1 | _bad() {
2 | #argv "$@"
3 |
4 | echo '_bad returning 124'
5 |
6 | # This caused an infinite loop in OSH, but not in bash. We have to test if
7 | # the return value is 124 AND the compspec was updated.
8 | #
9 | # In bash, it seems like you EITHER set COMPREPLY or return 124, not BOTH!
10 | # If it sees 124, it doesn't process the completions (unlike OSH at the
11 | # moment).
12 |
13 | #COMPREPLY=(x y)
14 |
15 | return 124
16 | }
17 | complete -F _bad bad
18 |
19 | _both() {
20 | #echo '_both setting COMPREPLY and returning 124'
21 | COMPREPLY=(x y)
22 | return 124
23 | }
24 | complete -F _both both
25 |
26 | _both2() {
27 | #echo '_both setting COMPREPLY and returning 124'
28 | COMPREPLY=(x y)
29 | complete -W 'b1 b2' both2
30 | return 124
31 | }
32 | complete -F _both2 both2
33 |
34 | _default() {
35 | echo '_default returning 124 without changing completion spec'
36 | # We're supposed to source something here, but we didn't
37 | return 124
38 | }
39 |
40 | complete -F _default -D