1 | ---
2 | title: Builtin Commands (Oils Reference)
3 | all_docs_url: ..
4 | body_css_class: width40
5 | default_highlighter: oils-sh
6 | preserve_anchor_case: yes
7 | ---
8 |
9 | <div class="doc-ref-header">
10 |
11 | [Oils Reference](index.html) — Chapter **Standard Library**
12 |
13 | </div>
14 |
15 | This chapter in the [Oils Reference](index.html) describes the standard library
16 | for OSH and YSH.
17 |
18 | (These functions are implemented in OSH or YSH, not C++ or Python.)
19 |
20 | <span class="in-progress">(in progress)</span>
21 |
22 | <div id="dense-toc">
23 | </div>
24 |
25 | ## math
26 |
27 | ### abs()
28 |
29 | Compute the absolute (positive) value of a number (float or int).
30 |
31 | = abs(-1) # => 1
32 | = abs(0) # => 0
33 | = abs(1) # => 1
34 |
35 | Note, you will need to `source --builtin math.ysh` to use this function.
36 |
37 | ### max()
38 |
39 | Compute the maximum of 2 or more values.
40 |
41 | `max` takes two different signatures:
42 |
43 | 1. `max(a, b)` to return the maximum of `a`, `b`
44 | 2. `max(list)` to return the greatest item in the `list`
45 |
46 | For example:
47 |
48 | = max(1, 2) # => 2
49 | = max([1, 2, 3]) # => 3
50 |
51 | Note, you will need to `source --builtin math.ysh` to use this function.
52 |
53 | ### min()
54 |
55 | Compute the minimum of 2 or more values.
56 |
57 | `min` takes two different signatures:
58 |
59 | 1. `min(a, b)` to return the minimum of `a`, `b`
60 | 2. `min(list)` to return the least item in the `list`
61 |
62 | For example:
63 |
64 | = min(2, 3) # => 2
65 | = max([1, 2, 3]) # => 1
66 |
67 | Note, you will need to `source --builtin math.ysh` to use this function.
68 |
69 | ### round()
70 |
71 | TODO
72 |
73 | ### sum()
74 |
75 | Computes the sum of all elements in the list.
76 |
77 | Returns 0 for an empty list.
78 |
79 | = sum([]) # => 0
80 | = sum([0]) # => 0
81 | = sum([1, 2, 3]) # => 6
82 |
83 | Note, you will need to `source --builtin list.ysh` to use this function.
84 |
85 |
86 | ## list
87 |
88 | ### all()
89 |
90 | Returns true if all values in the list are truthy (`x` is truthy if `Bool(x)`
91 | returns true).
92 |
93 | If the list is empty, return true.
94 |
95 | = any([]) # => true
96 | = any([true, true]) # => true
97 | = any([false, true]) # => false
98 | = any(["foo", true, true]) # => true
99 |
100 | Note, you will need to `source --builtin list.ysh` to use this function.
101 |
102 | ### any()
103 |
104 | Returns true if any value in the list is truthy (`x` is truthy if `Bool(x)`
105 | returns true).
106 |
107 | If the list is empty, return false.
108 |
109 | = any([]) # => false
110 | = any([true, false]) # => true
111 | = any([false, false]) # => false
112 | = any([false, "foo", false]) # => true
113 |
114 | Note, you will need to `source --builtin list.ysh` to use this function.
115 |
116 | ### repeat()
117 |
118 | Repeat a string or a list:
119 |
120 | = repeat('foo', 3) # => 'foofoofoo'
121 | = repeat(['foo', 'bar'], 2) # => ['foo', 'bar', 'foo', 'bar']
122 |
123 | Negative repetitions are equivalent to zero:
124 |
125 | = repeat('foo', -5) # => ''
126 | = repeat(['foo', 'bar'], -5) # => []
127 |
128 | ## two
129 |
130 | These functions are in `two.sh`
131 |
132 | source $OSH_LIB/two.sh
133 |
134 | ### log
135 |
136 | Write a message to stderr:
137 |
138 | log "hi $x"
139 | log '---'
140 |
141 | ### die
142 |
143 | Write an error message with the script name, and exit with status 1.
144 |
145 | die 'Expected a number'
146 |
147 | ## Args Parser
148 |
149 | YSH includes a command-line argument parsing utility called `parseArgs`. This
150 | is intended to be used for command-line interfaces to YSH programs.
151 |
152 | To use it, first import `args.ysh`:
153 |
154 | source --builtin args.ysh
155 |
156 | Then, create an argument parser **spec**ification:
157 |
158 | parser (&spec) {
159 | flag -v --verbose (help="Verbosely") # default is Bool, false
160 |
161 | flag -P --max-procs ('int', default=-1, help='''
162 | Run at most P processes at a time
163 | ''')
164 |
165 | flag -i --invert ('bool', default=true, help='''
166 | Long multiline
167 | Description
168 | ''')
169 |
170 | arg src (help='Source')
171 | arg dest (help='Dest')
172 |
173 | rest files
174 | }
175 |
176 | Finally, parse `ARGV` (or any other array of strings) with:
177 |
178 | var args = parseArgs(spec, ARGV)
179 |
180 | The returned `args` is a `Dict` containing key-value pairs with the parsed
181 | values (or defaults) for each flag and argument. For example, given
182 | `ARGV = :| mysrc -P 12 mydest a b c |`, `args` would be:
183 |
184 | {
185 | "verbose": false,
186 | "max-procs": 12,
187 | "invert": true,
188 | "src": "mysrc",
189 | "dest": "mydest",
190 | "files": ["a", "b", "c"]
191 | }
192 |
193 | ### parser
194 |
195 | `parseArgs()` requires a parser specification to indicate how to parse the
196 | `ARGV` array. This specification should be constructed using the `parser` proc.
