1 | from __future__ import print_function
2 | """
3 | ovm.py
4 |
5 | TODO:
6 |
7 | Define a VM that doesn't use exceptions for control flow!
8 | """
9 |
10 | import operator # for + - * / etc.
11 | import os
12 | import sys
13 | import repr as repr_lib
14 |
15 | from .pyvm2 import debug1
16 | from ..lib import dis
17 |
18 | # Create a repr that won't overflow.
19 | repr_obj = repr_lib.Repr()
20 | repr_obj.maxother = 120
21 | repper = repr_obj.repr
22 |
23 | # Different than log
24 | def debug(msg, *args):
25 | if not VERBOSE:
26 | return
27 |
28 | debug1(msg, *args)
29 |
30 |
31 | VERBOSE = False
32 | #VERBOSE = True
33 |
34 |
35 | def run_code(vm, code):
36 | """Main entry point.
37 |
38 | Used by tests and by execfile.
39 | """
40 | frame = vm.make_frame(code)
41 | val = vm.run_frame(frame)
42 | vm.check_invariants()
43 | if os.getenv('VM_SUMMARY'):
44 | debug1('*** OVM executed for %d ticks', vm.num_ticks)
45 | # If we return the number of ticks here, the unit tests break.
46 | return val
47 |
48 |
49 | def run_code_object(code, args, package=None):
50 | sys.argv = args
51 | vm = VirtualMachine()
52 | run_code(vm, code)
53 |
54 |
55 | # Note: handler is a jump target!
56 | import collections
57 | Block = collections.namedtuple("Block", "type, handler, level")
58 |
59 |
60 | class Frame(object):
61 | def __init__(self, f_code, callargs):
62 | self.f_code = f_code
63 | self.f_locals = dict(callargs) # Do we need to make a copy?
64 | self.stack = [] # expression stack
65 | self.f_lineno = f_code.co_firstlineno
66 | self.f_lasti = 0
67 |
68 | self.block_stack = []
69 | self.generator = None
70 |
71 | def __repr__(self): # pragma: no cover
72 | return '<Frame at 0x%08x: %r @ %d>' % (
73 | id(self), self.f_code.co_filename, self.f_lineno
74 | )
75 |
76 | def top(self):
77 | """Return the value at the top of the stack, with no changes."""
78 | return self.stack[-1]
79 |
80 | def pop(self, i=0):
81 | """Pop a value from the stack.
82 |
83 | Default to the top of the stack, but `i` can be a count from the top
84 | instead.
85 |
86 | """
87 | return self.stack.pop(-1-i)
88 |
89 | def push(self, *vals):
90 | """Push values onto the value stack."""
91 | self.stack.extend(vals)
92 |
93 | def popn(self, n):
94 | """Pop a number of values from the value stack.
95 |
96 | A list of `n` values is returned, the deepest value first.
97 | """
98 | if n:
99 | ret = self.stack[-n:]
100 | del self.stack[-n:]
101 | return ret
102 | else:
103 | return []
104 |
105 | def peek(self, n):
106 | """Get a value `n` entries down in the stack, without changing the stack."""
107 | return self.stack[-n]
108 |
109 | def jump(self, offset):
110 | """Move the bytecode pointer to `offset`, so it will execute next."""
111 | self.f_lasti = offset
112 |
113 | def push_block(self, type, handler=None, level=None):
114 | """Used for SETUP_{LOOP,EXCEPT,FINALLY,WITH}."""
115 | if level is None:
116 | level = len(self.stack)
117 | self.block_stack.append(Block(type, handler, level))
118 |
119 | def pop_block(self):
120 | return self.block_stack.pop()
121 |
122 | def _unwind_block(self, block, vm):
123 | """
124 | Args:
125 | vm: VirtualMachineError to possibly mutate
126 | """
127 | while len(self.stack) > block.level:
128 | self.pop()
129 |
130 | def handle_block_stack(self, why, vm):
131 | """
132 | After every bytecode that returns why != None, handle everything on the
133 | block stack.
134 |
135 | The block stack and data stack are shuffled for looping, exception
136 | handling, or returning.
137 | """
138 | assert why != 'yield'
139 |
140 | block = self.block_stack[-1]
141 | assert block.type == 'loop', block.type
142 |
143 | if why == 'continue':
144 | self.jump(vm.return_value) # why is it left in the return value?
