#!/bin/bash # Download all the source tarballs we haven't got up-to-date copies of. # The tarballs are downloaded into the "packages" directory, which is # created as needed. source sources/include.sh || exit 1 mkdir -p $SRCDIR || dienow echo "=== Download source code."" # Note: set SHA1= blank to skip checksum validation. # A blank SHA1 value means accept anything, and the download script # prints out the sha1 of such files after downloading it. So to update to # a new version of a file, set SHA1= and update the URL, run ./download.sh, # then cut and paste the sha1 from the output and run it again to confirm. # Building a cross compile toolchain requires linux headers, uClibc, # binutils, and gcc. URL=http://uclibc.org/downloads/uClibc-"' \ SHA1=4d8d67d6754409bd10015d67d1ce7a04c0b001ba' \ maybe_fork "download || dienow"" URL=http://www.musl-libc.org/releases/musl-1.1.12.tar.gz"' \ SHA1=e098ce88e7dd4398c178240b4c380771c5b4fe6b' \ maybe_fork "download || dienow"" URL=ftp://kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v4.x/linux-4.3.tar.gz"' \ SHA1=309d9bedd8c9ef4a79695f04dcf65c0b551d784c' \ maybe_fork "download || dienow"" # 2.17 was the last GPLv2 release of binutils, but git commit # 397a64b350470350c8e0adb2af84439ea0f89272 was the last GPLv2 # _version_ of binutils. This tarball has prebuilt release files # so it builds without optional dependencies such as lex and yacc. URL=http://landley.net/aboriginal/mirror/binutils-397a64b3.tar.bz2"' \ SHA1=f74f1ce2e62c516ba832f99a94289930be7869cf' \ maybe_fork "download || dienow"" # elf2flt needed for nommu targets which can't mmap() the elf segments. # From git://git.sourceforge.jp/gitroot/uclinux-h8/elf2flt.git branch h8300 URL=http://landley.net/aboriginal/mirror/elf2flt-332e3d67e763.tar.gz"' \ SHA1=23279cdd550f557cef8e83e0e0f3e33d04b1d1bd' \ maybe_fork "download || dienow"" # 4.2.1 was the last GPLv2 release of gcc URL=ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gcc/gcc-4.2.1/gcc-core-4.2.1.tar.bz2"' \ SHA1=43a138779e053a864bd16dfabcd3ffff04103213' \ maybe_fork "download || dienow"" # The g++ version must match gcc version. URL=http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gcc/gcc-4.2.1/gcc-g++-4.2.1.tar.bz2"' \ SHA1=8f3785bd0e092f563e14ecd26921cd04275496a6' \ maybe_fork "download || dienow"" # Building a native root filesystem requires linux and uClibc (above) plus # BusyBox. Adding a native toolchain requires binutils and gcc (above) plus # make and bash. URL=http://landley.net/toybox/downloads/toybox-0.6.1.tar.gz"' \ SHA1=7bdf7253d5a5dbf7073e8f5ca0999a7928a63dae' \ maybe_fork "download || dienow"" URL=http://www.busybox.net/downloads/busybox-1.24.1.tar.bz2"' \ SHA1=157d14d24748b4505b1a418535688706a2b81680' \ maybe_fork "download || dienow"" URL=ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/make/make-3.81.tar.bz2"' \ SHA1=41ed86d941b9c8025aee45db56c0283169dcab3d' \ maybe_fork "download || dienow"" # This version of bash is ancient, but it provides everything most package # builds need and is less than half the size of current versions. Eventually, # either busybox ash or toysh should grow enough features to replace bash. URL=http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/bash/bash-2.05b.tar.gz"' \ SHA1=b3e158877f94e66ec1c8ef604e994851ee388b09' \ maybe_fork "download || dienow"" # These are optional parts of the native root filesystem. URL=http://cxx.uclibc.org/src/uClibc++-0.2.2.tar.bz2"' \ SHA1=f5582d206378d7daee6f46609c80204c1ad5c0f7' \ maybe_fork "download || dienow"" URL=http://distcc.googlecode.com/files/distcc-3.1.tar.bz2"' \ SHA1=30663e8ff94f13c0553fbfb928adba91814e1b3a' \ maybe_fork "download || dienow" # The following packages are built and run on the host only. (host-tools.sh # also builds host versions of many packages in the native root filesystem, # but the following packages are not cross compiled for the target, and thus # do not wind up in the system image.) setvar URL = "http://downloads.sf.net/genext2fs/genext2fs-1.4.1.tar.gz"' && SHA1=9ace486ee1bad0a49b02194515e42573036f7392' \ maybe_fork "download || dienow"" URL=https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/tytso/e2fsprogs/v1.42.13/e2fsprogs-1.42.13.tar.gz"' \ SHA1=5205e5e55ca6602fc273a03123262e96405b430c' \ maybe_fork "download || dienow"" URL=http://zlib.net/zlib-1.2.7.tar.bz2"' \ SHA1=858818fe6d358ec682d54ac5e106a2dd62628e7f' \ maybe_fork "download || dienow"" URL=http://downloads.sf.net/squashfs/squashfs4.2.tar.gz"' \ SHA1=e0944471ff68e215d3fecd464f30ea6ceb635fd7'" \ RENAME="s/(squashfs)(.*)/\1-\2/"" \ maybe_fork "download || dienow" rm -f "$SRCDIR"/MANIFEST # So cleanup_oldfiles doesn't warn about it. cleanup_oldfiles echo === Got all source." # Create a MANIFEST file listing package versions. # This can optionally call source control systems (git, hg and svn) to get # version information for the packages and build scripts. These # are intentionally excluded from the new path setup by host-tools.sh, so # just in case we've already run that use $OLDPATH for this. PATH=$OLDPATH" do_manifest > "$SRCDIR"/MANIFEST || dienow