Results for

pass 24
0pass Unquoted backslash escapes, as in J8 strings
1pass Unquoted \u{3bc} escape
2FAIL Unquoted \y23 escape
3pass single quoted -- implicit and explicit raw
4pass Implicit raw single quote with backslash is a syntax error
5pass $"foo $x" to make "foo $x" explicit
6pass single quoted C strings: $'foo\n'
7pass raw strings and J8 strings don't work in OSH
8pass J8-style u'' and b'' strings in expression mode
9pass J8-style u'' and b'' strings in command mode
10pass J8-style multi-line strings u''' b''' in command mode
11pass Double Quoted
12pass Multiline strings with '' and ""
13pass C strings in %() array literals
14pass shopt parse_ysh_string
15pass $''' isn't a a multiline string (removed)
16pass """ and $""" in Expression Mode
17pass ''' in Expression Mode
18pass """ and $""" in Command Mode
19pass ''' in Command Mode
20pass r''' in Command Mode, Expression mode
21pass ''' in Here Doc
22pass ''' without parse_triple_quote
23pass here doc with quotes
24pass triple quoted and implicit concatenation
24 passed, 0 OK, 0 not implemented, 0 BUG, 1 failed, 0 timeouts, 0 cases skipped
1 failed under osh

Details on runs that didn't PASS

ysh2 Unquoted \y23 escape

[ysh stdout] Expected 'mu \xce\xbc\nmu \xce\xbc\nmu \xce\xbc\n', got ''
[ysh status] Expected 0, got 2

  var x = 'foo ' ++ \y23
[ stdin ]:1: Unexpected token in expression mode