Results for

pass 44
0pass command sub $(echo hi)
1pass shell array %(a 'b c')
2pass empty array and simple_word_eval (regression test)
3pass Empty array and assignment builtin (regression)
4pass Shell arrays support tilde detection, static globbing, brace detection
5pass Set $HOME using 'var' (i.e. Oil string var in word evaluator)
6pass Use shell var in Oil expression
7pass Length doesn't apply to BashArray
8pass $[len(x)] inside strings
9pass Func with multiple args in multiple contexts
10pass Trailing Comma in Param list
11pass nested expr contexts
12pass YSH var used with shell arithmetic
13pass Parse { var x = 42 }
14pass double quoted
15pass double quoted respects strict_array
16pass simple var sub $name $0 $1 $? etc.
17pass braced var sub ${x:-default}
18pass braced var sub respects strict_array
19pass null / true / false
20pass Integer literals
21pass Integer literals with underscores
22pass Exponentiation with **
23pass Float Division
24pass Integer Division (rounds toward zero)
25pass % operator is remainder
26pass Bitwise logical
27pass Shift operators
28pass multiline strings, list, tuple syntax for list, etc.
29pass multiline dict
30pass multiline array and command sub (only here docs disallowed)
31pass obj->method()
32pass obj->method does NOT give you a bound method
33pass d.key
34pass a ++ b for string/list concatenation
35pass s ~~ glob and s !~~ glob
36pass Type Errors
37pass can't use ++ on integers
38pass can't do mystr ++ mylist
39pass expression literals
40pass No list comprehension in ^[]
41pass expression literals, evaluation failure
42pass expression literals, lazy evaluation
43pass expression literals, sugar for strings
44 passed, 0 OK, 0 not implemented, 0 BUG, 0 failed, 0 timeouts, 0 cases skipped