Oils Reference — Chapter Standard Library

This chapter in the Oils Reference describes the standard library for OSH and YSH.

(These functions are implemented in OSH or YSH, not C++ or Python.)

(in progress)

In This Chapter


These functions are in two.sh

source $OSH_LIB/two.sh


Write a message to stderr:

log "hi $x"
log '---'


Write an error message with the script name, and exit with status 1.

die 'Expected a number'

Args Parser

YSH includes a command-line argument parsing utility called parseArgs. This is intended to be used for command-line interfaces to YSH programs.

To use it, first import args.ysh:

source --builtin args.ysh

Then, create an argument parser specification:

parser (&spec) {
  flag -v --verbose (help="Verbosely")  # default is Bool, false

  flag -P --max-procs ('int', default=-1, help='''
    Run at most P processes at a time

  flag -i --invert ('bool', default=true, help='''
    Long multiline

  arg src (help='Source')
  arg dest (help='Dest')

  rest files

Finally, parse ARGV (or any other array of strings) with:

var args = parseArgs(spec, ARGV)

The returned args is a Dict containing key-value pairs with the parsed values (or defaults) for each flag and argument. For example, given ARGV = :| mysrc -P 12 mydest a b c |, args would be:

    "verbose": false,
    "max-procs": 12,
    "invert": true,
    "src": "mysrc",
    "dest": "mydest",
    "files": ["a", "b", "c"]


parseArgs() requires a parser specification to indicate how to parse the ARGV array. This specification should be constructed using the parser proc.

parser (&spec) {
  flag -f --my-flag
  arg myarg
  rest otherArgs

In the above example, parser takes in a place &spec, which will store the resulting specification and a block which is evaluated to build that specification.

Inside of a parser block, you should call the following procs:

parser will validate the parser specification for errors such as duplicate flag or argument names.

parser (&spec) {
  flag -n --name
  flag -n --name  # Duplicate!

# => raises "Duplicate flag/arg name 'name' in spec" (status = 3)


flag should be called within a parser block.

parser (&spec) {
  flag -v --verbose

The above example declares a flag "--verbose" and a short alias "-v". parseArgs() will then store a boolean value under args.verbose:

Flags can also accept values. For example, if you wanted to accept an integer count:

parser (&spec) {
  flag -N --count ('int')

Calling parseArgs with ARGV = :| -n 5 | or ARGV = :| --count 5 | will store the integer 5 under args.count. If the user passes in a non-integer value like ARGV = :| --count abc |, parseArgs will raise an error.

Default values for an argument can be set with the default named argument.

parser (&spec) {
  flag -N --count ('int', default=2)

  # Boolean flags can be given default values too
  flag -O --optimize ('bool', default=true)

var args = parseArgs(spec, :| -n 3 |)
# => args.count = 2
# => args.optimize = true

Each name passed to flag must be unique to that specific parser. Calling flag with the same name twice will raise an error inside of parser.


arg should be called within a parser block.

parser (&spec) {
  arg query
  arg path

The above example declares two positional arguments called "query" and "path". parseArgs() will then store strings under args.query and args.path. Order matters, so the first positional argument will be stored to query and the second to path. If not enough positional arguments are passed, then parseArgs will raise an error.

Similar to flag, each arg name must be unique. Calling arg with the same name twice will cause parser to raise an error.


rest should be called within a parser block.

parser (&spec) {
  arg query
  rest files

Capture zero or more positional arguments not already captured by arg. So, for ARGV = :| hello file.txt message.txt README.md |, we would have args.query = "file.txt" and args.files = ["file.txt", "message.txt", "README.md"].

Without rest, passing extraneous arguments will raise an error in parseArgs().

rest can only be called once within a parser. Calling it multiple times will raise an error in parser.


Given a parser specification spec produced by parser, parse a list of strings (usually ARGV.)

var args = parseArgs(spec, ARGV)

The returned args is a dictionary mapping the names of each arg, flag and rest to their captured values. (See the example at the start of this topic.)

parseArgs will raise an error if the ARGV is invalid per the parser specification. For example, if it's missing a required positional argument:

parser (&spec) {
  arg path

var args = parseArgs(spec, [])
# => raises an error about the missing 'path' (status = 2)
Generated on Tue, 23 Jul 2024 03:35:06 +0000