1 | #
2 | # Miscellaneous tests for the command language.
3 |
4 | #### Command block
5 | PATH=/bin
6 |
7 | { which ls; }
8 | ## stdout: /bin/ls
9 |
10 | #### Permission denied
11 | touch $TMP/text-file
12 | $TMP/text-file
13 | ## status: 126
14 |
15 | #### Not a dir
16 | $TMP/not-a-dir/text-file
17 | ## status: 127
18 |
19 | #### Name too long
20 | ./0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
21 | ## status: 127
22 | ## OK dash status: 2
23 | ## OK bash status: 126
24 |
25 | #### External programs don't have _OVM in environment
26 | # bug fix for leakage
27 | env | grep _OVM
28 | echo status=$?
29 | ## stdout: status=1
30 |
31 | #### File with no shebang is executed
32 | # most shells execute /bin/sh; bash may execute itself
33 | echo 'echo hi' > $TMP/no-shebang
34 | chmod +x $TMP/no-shebang
35 | $SH -c '$TMP/no-shebang'
36 | ## stdout: hi
37 | ## status: 0
38 |
39 | #### File with relative path and no shebang is executed
40 | cd $TMP
41 | echo 'echo hi' > no-shebang
42 | chmod +x no-shebang
43 | "$SH" -c './no-shebang'
44 | ## stdout: hi
45 | ## status: 0
46 |
47 | #### File in relative subdirectory and no shebang is executed
48 | cd $TMP
49 | mkdir -p test-no-shebang
50 | echo 'echo hi' > test-no-shebang/script
51 | chmod +x test-no-shebang/script
52 | "$SH" -c 'test-no-shebang/script'
53 | ## stdout: hi
54 | ## status: 0
55 |
56 | #### $PATH lookup
57 | cd $TMP
58 | mkdir -p one two
59 | echo 'echo one' > one/mycmd
60 | echo 'echo two' > two/mycmd
61 | chmod +x one/mycmd two/mycmd
62 |
63 | PATH='one:two'
64 | mycmd
65 | ## STDOUT:
66 | one
67 | ## END
68 |
69 | #### filling $PATH cache, then insert the same command earlier in cache
70 | cd $TMP
71 | PATH="one:two:$PATH"
72 | mkdir -p one two
73 | rm -f one/* two/*
74 | echo 'echo two' > two/mycmd
75 | chmod +x two/mycmd
76 | mycmd
77 |
78 | # Insert earlier in the path
79 | echo 'echo one' > one/mycmd
80 | chmod +x one/mycmd
81 | mycmd # still runs the cached 'two'
82 |
83 | # clear the cache
84 | hash -r
85 | mycmd # now it runs the new 'one'
86 |
87 | ## STDOUT:
88 | two
89 | two
90 | one
91 | ## END
92 |
93 | # zsh doesn't do caching!
94 | ## OK zsh STDOUT:
95 | two
96 | one
97 | one
98 | ## END
99 |
100 | #### filling $PATH cache, then deleting command
101 | cd $TMP
102 | PATH="one:two:$PATH"
103 | mkdir -p one two
104 | rm -f one/mycmd two/mycmd
105 |
106 | echo 'echo two' > two/mycmd
107 | chmod +x two/mycmd
108 | mycmd
109 | echo status=$?
110 |
111 | # Insert earlier in the path
112 | echo 'echo one' > one/mycmd
113 | chmod +x one/mycmd
114 | rm two/mycmd
115 | mycmd # still runs the cached 'two'
116 | echo status=$?
117 |
118 | ## STDOUT:
119 | two
120 | status=0
121 | status=127
122 | ## END
123 |
124 | # mksh and zsh correctly searches for the executable again!
125 | ## OK zsh/mksh STDOUT:
126 | two
127 | status=0
128 | one
129 | status=0
130 | ## END
131 |
132 | #### Non-executable on $PATH
133 |
134 | # shells differ in whether they actually execve('one/cmd') and get EPERM
135 |
136 | mkdir -p one two
137 | PATH="one:two:$PATH"
138 |
139 | rm -f one/mycmd two/mycmd
140 | echo 'echo one' > one/mycmd
141 | echo 'echo two' > two/mycmd
142 |
143 | # only make the second one executable
144 | chmod +x two/mycmd
145 | mycmd
146 | echo status=$?
147 |
148 | ## STDOUT:
149 | two
150 | status=0
151 | ## END
152 |
153 | #### hash without args prints the cache
154 | whoami >/dev/null
155 | hash
156 | echo status=$?
157 | ## STDOUT:
158 | /usr/bin/whoami
159 | status=0
160 | ## END
161 |
162 | # bash uses a weird table. Although we could use TSV2.
163 | ## OK bash stdout-json: "hits\tcommand\n 1\t/usr/bin/whoami\nstatus=0\n"
164 |
165 | ## OK mksh/zsh STDOUT:
166 | whoami=/usr/bin/whoami
167 | status=0
168 | ## END
169 |
170 | #### hash with args
171 | hash whoami
172 | echo status=$?
173 | hash | grep -o /whoami # prints it twice
174 | hash _nonexistent_
175 | echo status=$?
176 | ## STDOUT:
177 | status=0
178 | /whoami
179 | status=1
180 | ## END
181 |
182 | # mksh doesn't fail
183 | ## BUG mksh STDOUT:
184 | status=0
185 | /whoami
186 | status=0
187 | ## END
188 |
189 | #### hash -r doesn't allow additional args
190 | hash -r whoami >/dev/null # avoid weird output with mksh
191 | echo status=$?
192 | ## stdout: status=1
193 | ## OK osh stdout: status=2
194 | ## BUG dash/bash stdout: status=0