdir -p ovl/rootfs mkdir -p ovl/work echo "Overlay structure has been created." echo "Create sample text file." echo "This file is on external hard disk." > ovl/rootfs/overlay.txt chown -R root:root ovl echo "Applied root ownership to overlay content." umount ovl sleep 1 rm -rf ovl echo "Unmounted overlay image file." losetup -d $LOOP_DEVICE_OVL sleep 1 echo "Overlay image file has been detached from loop device." umount sparse sleep 1 rm -rf sparse echo "Unmounted hard disk image file." losetup -d $LOOP_DEVICE_HDD sleep 1 echo "Hard disk image file has been detached from loop device." chown $(logname) hdd.img echo "Applied original ownership to hard disk image file." } elif test $1 = "-h" -o $1 = "--help" { cat <<< """ Usage: $0 [OPTION] This utility generates 20MB sparse file 'hdd.img' which can be used as QEMU disk image where all filesystem changes from the live session are persisted. -e, --empty Create empty sparse image file which is not formatted. -f, --folder Create sparse image file formatted with Ext2 filesystem which contains compatible overlay folder structure. -h, --help Prints this help information. -s, --sparse Create sparse image file formatted with FAT filesystem which contains sparse image file 'minimal.img' (1MB) formatted with Ext2 filesystem which contains the actual overlay structure. """ } elif test $1 = "" { echo "No option specified. Use '-h' or '--help' for more info." } else { echo "Option '$1' is not recognized. Use '-h' or '--help' for more info." }