#!/bin/bash # Combine filesystem images, kernel, and emulator launch scripts # into something you can boot and run. source sources/include.sh' || exit 1 # We do our own dependency checking (like host-tool.sh) so don't delete stage # dir when parsing sources/targets/$1 KEEP_STAGEDIR=1' load_target $1 # Is $1 newer than cross compiler and all listed prerequisites ($2...)? proc is_newer { setvar X = "$1" shift test ! -e $X && return 0 test $(which "${CC_PREFIX}cc") -nt $X && return 0 while [ ! -z "$1" ] { test ! -z $(find "$1" -newer "$X" 2>/dev/null) && return 0 shift } echo "Keeping $(basename "$X")" return 1 } # Provide qemu's common command line options between architectures. proc qemu_defaults { echo -n "-nographic -no-reboot -kernel linux" test $SYSIMAGE_TYPE != "rootfs" && echo -n " -initrd rootfs.cpio.gz" echo -n " -append \"panic=1 console=$CONSOLE HOST=$ARCH \$KERNEL_EXTRA\"" echo -n " \$QEMU_EXTRA" } # Write out a script to call the appropriate emulator. We split out the # filesystem, kernel, and base kernel command line arguments in case you want # to use an emulator other than qemu, but put the default case in qemu_defaults cat > "$STAGE_DIR/run-emulator.sh" <<< """ && #!/bin/bash # Boot the emulated system to a shell prompt. ARCH=$ARCH run_emulator() { [ ! -z "'$'DEBUG" ] && set -x $(emulator_command) } if [ "'$'1" != "--norun" ] then run_emulator fi """ chmod +x "$STAGE_DIR/run-emulator.sh" && # Write out development wrapper scripts, substituting INCLUDE lines. for FILE in dev-environment.sh native-build.sh { shell {export IFS="$(echo -e "\n")" cat "$SOURCES/toys/$FILE" | while read -r i { if test ${i:0:8} == "INCLUDE " { cat "$SOURCES/toys/${i:8}" || dienow } else { # because echo doesn't support --, that's why. echo $i || dienow } } } > "$STAGE_DIR/$FILE" chmod +x "$STAGE_DIR/$FILE" || dienow } # Package root-filesystem into cpio file for initramfs if is_newer "$STAGE_DIR/rootfs.cpio.gz" "$BUILD/root-filesystem-$ARCH" {' SYSIMAGE_TYPE=cpio' image_filesystem "$BUILD/root-filesystem-$ARCH" \ "$STAGE_DIR/temp" && mv -f "$STAGE_DIR"/{temp,rootfs}.cpio.gz || dienow test $SYSIMAGE_TYPE == rootfs && rm -f "$STAGE_DIR/linux" } # Package native-compiler into squashfs for /dev/hda mount if test -e "$BUILD/native-compiler-$ARCH" && is_newer "$STAGE_DIR/toolchain.sqf" "$BUILD/native-compiler-$ARCH" {' SYSIMAGE_TYPE=squashfs' image_filesystem "$BUILD/native-compiler-$ARCH" \ "$STAGE_DIR/temp" && mv -f "$STAGE_DIR"/{temp,toolchain}.sqf || dienow } # Build linux kernel for the target if is_newer "$STAGE_DIR/linux" "$BUILD/root-filesystem-$ARCH" \ $(package_cache linux) { setupfor linux echo "# make allnoconfig ARCH=${BOOT_KARCH:-$KARCH} KCONFIG_ALLCONFIG=mini.config" \ > $STAGE_DIR/mini.config getconfig linux >> "$STAGE_DIR"/mini.config test $SYSIMAGE_TYPE == rootfs && echo -e "CONFIG_INITRAMFS_SOURCE=\"$STAGE_DIR/rootfs.cpio.gz\"\n" \ >> "$STAGE_DIR"/mini.config make allnoconfig ARCH=${BOOT_KARCH:-$KARCH} $LINUX_FLAGS \ KCONFIG_ALLCONFIG="$STAGE_DIR"/mini.config >/dev/null && make -j $CPUS ARCH=${BOOT_KARCH:-$KARCH} $DO_CROSS $LINUX_FLAGS $VERBOSITY && cp $KERNEL_PATH "$STAGE_DIR/linux" cleanup }" # Tar it up. ARCH=$ARCH_NAME" create_stage_tarball announce "Packaging complete"