197 |
198 | parser (&spec) {
199 | flag -f --my-flag
200 | arg myarg
201 | rest otherArgs
202 | }
203 |
204 | In the above example, `parser` takes in a place `&spec`, which will store the
205 | resulting specification and a block which is evaluated to build that
206 | specification.
207 |
208 | Inside of a `parser` block, you should call the following procs:
209 |
210 | - `flag` to add `--flag` options
211 | - `arg` to add positional arguments
212 | - `rest` to capture remaining positional arguments into a list
213 |
214 | `parser` will validate the parser specification for errors such as duplicate
215 | flag or argument names.
216 |
217 | parser (&spec) {
218 | flag -n --name
219 | flag -n --name # Duplicate!
220 | }
221 |
222 | # => raises "Duplicate flag/arg name 'name' in spec" (status = 3)
223 |
224 | ### flag
225 |
226 | `flag` should be called within a `parser` block.
227 |
228 | parser (&spec) {
229 | flag -v --verbose
230 | }
231 |
232 | The above example declares a flag "--verbose" and a short alias "-v".
233 | `parseArgs()` will then store a boolean value under `args.verbose`:
234 | - `true` if the flag was passed at least once
235 | - `false` otherwise
236 |
237 | Flags can also accept values. For example, if you wanted to accept an integer count:
238 |
239 | parser (&spec) {
240 | flag -N --count ('int')
241 | }
242 |
243 | Calling `parseArgs` with `ARGV = :| -n 5 |` or `ARGV = :| --count 5 |` will
244 | store the integer `5` under `args.count`. If the user passes in a non-integer
245 | value like `ARGV = :| --count abc |`, `parseArgs` will raise an error.
246 |
247 | Default values for an argument can be set with the `default` named argument.
248 |
249 | parser (&spec) {
250 | flag -N --count ('int', default=2)
251 |
252 | # Boolean flags can be given default values too
253 | flag -O --optimize ('bool', default=true)
254 | }
255 |
256 | var args = parseArgs(spec, :| -n 3 |)
257 | # => args.count = 2
258 | # => args.optimize = true
259 |
260 | Each name passed to `flag` must be unique to that specific `parser`. Calling
261 | `flag` with the same name twice will raise an error inside of `parser`.
262 |
263 | <!-- TODO: how can we explicitly pass false to a boolean flag? -->
264 | <!-- TODO: how about --no-XXXX variants of flags? -->
265 |
266 | ### arg
267 |
268 | `arg` should be called within a `parser` block.
269 |
270 | parser (&spec) {
271 | arg query
272 | arg path
273 | }
274 |
275 | The above example declares two positional arguments called "query" and "path".
276 | `parseArgs()` will then store strings under `args.query` and `args.path`. Order
277 | matters, so the first positional argument will be stored to `query` and the
278 | second to `path`. If not enough positional arguments are passed, then
279 | `parseArgs` will raise an error.
280 |
281 | Similar to `flag`, each `arg` name must be unique. Calling `arg` with the same
282 | name twice will cause `parser` to raise an error.
283 |
284 | ### rest
285 |
286 | `rest` should be called within a `parser` block.
287 |
288 | parser (&spec) {
289 | arg query
290 | rest files
291 | }
292 |
293 | Capture zero or more positional arguments not already captured by `arg`. So,
294 | for `ARGV = :| hello file.txt message.txt README.md |`, we would have
295 | `args.query = "file.txt"` and `args.files = ["file.txt", "message.txt",
296 | "README.md"]`.
297 |
298 | Without rest, passing extraneous arguments will raise an error in
299 | `parseArgs()`.
300 |
301 | `rest` can only be called _once_ within a `parser`. Calling it multiple times
302 | will raise an error in `parser`.
303 |
304 | ### parseArgs()
305 |
306 | Given a parser specification `spec` produced by `parser`, parse a list of
307 | strings (usually `ARGV`.)
308 |
309 | var args = parseArgs(spec, ARGV)
310 |
311 | The returned `args` is a dictionary mapping the names of each `arg`, `flag` and
312 | `rest` to their captured values. (See the example at the [start of this
313 | topic](#Args-Parser).)
314 |
315 | `parseArgs` will raise an error if the `ARGV` is invalid per the parser
316 | specification. For example, if it's missing a required positional argument:
317 |
318 | parser (&spec) {
319 | arg path
320 | }
321 |
322 | var args = parseArgs(spec, [])
323 | # => raises an error about the missing 'path' (status = 2)
324 |
325 | <!--
326 | TODO: Document chaining parsers / sub-commands
327 | - Either will allow parser nesting
328 | - Or can use `rest rest` and `parseArgs` again on `rest`
329 | TODO: Document the help named argument. Punting while we do not generate help messages
330 | -->