1 | ## our_shell: ysh
2 | ## oils_failures_allowed: 5
3 |
4 | #### value.Expr test - positional test
5 |
6 | source --builtin testing.ysh
7 |
8 | echo 'parens'
9 | test-expr (42 + 1)
10 | echo
11 |
12 | echo 'brackets'
13 | test-expr [42 + 1]
14 | echo
15 |
16 | echo 'expr in parens'
17 | test-expr (^[42 + 1])
18 | echo
19 |
20 | ## STDOUT:
21 | ## END
22 |
23 | #### value.Expr test - named test
24 |
25 | source --builtin testing.ysh
26 |
27 | echo 'parens'
28 | test-named (n=42 + 1)
29 | echo
30 |
31 | echo 'brackets'
32 | test-named [n=42 + 1]
33 | echo
34 |
35 | echo 'expr in parens'
36 | test-named (n=^[42 + 1])
37 | echo
38 |
39 | echo 'no value'
40 | test-named
41 | echo
42 |
43 | ## STDOUT:
44 | ## END
45 |
46 | #### assert builtin
47 |
48 | source --builtin testing.ysh # get rid of this line later?
49 |
50 | var x = 42
51 |
52 | # how do you get the code string here?
53 |
54 | assert [42 === x]
55 |
56 | assert [42 < x]
57 |
58 | #assert [42 < x; fail_message='message']
59 |
60 | #assert (^[(42 < x)], fail_message='passed message')
61 |
62 | # BUG
63 | assert [42 < x, fail_message='passed message']
64 |
65 | ## STDOUT:
66 | ## END
67 |
68 | #### ysh --tool test file
69 |
70 | cat >mytest.ysh <<EOF
71 | echo hi
72 | EOF
73 |
74 | # which ysh
75 |
76 | # the test framework sets $SH to bin/ysh
77 | # but ysh is already installed on this machine
78 |
79 | $SH --tool test mytest.ysh
80 |
81 | ## STDOUT:
82 | ## END
83 |
84 | # Hm can we do this entirely in user code, not as a builtin?
85 |
86 | #### Describe Prototype
87 |
88 | source --builtin testing.ysh
89 |
90 | proc p {
91 | echo STDOUT
92 | echo STDERR >& 2
93 | return 42
94 | }
95 |
96 | describe p {
97 | # each case changes to a clean directory?
98 | #
99 | # and each one is numbered?
100 |
101 | it 'prints to stdout and stderr' {
102 | try {
103 | p > out 2>& err
104 | }
105 | assert (_status === 42)
106 |
107 | cat out
108 | cat err
109 |
110 | # Oh man the here docs are still useful here because of 'diff' interface
111 | # Multiline strings don't quite do it
112 |
113 | diff out - <<< '''
114 | STDOUT
115 | '''
116 |
117 | diff err - <<< '''
118 | STDERR
119 | '''
120 | }
121 | }
122 |
123 | ## STDOUT:
124 | TODO
125 | ## END