1 | #
2 | # DO NOT EDIT -- Generated by testdata/completion/bash_oracle.sh
3 | #
4 | # bash --version:
5 | # GNU bash, version 4.3.48(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
6 | # Copyright (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
7 | # License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
8 | #
9 | # This is free software; you are free to change and redistribute it.
10 | # There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
11 | #
12 | # bash_completion:'
13 | #
14 | # 601749d5105ea2262290a239cfad4b0a testdata/completion/bash_completion
15 | # -rw-rw-r-- 1 andy andy 72681 Dec 20 20:40 testdata/completion/bash_completion
16 | #
17 | CASES = []
18 |
19 | case = {}
20 | CASES.append(case)
21 | case["code"] = 'echo foo:bar --color=auto\t'
22 | case["COMP_WORDS"] = ['echo', 'foo', ':', 'bar', '--color', '=', 'auto']
23 |
24 | case = {}
25 | CASES.append(case)
26 | case["code"] = 'echo foo=one:two:=three --color=auto\t'
27 | case["COMP_WORDS"] = ['echo', 'foo', '=', 'one', ':', 'two', ':=', 'three', '--color', '=', 'auto']
28 |
29 | case = {}
30 | CASES.append(case)
31 | case["code"] = 'echo "foo:bar|" --color=auto\t'
32 | case["COMP_WORDS"] = ['echo', '"foo:bar|"', '--color', '=', 'auto']
33 |
34 |
35 | case = {}
36 | CASES.append(case)
37 | case["code"] = 'noflags foo:bar --color=auto\t'
38 | case["COMP_LINE"] = 'noflags foo:bar --color=auto'
39 | case["COMP_POINT"] = '28'
40 | case["COMP_WORDS"] = ['noflags', 'foo', ':', 'bar', '--color', '=', 'auto']
41 | case["COMP_CWORD"] = '6'
42 | case["_init_completion_flags"] = []
43 | case["words"] = ['noflags', 'foo', ':', 'bar', '--color', '=', 'auto']
44 | case["cur"] = 'auto'
45 | case["prev"] = '='
46 | case["cword"] = '6'
47 | case["split"] = ''
48 |
49 | case = {}
50 | CASES.append(case)
51 | case["code"] = 'noflags "foo:bar|" --color=auto\t'
52 | case["COMP_LINE"] = 'noflags "foo:bar|" --color=auto'
53 | case["COMP_POINT"] = '31'
54 | case["COMP_WORDS"] = ['noflags', '"foo:bar|"', '--color', '=', 'auto']
55 | case["COMP_CWORD"] = '4'
56 | case["_init_completion_flags"] = []
57 | case["words"] = ['noflags', '"foo:bar|"', '--color', '=', 'auto']
58 | case["cur"] = 'auto'
59 | case["prev"] = '='
60 | case["cword"] = '4'
61 | case["split"] = ''
62 |
63 | case = {}
64 | CASES.append(case)
65 | case["code"] = 'noflags "foo:bar|\t'
66 | case["COMP_LINE"] = 'noflags "foo:bar|'
67 | case["COMP_POINT"] = '17'
68 | case["COMP_WORDS"] = ['noflags', '"foo:bar|']
69 | case["COMP_CWORD"] = '1'
70 | case["_init_completion_flags"] = []
71 | case["words"] = ['noflags', '"foo:bar|']
72 | case["cur"] = '"foo:bar|'
73 | case["prev"] = 'noflags'
74 | case["cword"] = '1'
75 | case["split"] = ''
76 |
77 |
78 | case = {}
79 | CASES.append(case)
80 | case["code"] = 's foo:bar --color=auto\t'
81 | case["COMP_LINE"] = 's foo:bar --color=auto'
82 | case["COMP_POINT"] = '22'
83 | case["COMP_WORDS"] = ['s', 'foo', ':', 'bar', '--color', '=', 'auto']
84 | case["COMP_CWORD"] = '6'
85 | case["_init_completion_flags"] = ['-s']
86 | case["words"] = ['s', 'foo', ':', 'bar', '--color=auto']
87 | case["cur"] = 'auto'
88 | case["prev"] = '--color'
89 | case["cword"] = '4'
90 | case["split"] = 'true'
91 |
92 | case = {}
93 | CASES.append(case)
94 | case["code"] = 's foo:bar --color auto\t'
95 | case["COMP_LINE"] = 's foo:bar --color auto'
96 | case["COMP_POINT"] = '22'
97 | case["COMP_WORDS"] = ['s', 'foo', ':', 'bar', '--color', 'auto']
98 | case["COMP_CWORD"] = '5'
99 | case["_init_completion_flags"] = ['-s']
100 | case["words"] = ['s', 'foo', ':', 'bar', '--color', 'auto']
101 | case["cur"] = 'auto'
102 | case["prev"] = '--color'
103 | case["cword"] = '5'
104 | case["split"] = 'false'
105 |
106 |
107 | case = {}
108 | CASES.append(case)
109 | case["code"] = 'n foo:bar --color=auto\t'
110 | case["COMP_LINE"] = 'n foo:bar --color=auto'
111 | case["COMP_POINT"] = '22'
112 | case["COMP_WORDS"] = ['n', 'foo', ':', 'bar', '--color', '=', 'auto']
113 | case["COMP_CWORD"] = '6'
114 | case["_init_completion_flags"] = ['-n', '=']
115 | case["words"] = ['n', 'foo', ':', 'bar', '--color=auto']
116 | case["cur"] = '--color=auto'
117 | case["prev"] = 'bar'
118 | case["cword"] = '4'
119 | case["split"] = ''
120 |
121 |
122 | case = {}
123 | CASES.append(case)
124 | case["code"] = 'n2 foo:bar --color=auto\t'
125 | case["COMP_LINE"] = 'n2 foo:bar --color=auto'
126 | case["COMP_POINT"] = '23'
127 | case["COMP_WORDS"] = ['n2', 'foo', ':', 'bar', '--color', '=', 'auto']
128 | case["COMP_CWORD"] = '6'
129 | case["_init_completion_flags"] = ['-n', ':=']
130 | case["words"] = ['n2', 'foo:bar', '--color=auto']
131 | case["cur"] = '--color=auto'
132 | case["prev"] = 'foo:bar'
133 | case["cword"] = '2'
134 | case["split"] = ''