1 | #!/usr/bin/env python2
2 | """
3 | word_test.py: Tests for word_.py
4 | """
5 | from __future__ import print_function
6 |
7 | import unittest
8 |
9 | from _devbuild.gen.id_kind_asdl import Id
10 | from _devbuild.gen.syntax_asdl import word_part_e
11 |
12 | from core import test_lib
13 | from mycpp.mylib import log
14 | from osh import cmd_parse # reparse input
15 | from osh.cmd_parse_test import assertParseSimpleCommand
16 | from osh.word_parse_test import _assertReadWord
17 |
18 | from osh import word_ # module under test
19 |
20 |
21 | def _DetectAssign(test, word_str, expected):
22 | # TODO: This function could be moved to test_lib.
23 | log('-' * 80)
24 | w = _assertReadWord(test, word_str)
25 |
26 | actual = word_.DetectShAssignment(w)
27 | left_token, close_token, part_offset = actual
28 |
29 | expected_left, expected_close, expected_part_offset = expected
30 |
31 | print(left_token, close_token, part_offset)
32 | print()
33 |
34 | if expected_left is None:
35 | test.assertEqual(None, left_token)
36 | else:
37 | test.assertEqual(expected_left, left_token.id)
38 |
39 | if expected_close is None:
40 | test.assertEqual(None, close_token)
41 | else:
42 | test.assertEqual(expected_left, left_token.id)
43 |
44 | test.assertEqual(expected_part_offset, part_offset)
45 |
46 | parse_ctx = test_lib.InitParseContext()
47 |
48 | if left_token and left_token.id in (Id.Lit_VarLike, Id.Lit_ArrayLhsOpen):
49 | more_env = []
50 | preparsed = (left_token, close_token, part_offset, w)
51 | try:
52 | cmd_parse._AppendMoreEnv([preparsed], more_env)
53 | except Exception as e:
54 | log('Error: %s', e)
55 | else:
56 | log('more_env: %s', more_env)
57 |
58 | try:
59 | assign_pair = cmd_parse._MakeAssignPair(parse_ctx, preparsed)
60 | except Exception as e:
61 | log('Error: %s', e)
62 | else:
63 | log('assign_pair: %s', assign_pair)
64 |
65 |
66 | class WordTest(unittest.TestCase):
67 |
68 | def testDetectLocation(self):
69 | CASES = [
70 | ('foobar', (None, None, 0)),
71 | ('a[x', (None, None, 0)),
72 |
73 | # Empty is not valid, there has to be at least one token.
74 | ('a[]=$foo$bar', (Id.Lit_ArrayLhsOpen, Id.Lit_ArrayLhsClose, 2)),
75 | ('a[]+=$foo$bar', (Id.Lit_ArrayLhsOpen, Id.Lit_ArrayLhsClose, 2)),
76 | ('s=1', (Id.Lit_VarLike, None, 1)),
77 | ('s+=1', (Id.Lit_VarLike, None, 1)),
78 | ('a[x]=1', (Id.Lit_ArrayLhsOpen, Id.Lit_ArrayLhsClose, 3)),
79 | ('a[x]+=1', (Id.Lit_ArrayLhsOpen, Id.Lit_ArrayLhsClose, 3)),
80 | ('a[x++]+=1', (Id.Lit_ArrayLhsOpen, Id.Lit_ArrayLhsClose, 5)),
81 | ('a=(1 2 3)', (Id.Lit_VarLike, None, 1)),
82 | ('a+=(1 2 3)', (Id.Lit_VarLike, None, 1)),
83 |
84 | # Empty on RHS
85 | ('s=', (Id.Lit_VarLike, None, 1)),
86 | ('a[x]=', (Id.Lit_ArrayLhsOpen, Id.Lit_ArrayLhsClose, 3)),
87 |
88 | # Tilde sub
89 | ('s=~foo', (Id.Lit_VarLike, None, 1)),
90 | ('a[x]=~', (Id.Lit_ArrayLhsOpen, Id.Lit_ArrayLhsClose, 3)),
91 | ]
92 | for word_str, expected in CASES:
93 | _DetectAssign(self, word_str, expected)
94 |
95 | # These don't parse, as they shouldn't. But not the best error message.
96 | #w = assertReadWord(self, 'a[x]=(1 2 3)')
97 | #w = assertReadWord(self, 'a[x]+=(1 2 3)')
98 |
99 | TILDE_WORDS = [
100 | # These are tilde subs
101 | (True, '~'),
102 | (True, '~/'),
103 | (True, '~/zz'),
104 | (True, '~andy'),
105 | (True, '~andy/'),
106 | (True, '~andy/zz'),
107 |
108 | # These are not
109 | (False, '~bob#'),
110 | (False, '~bob#/'),
111 | (False, '~bob#/zz'),
112 | (False, ''),
113 | (False, 'foo'),
114 | ]
115 |
116 | def testTildeDetect(self):
117 | for expected, word_str in self.TILDE_WORDS:
118 | w = _assertReadWord(self, word_str)
119 | detected = word_.TildeDetect(w)
120 | print(detected)
121 |
122 | if detected:
123 | self.assertEqual(word_part_e.TildeSub, detected.parts[0].tag())
124 | self.assertEqual(True, expected)
125 | else:
126 | self.assertEqual(False, expected)
127 |
128 | def testTildeDetectAssignColons(self):
129 | # x=~a:~b: etc.
130 |
131 | words = [w for _, w in self.TILDE_WORDS]
132 | assign_str = ':'.join(words)
133 | w = _assertReadWord(self, assign_str)
134 | word_.TildeDetectAssign(w)
135 |
136 | print('DETECTED')
137 | print(w)
138 |
139 | actual = 0
140 | for part in w.parts:
141 | if part.tag() == word_part_e.TildeSub:
142 | actual += 1
143 |
144 | log('tilde sub parts = %d', actual)
145 |
146 | expected = sum(expected for expected, _ in self.TILDE_WORDS)
147 | self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
148 |
149 | print('')
150 |
151 | def testFastStrEval(self):
152 | node = assertParseSimpleCommand(self, "ls 'my dir' $x foo/$bar ")
153 |
154 | self.assertEqual(4, len(node.words))
155 |
156 | ls_w = node.words[0]
157 | w1 = node.words[1]
158 | w2 = node.words[2]
159 | w3 = node.words[3]
160 |
161 | self.assertEqual('ls', word_.FastStrEval(ls_w))
162 | self.assertEqual('my dir', word_.FastStrEval(w1))
163 | self.assertEqual(None, word_.FastStrEval(w2))
164 | self.assertEqual(None, word_.FastStrEval(w3))
165 |
166 | # Special case for [ ]
167 | node = assertParseSimpleCommand(self, '[ a -lt b ]')
168 | self.assertEqual('[', word_.FastStrEval(node.words[0]))
169 | self.assertEqual('a', word_.FastStrEval(node.words[1]))
170 | self.assertEqual('-lt', word_.FastStrEval(node.words[2]))
171 | self.assertEqual('b', word_.FastStrEval(node.words[3]))
172 | self.assertEqual(']', word_.FastStrEval(node.words[4]))
173 |
174 |
175 | if __name__ == '__main__':
176 | unittest.main()