ninja: no work to do. *** no-host no-host 2024-07-26__01-16-24 _tmp Published host ID to _tmp/host-id/no-host-1c33b689 Published shell ID to _tmp/shell-id/bash-090c7574 Published shell ID to _tmp/shell-id/dash-308ec8e6 Published shell ID to _tmp/shell-id/osh-8095c8da Published shell ID to _tmp/shell-id/osh-e721b3ef Wrote _tmp/provenance.txt and _tmp/provenance.tsv _tmp/vm-baseline/no-host.2024-07-26__01-16-24: total 16 -rw-r--r-- 1 uke uke 1441 Jul 26 01:16 bash-090c7574.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 uke uke 1441 Jul 26 01:16 dash-308ec8e6.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 uke uke 1444 Jul 26 01:16 osh-8095c8da.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 uke uke 1440 Jul 26 01:16 osh-e721b3ef.txt host shell_name shell_hash metric_name metric_value no-host bash 090c7574 VmPeak 3756 no-host bash 090c7574 VmRSS 2688 no-host dash 308ec8e6 VmPeak 2388 no-host dash 308ec8e6 VmRSS 1408 no-host osh 8095c8da VmPeak 22164 no-host osh 8095c8da VmRSS 16716 no-host osh e721b3ef VmPeak 10608 no-host osh e721b3ef VmRSS 5888 [bash] [bash] [bash] [bash] [dash] [dash] [dash] [dash] Reading _tmp/shell-id/osh-8095c8da/sh-path.txt [osh] [osh-cpython] Reading _tmp/shell-id/osh-8095c8da/sh-path.txt [osh] [osh-cpython] Reading _tmp/shell-id/osh-e721b3ef/sh-path.txt [osh] [osh-native] Reading _tmp/shell-id/osh-e721b3ef/sh-path.txt [osh] [osh-native] shell_label shell_hash host VmRSS_MB VmPeak_MB 1 bash 090c7574 no-host 2.752512 3.846144 2 dash 308ec8e6 no-host 1.441792 2.445312 3 osh-cpython 8095c8da no-host 17.117184 22.695936 4 osh-native e721b3ef no-host 6.029312 10.862592 PID 63054 done Wrote _tmp/vm-baseline/index.html