1 | ---
2 | ---
3 |
4 | YSH Expressions vs. Python
5 | ==========================
6 |
7 | The [YSH]($xref) expression language borrows heavily from Python. In fact, it
8 | literally started with Python's `Grammar/Grammar` file.
9 |
10 | This doc describes the differences, which may help Python users learn YSH.
11 |
12 | If you don't know Python, [A Tour of YSH](ysh-tour.html) explains the language
13 | from the clean-slate perspective.
14 |
15 | (TODO: A separate doc could compare commands/statements like `for` and `if`.)
16 |
17 | <div id="toc">
18 | </div>
19 |
20 | ## Background
21 |
22 | YSH has dynamic types, much like Python. These are the main **data** types:
23 |
24 | Null Bool Int Float List Dict
25 |
26 | Quick example:
27 |
28 | var x = null
29 | var y = f(true, 42, 3.14)
30 | var z = [5, 6, {name: 'bob'}]
31 |
32 | ## Literals
33 |
34 | Every data type can be written as a literal. Literals generally look like
35 | Python, so this section describes what's the same, and what's changed / added
36 | / and removed.
37 |
38 | ### Like Python: numbers and lists
39 |
40 | - Integers: `123`, `1_000_000`, `0b1100_0010`, `0o755`, `0xff`
41 | - Floats: `1.023e6`
42 | - Lists: `['pea', 'nut']`
43 | - TODO: we want Python-like list comprehensions
44 |
45 | ### Changed: booleans, strings, dicts
46 |
47 | - Atoms are `true`, `false`, and `null` (like JavaScript) rather than `True`,
48 | `False`, and `None` (like Python).
49 | - In YSH, we use capital letters for types like `Int`.
50 |
51 | - String literals are like **shell** string literals, not like Python.
52 | - Double Quoted: `"hello $name"`
53 | - Single quoted: `r'c:\Program Files\'`
54 | - C-style: `$'line\n'` (TODO: change to J8 Notation)
55 | - Unicode literals are `\u{3bc}` instead of `\u03bc` and `\U000003bc`
56 |
57 | - Dicts use **JavaScript** syntax, not Python syntax.
58 | - Unquoted keys: `{age: 42}`
59 | - Bracketed keys: `{[myvar + 1]: 'value'}`
60 | - "Punning": `{age}`
61 |
62 | ### Added
63 |
64 | - Shell-like list literals: `:| pea nut |` is equivalent to `['pea', 'nut']`
65 |
66 | - "Quotation" types for unevaluated code:
67 | - Command / block `^(ls | wc -l)`
68 | - Unevaluated expression `^[1 + a[i] + f(x)]`
69 |
70 | - Units on number constants like `100 MiB` (reserved, not implemented)
71 |
72 | <!--
73 | - Character literals are **integers**
74 | - Unicode `\u{03bc}`
75 | - Backslash: `\n` `\\` `\'`
76 | - Pound `#'a'`
77 | - `:symbol` (could be used as interned strings)
78 | -->
79 |
80 | ### Omitted
81 |
82 | - YSH has no tuples, only lists.
83 | - No lambdas (function literals returning an expression)
84 | - No closures, or scope declarations like `global` and `nonlocal`. (We would
85 | prefer objects over closures.)
86 | - No iterators.
87 | - Instead we have for loop that works on lists and dicts.
88 | - It flexibly accepts up to 3 loop variables, taking the place of Python's
89 | `enumerate()`, `keys()`, `values()`, and `items()`.
90 |
91 | ## Operators
92 |
93 | Like literals, YSH operators resemble Python operators. The expression `42 +
94 | a[i]` means the same thing in both languages.
95 |
96 | This section describes what's the same, and what's changed / added / removed.
97 |
98 | ### Note: YSH Does Less Operator Overloading
99 |
100 | YSH doesn't overload operators as much because it often does automatic
101 | `Str` ↔ `Int` conversions (like Awk):
102 |
103 | - `a + b` is for addition, while `a ++ b` is for concatenation.