145 | return None
146 |
147 | self.pop_block()
148 | self._unwind_block(block, vm)
149 |
150 | if why == 'break':
151 | self.jump(block.handler)
152 | return None
153 |
154 | raise AssertionError('why = %r' % why)
155 |
156 | def decode_next_raw(self):
157 | """
158 | Parse 1 - 3 bytes of bytecode into an instruction and maybe arguments.
159 | """
160 | opcode = ord(self.f_code.co_code[self.f_lasti])
161 | self.f_lasti += 1
162 |
163 | arguments = []
164 | if opcode >= dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT:
165 | a1 = self.f_code.co_code[self.f_lasti]
166 | a2 = self.f_code.co_code[self.f_lasti+1]
167 | arg = ord(a1) + (ord(a2) << 8)
168 | self.f_lasti += 2
169 | else:
170 | arg = None
171 | return opcode, arg
172 |
173 | def line_number(self):
174 | """Get the current line number the frame is executing."""
175 | # We don't keep f_lineno up to date, so calculate it based on the
176 | # instruction address and the line number table.
177 | lnotab = self.f_code.co_lnotab
178 | byte_increments = lnotab[0::2]
179 | line_increments = lnotab[1::2]
180 |
181 | byte_num = 0
182 | line_num = self.f_code.co_firstlineno
183 |
184 | for byte_incr, line_incr in zip(byte_increments, line_increments):
185 | byte_incr = ord(byte_incr)
186 | line_incr = ord(line_incr)
187 |
188 | byte_num += byte_incr
189 | if byte_num > self.f_lasti:
190 | break
191 | line_num += line_incr
192 |
193 | return line_num
194 |
195 |
196 | class VirtualMachineError(Exception):
197 | """For raising errors in the operation of the VM."""
198 | pass
199 |
200 |
202 | 'POWER': pow,
203 | 'MULTIPLY': operator.mul,
204 | 'DIVIDE': getattr(operator, 'div', lambda x, y: None),
205 | 'FLOOR_DIVIDE': operator.floordiv,
206 | 'TRUE_DIVIDE': operator.truediv,
207 | 'MODULO': operator.mod,
208 | 'ADD': operator.add,
209 | 'SUBTRACT': operator.sub,
210 | 'SUBSCR': operator.getitem,
211 | 'LSHIFT': operator.lshift,
212 | 'RSHIFT': operator.rshift,
213 | 'AND': operator.and_,
214 | 'XOR': operator.xor,
215 | 'OR': operator.or_,
216 | }
217 |
219 | operator.lt,
220 | operator.le,
221 | operator.eq,
222 | operator.ne,
223 | operator.gt,
224 | operator.ge,
225 | lambda x, y: x in y,
226 | lambda x, y: x not in y,
227 | lambda x, y: x is y,
228 | lambda x, y: x is not y,
229 | lambda x, y: issubclass(x, Exception) and issubclass(x, y),
230 | ]
231 |
232 |
233 | class VirtualMachine(object):
234 |
235 | def __init__(self, verbose=VERBOSE):
236 | """
237 | Args:
238 | subset: turn off bytecodes that OPy doesn't need (e.g. print
239 | statement, etc.)
240 | verbose: turn on logging
241 | """
242 | self.verbose = verbose
243 | # some objects define __repr__, which means our debug() logging screws
244 | # things up! Even though they don't have side effects, this somehow
245 | # matters.
246 | self.repr_ok = True
247 |
248 | # The call stack of frames.
249 | self.frames = []
250 | # The current frame.
251 | self.frame = None
252 | self.return_value = None
253 |
254 | self.cur_line = None # current line number
255 | self.num_ticks = 0
256 |
257 | def top(self):
258 | return self.frame.top()
259 |
260 | def pop(self, i=0):
261 | return self.frame.pop(i=i)
262 |
263 | def push(self, *vals):
264 | self.frame.push(*vals)
265 |
266 | def popn(self, n):
267 | return self.frame.popn(n)
268 |
269 | def peek(self, n):
270 | return self.frame.peek(n)
271 |
272 | def jump(self, offset):
273 | self.frame.jump(offset)
274 |
275 | # TODO: The frame should only have locals?
276 | # All globals are constants? No "rebindable" globals. (You can have
277 | # mutable objects but not rebind them.)
