#!/bin/echo "This file is sourced, not run" # Avoid trouble from unexpected environment settings by unsetting all # environment variables that we don't know about, in case some crazy # person already exported $CROSS_COMPILE, $ARCH, $CDPATH, or who knows # what else. It's hard to know what might drive some package crazy, # so use a whitelist. if test -z $NO_SANITIZE_ENVIRONMENT { # Which variables are set in config? setvar TEMP = $(echo $(sed -n 's/.*export[ \t]*\([^=]*\)=.*/\1/p' config) | sed 's/ /,/g') # What other variables should we keep? setvar TEMP = ""$TEMP,LANG,PATH,SHELL,TERM,USER,USERNAME,LOGNAME,PWD,EDITOR,HOME"" setvar TEMP = ""$TEMP,DISPLAY,_,TOPSHELL,START_TIME,STAGE_NAME,TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX"" setvar TEMP = ""$TEMP,HOST_ARCH,WRAPPY_LOGPATH,OLDPATH,http_proxy,ftp_proxy"" setvar TEMP = ""$TEMP,https_proxy,no_proxy,TEMP,TMPDIR,FORK,MUSL"" # Unset any variable we don't recognize. It can screw up the build. for i in $(env | sed -n 's/=.*//p') { is_in_list $i $TEMP && continue test ${i:0:7} == "DISTCC_" && continue test ${i:0:7} == "CCACHE_" && continue unset $i 2>/dev/null } } # Assign (export) a variable only if current value is blank proc export_if_blank { test -z $(eval "echo \"\${${1/=*/}}\"") && export $1 } # List of fallback mirrors to download package source from export_if_blank MIRROR_LIST="http://landley.net/code/aboriginal/mirror" # Where are our working directories? export_if_blank TOP=$(pwd) export_if_blank SOURCES="$TOP/sources" export_if_blank SRCDIR="$TOP/packages" export_if_blank PATCHDIR="$SOURCES/patches" export_if_blank BUILD="$TOP/build" export_if_blank SRCTREE="$BUILD/packages" export_if_blank HOSTTOOLS="$BUILD/host" export_if_blank WRAPDIR="$BUILD/record-commands" test ! -z $MY_PATCH_DIR && export MY_PATCH_DIR="$(readlink -e "$MY_PATCH_DIR")" # Set a default non-arch export WORK="${BUILD}/host-temp" export ARCH_NAME=host # What host compiler should we use? export_if_blank CC=cc # How many processors should make -j use? setvar MEMTOTAL = "$(awk '/MemTotal:/{print $2}' /proc/meminfo)" if test -z $CPUS { export CPUS=$(echo /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu[0-9]* | wc -w) test $CPUS -lt 1 && setvar CPUS = '1' # If we're not using hyper-threading, and there's plenty of memory, # use 50% more CPUS than we actually have to keep system busy test -z $(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep '^flags' | head -n 1 | grep -w ht) && test $(($CPUS*512*1024)) -le $MEMTOTAL && setvar CPUS = $((($CPUS*3)/2)) } export_if_blank STAGE_NAME=$(echo $0 | sed 's@.*/\(.*\)\.sh@\1@) test ! -z $BUILD_VERBOSE && setvar VERBOSITY = ""V=1"" export_if_blank BUILD_STATIC=busybox,toybox,binutils,gcc-core,gcc-g++,make # If record-commands.sh set up a wrapper directory, adjust $PATH. export PATH if test -z $OLDPATH { export OLDPATH="$PATH" test -z $BUSYBOX || setvar BUSYBOX = 'busybox' test -f "$HOSTTOOLS/${BUSYBOX:-toybox}" && setvar PATH = "$(hosttools_path)" || setvar PATH = ""$(hosttools_path):$PATH"" if test -f "$WRAPDIR/wrappy" { setvar OLDPATH = "$PATH" mkdir -p "$BUILD/logs" test $? -ne 0 && echo "Bad $WRAPDIR" >&2 && dienow setvar PATH = "$WRAPDIR" } } export WRAPPY_LOGPATH="$BUILD/logs/cmdlines.$ARCH_NAME.early"