104 |
105 | - `a < b` does numeric comparison, not lexicographical comparison of strings.
106 | - (We should add `strcmp()` for strings.)
107 |
108 | ### Like Python
109 |
110 | - Arithmetic `+ - * /` and comparison `< > <= =>`. They also convert strings
111 | to integers or floats. Examples:
112 | - `'22' < '3'` is true because `22 < 3` is true.
113 | - `'3.1' <= '3.14'` is true because `3.1 <= 3.14` is true.
114 |
115 | - Integer arithmetic: `//` integer division, `%` modulus, `**` exponentiation.
116 | - They also convert strings to integers (but not floats).
117 |
118 | - Bitwise `& | ~ ^ << >>`
119 |
120 | - Logical `and or not`
121 |
122 | - Ternary `0 if cond else 1`
123 |
124 | - Slicing: `s[i:j]` evaluates to a string
125 |
126 | - Membership `in`, `not in`
127 |
128 | - Identity `is`, `is not`
129 |
130 | - Function Call: `f(x, y)`
131 |
132 | ### Changed
133 |
134 | - Equality is `=== !==`, because we also have `~==`.
135 | - String Concatenation is `++`, not `+`. Again, `+` is always addition.
136 | - Splat operator is `...` not `*`: `f(...myargs)`.
137 |
138 | ### Added
139 |
140 | - Eggex match `s ~ /d+/`
141 | - Glob match `s ~~ '*.py'`
142 | - Approximate Equality `42 ~== '42'`
143 | - YSH sigils: `$` and `@`
144 | - `mydict.key` as an alias for `mydict['key']`
145 |
146 | ### Omitted
147 |
148 | - No string formatting with `%`. Use `${x %.3f}` instead. (unimplemented)
149 | - No `@` for matrix multiply.
150 | - I removed slice step syntax `1:5:2` because `0::2` could conflict with
151 | `module::name` (could be restored).
152 |
153 | ## Syntax Compared With JavaScript
154 |
155 | This section may be useful if yo know JavaScript.
156 |
157 | - YSH uses `===` and `~==` for exact and type-converting equality, while JS
158 | uses `===` and `==`.
159 |
160 | - Expressions are more like Python:
161 | - YSH expressions use `and or not` while JS uses `&& || !`. In shell, `&& ||
162 | !` are already used in the command language (but they're somewhat less
163 | important than in YSH).
164 | - The YSH ternary operator is `0 if cond else 1`, while in JS it's `cond ? 0 :
165 | 1`.
166 | - Operator precedence rules are slightly different, but still C-like. They
167 | follow Python's grammar.
168 |
169 | - Same differences as above, versus Python:
170 | - `s ++ t` for string concatenation rather than `s + t`
171 | - Shell string literals rather than JS string literals
172 |
173 | ## Semantics Compared
174 |
175 | The runtime behavior of YSH is also similar to Python and JavaScript.
176 |
177 | ### Versus Python
178 |
179 | - `Bool` and `Int` are totally separate types. YSH is like JavaScript, where
180 | they aren't equal: `true !== 1`. In Python, they are equal: `True == 1`.
181 |
182 | - Strings are bytes, which may UTF-8 encoded, like Go. (In Python 3, strings
183 | are sequences of code points, which are roughly integers up to
184 | 2<sup>21</sup>.)
185 |
186 | - We avoid operators that cause "accidentally quadratic" behavior.
187 | - No `in` on `List`, since that's a linear search. Only `in` on `Dict`.
188 | - The're not `++=` operator on strings.
189 |
190 | <!-- TODO: "N ways to concat strings " -->
191 |
192 | ### Versus JavaScript
193 |
194 | - Strings are bytes, which may UTF-8 encoded, like Go. (In
195 | JavaScript are sequences of UTF-16 code units, which are roughly integers up
196 | to 2<sup>16</sup>.)
197 | - Undefined variables result in a fatal error like Python, not a silently
198 | propagating `undefined` like JavaScript.
199 |
200 |