278 | def make_frame(self, code, callargs={}):
279 | """
280 | Called by self.run_code and Function.__call__.
281 | """
282 | frame = Frame(code, callargs)
283 | return frame
284 |
285 | def log_tick(self, byteName, arguments, opoffset, linestarts):
286 | """ Log arguments, block stack, and data stack for each opcode."""
287 | indent = " " * (len(self.frames)-1)
288 | stack_rep = repper(self.frame.stack)
289 | #block_stack_rep = repper(self.frame.block_stack)
290 | # repr_lib is causing problems
291 | if self.repr_ok:
292 | stack_rep = repr(self.frame.stack)
293 | #block_stack_rep = repr(self.frame.block_stack)
294 |
295 | arg_str = ''
296 | if arguments and self.repr_ok:
297 | arg_str = ' %r' % (arguments[0],)
298 |
299 | # TODO: Should increment
300 |
301 | li = linestarts.get(opoffset, None)
302 | if li is not None and self.cur_line != li:
303 | self.cur_line = li
304 |
305 | debug('%s%d: %s%s (line %s)', indent, opoffset, byteName, arg_str,
306 | self.cur_line)
307 | if self.repr_ok:
308 | debug(' %sval stack: %s', indent, stack_rep)
309 | #debug(' %sblock stack: %s', indent, block_stack_rep)
310 | debug('')
311 |
312 | # Helpers for run_frame
313 | def _push_frame(self, frame):
314 | self.frames.append(frame)
315 | self.frame = frame
316 |
317 | def _pop_frame(self):
318 | # NOTE: Block(handler) is a jump address.
319 | #if self.frame.block_stack:
320 | if False:
321 | debug1('block stack: %s', self.frame.block_stack)
322 | raise VirtualMachineError(
323 | "Block stack still has %d entries" %
324 | len(self.frame.block_stack))
325 |
326 | self.frames.pop()
327 | if self.frames:
328 | self.frame = self.frames[-1]
329 | else:
330 | self.frame = None
331 |
332 | def run_frame(self, frame):
333 | """Run a frame until it returns or raises an exception.
334 |
335 | This function raises GuestException or returns the return value.
336 |
337 | Corresponds to PyEval_EvalFrameEx in ceval.c. That returns 'PyObject*
338 | retval' -- but how does it indicate an exception?
339 |
340 | I think retval is NULL, and then
341 |
342 | """
343 | # bytecode offset -> line number
344 | #print('frame %s ' % frame)
345 | # NOTE: Also done in Frmae.line_number()
346 | linestarts = dict(dis.findlinestarts(frame.f_code))
347 | #print('STARTS %s ' % linestarts)
348 |
349 | self._push_frame(frame)
350 | while True:
351 | self.num_ticks += 1
352 | if self.num_ticks == 300:
353 | raise VirtualMachineError('Too many ticks')
354 |
355 | opoffset = self.frame.f_lasti # For logging only
356 | opcode, arg = self.frame.decode_next_raw()
357 | inst_name = dis.opname[opcode]
358 | arguments = []
359 | if self.verbose:
360 | self.log_tick(inst_name, arguments, opoffset, linestarts)
361 | debug1('arg %s', arg)
362 |
363 | # When unwinding the block stack, we need to keep track of why we
364 | # are doing it.
365 |
366 | # NOTE: In addition to returning why == 'exception', this can also
367 | # RAISE GuestException from recursive call via call_function.
368 |
369 | why = False
370 |
371 | if inst_name == 'POP_TOP':
372 | self.pop()
373 |
374 | elif inst_name == 'LOAD_CONST':
375 | const = self.frame.f_code.co_consts[arg]
376 | self.push(const)
377 |
378 | elif inst_name == 'STORE_NAME':
379 | # This is true. NOTE: dis.hasname is a list.
380 | #debug1('STORE_NAME %d', opcode)
381 | name = self.frame.f_code.co_names[arg]
382 | self.frame.f_locals[name] = self.pop()
383 |
384 | elif inst_name == 'LOAD_NAME':
385 | #debug1('NAME arg %d', arg)
386 |
387 | name = self.frame.f_code.co_names[arg]
388 | #debug1('NAME %r', name)
389 | frame = self.frame
390 | if name in frame.f_locals:
391 | val = frame.f_locals[name]
392 | elif name == 'print': # Special case!
