1 | // cpp/stdlib.h: Replacement for pyext/posixmodule.c
2 |
3 | #ifndef LEAKY_STDLIB_H
4 | #define LEAKY_STDLIB_H
5 |
6 | #include <errno.h>
7 | #include <sys/types.h> // mode_t
8 | #include <unistd.h>
9 |
10 | #include "mycpp/runtime.h"
11 |
12 | namespace math {
13 |
14 | bool isinf(float f);
15 | bool isnan(float f);
16 |
17 | } // namespace math
18 |
19 | namespace fcntl_ {
20 |
21 | // for F_GETFD
22 | int fcntl(int fd, int cmd);
23 | int fcntl(int fd, int cmd, int arg);
24 |
25 | } // namespace fcntl_
26 |
27 | namespace posix {
28 |
29 | mode_t umask(mode_t mask);
30 |
31 | inline bool access(BigStr* pathname, int mode) {
32 | // No error case: 0 is success, -1 is error AND false.
33 | return ::access(pathname->data_, mode) == 0;
34 | }
35 |
36 | inline BigStr* getcwd() {
37 | BigStr* result = OverAllocatedStr(PATH_MAX);
38 | char* p = ::getcwd(result->data_, PATH_MAX);
39 | if (p == nullptr) {
40 | throw Alloc<OSError>(errno);
41 | }
42 | // Important: set the length of the string!
43 | result->MaybeShrink(strlen(result->data_));
44 | return result;
45 | }
46 |
47 | // No error cases: the man page says these get*() functions always succeed
48 |
49 | inline int getegid() {
50 | return ::getegid();
51 | }
52 |
53 | inline int geteuid() {
54 | return ::geteuid();
55 | }
56 |
57 | inline int getpid() {
58 | return ::getpid();
59 | }
60 |
61 | inline int getppid() {
62 | return ::getppid();
63 | }
64 |
65 | inline int getuid() {
66 | return ::getuid();
67 | }
68 |
69 | inline bool isatty(int fd) {
70 | // No error case: false is the same as error (e.g. in pyext/posixmodule.c)
71 | return ::isatty(fd);
72 | }
73 |
74 | inline BigStr* strerror(int err_num) {
75 | // No error case: returns an appropriate string if err_num is invalid
76 | return StrFromC(::strerror(err_num));
77 | }
78 |
79 | inline Tuple2<int, int> pipe() {
80 | int fd[2];
81 | if (::pipe(fd) < 0) {
82 | throw Alloc<OSError>(errno);
83 | }
84 | return Tuple2<int, int>(fd[0], fd[1]);
85 | }
86 |
87 | inline void close(int fd) {
88 | if (::close(fd) < 0) {
89 | throw Alloc<OSError>(errno);
90 | }
91 | }
92 |
93 | void putenv(BigStr* name, BigStr* value);
94 |
95 | inline int fork() {
96 | int result = ::fork();
97 | if (result < 0) {
98 | throw Alloc<OSError>(errno);
99 | }
100 | return result;
101 | }
102 |
103 | inline void _exit(int status) {
104 | // No error case: does not return
105 | ::_exit(status);
106 | }
107 |
108 | inline void write(int fd, BigStr* s) {
109 | //
110 | // IMPORTANT TODO: Write in a loop like posix_write() in pyext/posixmodule.c
111 | //
112 |
113 | if (::write(fd, s->data_, len(s)) < 0) {
114 | throw Alloc<OSError>(errno);
115 | }
116 | }
117 |
118 | inline void setpgid(pid_t pid, pid_t pgid) {
119 | int ret = ::setpgid(pid, pgid);
120 | if (ret < 0) {
121 | throw Alloc<OSError>(errno);
122 | }
123 | }
124 |
125 | inline int getpgid(pid_t pid) {
126 | pid_t ret = ::getpgid(pid);
127 | if (ret < 0) {
128 | throw Alloc<OSError>(errno);
129 | }
130 | return ret;
131 | }
132 |
133 | inline void tcsetpgrp(int fd, pid_t pgid) {
134 | int ret = ::tcsetpgrp(fd, pgid);
135 | if (ret < 0) {
136 | throw Alloc<OSError>(errno);
137 | }
138 | }
139 |
140 | inline int tcgetpgrp(int fd) {
141 | pid_t ret = ::tcgetpgrp(fd);
142 | if (ret < 0) {
143 | throw Alloc<OSError>(errno);
144 | }
145 | return ret;
146 | }
147 |
148 | // Can we use fcntl instead?
149 | void dup2(int oldfd, int newfd);
150 |
151 | int open(BigStr* path, int flags, int perms);
152 |
153 | mylib::File* fdopen(int fd, BigStr* c_mode);
154 |
155 | void execve(BigStr* argv0, List<BigStr*>* argv,
156 | Dict<BigStr*, BigStr*>* environ);
157 |
158 | void kill(int pid, int sig);
159 | void killpg(int pgid, int sig);
160 |
161 | List<BigStr*>* listdir(BigStr* path);
162 |
163 | } // namespace posix
164 |
165 | namespace time_ {
166 |
167 | void tzset();
168 | time_t time();
169 | // Note: This is translated in a weird way, unlike Python's API. Might want to
170 | // factor out our own API with better types.
171 | time_t localtime(time_t ts);
172 | BigStr* strftime(BigStr* s, time_t ts);
173 | void sleep(int seconds);
174 |
175 | } // namespace time_
176 |
177 | #endif // LEAKY_STDLIB_H