#!/bin/sh setvar CWD = $(pwd) echo ${CWD##*/} # prevent running from elsewhere # see support for these vars test -f support/fw.conf && setvar fw = "support/fw.conf" || setvar fw = '' test -f support/rootfs-packages.conf && setvar rfsp = "support/rootfs-packages.conf" || setvar rfsp = '' test -f support/mkwall.conf && setvar mkw = "support/mkwall.conf" || setvar mkw = '' proc _help { xmessage -c \ "This is a handy utility to store your woof-CE configuration. Please setup the var 'XTRA_FLG' in '_00build.conf' A tarball of your config files is made in the current dir. Be careful when restoring backups as files may have changed! PLEASE RUN THIS FROM THE COMMAND LINE! see.. _00build.conf DISTRO_PKGS_SPECS-${DISTRO_BINARY_COMPAT}-${DISTRO_COMPAT_VERSION} $fw $rfsp $mkw To restore a backup just extract the generated tarball in place." exit 0 } echo ${CWD##*/} | grep -q '^woof-out' || _help source ./DISTRO_SPECS 2>/dev/null source ./_00build.conf case (1) { *h* {_help} } test -z $XTRA_FLG && _help # make sure the clickers are ok echo "Press Enter.." read || _help echo "Backing up ... " tar cvf z${XTRA_FLG}.tar _00build.conf \ DISTRO_PKGS_SPECS-${DISTRO_BINARY_COMPAT}-${DISTRO_COMPAT_VERSION} \ $fw $rfsp $mkw