393 | val = print
394 | #elif name in frame.f_globals:
395 | # val = frame.f_globals[name]
396 | #elif name in frame.f_builtins:
397 | # val = frame.f_builtins[name]
398 | else:
399 | raise NameError("name '%s' is not defined" % name)
400 | self.push(val)
401 | # Hack because this is not a global in OVM.
402 | #if name == 'True':
403 | # self.push(True)
404 | #else:
405 | # self.push(self.frame.f_locals[name])
406 |
407 | #
408 | # Operations
409 | #
410 | elif inst_name == 'BINARY_ADD':
411 | # I guess popn() is slightly faster because you don't decrement.
412 | # twice? Even in C?
413 | x, y = self.popn(2)
414 | self.push(BINARY_OPERATORS['ADD'](x, y))
415 |
416 | elif inst_name == 'COMPARE_OP':
417 | x, y = self.popn(2)
418 | self.push(COMPARE_OPERATORS[arg](x, y))
419 |
420 | #
422 | #
423 | elif inst_name == 'CALL_FUNCTION':
424 | # NOTE: There are different bytecodes for
426 | # I don't thinks we need those in OPy. I think that is for each
427 | # combination of foo(*args, **kwargs). I guess I do need _VAR
428 | # for log(msg, *args).
429 |
430 | len_kw, len_pos= divmod(arg, 256)
431 | assert len_kw == 0
432 | namedargs = {}
433 | for i in xrange(len_kw):
434 | key, val = self.popn(2)
435 | namedargs[key] = val
436 |
437 | posargs = self.popn(len_pos)
438 | #posargs.extend(args) # For extras
439 |
440 | func = self.pop() # TODO: assert that it's the print function
441 |
442 | do_wrap = False
443 | if do_wrap:
444 | # Hm there needs to be a better way of doing this?
445 | #callargs = inspect.getcallargs(func, *posargs, **namedargs)
446 | callargs = None
447 | frame = self.make_frame(func.func_code, callargs)
448 | retval = self.run_frame(frame)
449 | else:
450 | byterun_func = func
451 | retval = byterun_func(*posargs, **namedargs)
452 | self.push(retval)
453 |
454 | elif inst_name == 'RETURN_VALUE':
455 | why = 'return'
456 |
457 | elif inst_name == 'SETUP_LOOP':
458 | dest = self.frame.f_lasti + arg # dis.hasjrel
459 | self.frame.push_block('loop', dest)
460 |
461 | elif inst_name == 'POP_BLOCK':
462 | self.frame.pop_block()
463 |
464 | elif inst_name == 'BREAK_LOOP':
465 | # TODO: Get rid of this; it should be a jump.
466 | why = 'break'
467 |
468 | #
469 | # JUMPS
470 | #
471 | elif inst_name == 'POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE':
472 | # NOTE: This is a "superinstruction"; it could just be POP, then
473 | # JUMP_IF_FALSE.
474 | val = self.pop()
475 | if not val:
476 | self.jump(arg)
477 |
478 | elif inst_name == 'JUMP_ABSOLUTE':
479 | self.jump(arg) # dis.hasjabs
480 |
481 | elif inst_name == 'JUMP_FORWARD':
482 | self.jump(self.frame.f_lasti + arg) # dis.hasjrel
483 |
484 | #
485 | # Intentionally ignored imports
486 | #
487 | elif inst_name == 'IMPORT_NAME':
488 | pass
489 | elif inst_name == 'IMPORT_FROM':
490 | pass
491 |
492 | else:
493 | raise AssertionError('OVM not handling %r' % inst_name)
494 |
495 | while why and frame.block_stack:
496 | debug('WHY %s', why)
497 | debug('STACK %s', frame.block_stack)
498 | why = self.frame.handle_block_stack(why, self)
499 |
500 | # TODO: I should be popping and cleaning up blocks here.
501 | if why:
502 | break
503 |
504 | self._pop_frame()
505 |
506 | #debug1('num_ticks: %d' % num_ticks)
507 | return self.return_value
508 |
509 | def check_invariants(self):
510 | # Check some invariants
511 | if self.frames: # pragma: no cover
512 | raise VirtualMachineError("Frames left over!")
513 | # NOTE: self.frame is None at the end.
514 | if self.frame and self.frame.stack: # pragma: no cover
515 | raise VirtualMachineError("Data left on stack! %r" % self.frame.stack)