1 | #!/usr/bin/env python2
2 | """Signal_gen.py."""
3 | from __future__ import print_function
4 |
5 | import sys
6 |
7 | import signal_def
8 |
9 |
10 | def CppPrintSignals(f):
11 | f.write("""
12 | void PrintSignals() {
13 | """)
14 |
15 | for abbrev, _ in signal_def._BY_NUMBER:
16 | name = "SIG%s" % (abbrev, )
17 | f.write("""\
18 | #ifdef %s
19 | printf("%%2d %s\\n", %s);
20 | #endif
21 | """ % (name, name, name))
22 |
23 | f.write("}\n")
24 |
25 |
26 | def CppGetNumber(f):
27 | f.write("""\
28 | int GetNumber(BigStr* sig_spec) {
29 | int length = len(sig_spec);
30 | if (length == 0) {
31 | return NO_SIGNAL;
32 | }
33 |
34 | const char* data = sig_spec->data_;
35 |
36 | """)
37 | for abbrev, _ in signal_def._BY_NUMBER:
38 | name = "SIG%s" % (abbrev, )
39 | f.write("""\
40 | if ((length == %d && memcmp("%s", data, %d) == 0) ||
41 | (length == %d && memcmp("%s", data, %d) == 0)) {
42 | return %s;
43 | }
44 | """ % (len(name), name, len(name), len(abbrev), abbrev, len(abbrev), name))
45 | f.write("""\
46 | return NO_SIGNAL;
47 | }
48 | """)
49 |
50 |
51 | def main(argv):
52 | try:
53 | action = argv[1]
54 | except IndexError:
55 | raise RuntimeError('Action required')
56 |
57 | if action == 'cpp':
58 | out_prefix = argv[2]
59 |
60 | with open(out_prefix + '.h', 'w') as f:
61 | f.write("""\
62 | #ifndef FRONTEND_SIGNAL_H
63 | #define FRONTEND_SIGNAL_H
64 |
65 | #include "mycpp/runtime.h"
66 |
67 | namespace signal_def {
68 |
69 | const int NO_SIGNAL = -1;
70 |
71 | void PrintSignals();
72 |
73 | int GetNumber(BigStr* sig_spec);
74 |
75 | } // namespace signal_def
76 |
77 | #endif // FRONTEND_SIGNAL_H
78 | """)
79 |
80 | with open(out_prefix + '.cc', 'w') as f:
81 | f.write("""\
82 | #include "signal.h"
83 |
84 | #include <signal.h> // SIG*
85 | #include <stdio.h> // printf
86 |
87 | namespace signal_def {
88 |
89 | """)
90 | CppPrintSignals(f)
91 | f.write("\n")
92 | CppGetNumber(f)
93 |
94 | f.write("""\
95 |
96 | } // namespace signal_def
97 | """)
98 |
99 |
100 | if __name__ == '__main__':
101 | try:
102 | main(sys.argv)
103 | except RuntimeError as e:
104 | print('FATAL: %s' % e, file=sys.stderr)
105 | sys.exit(1)