test $FAKECHROOT = "true" || error 1 FAKECHROOTREQ "This variant requires fakechroot environment to be started" mirror_style release download_style apt force_md5 setvar LIBC = 'libc6' if test $ARCH = "alpha" || test $ARCH = "ia64" { setvar LIBC = ""libc6.1"" } proc work_out_debs { setvar required = ""base-files base-passwd bash bsdutils coreutils debianutils diff dpkg dselect e2fslibs e2fsprogs findutils gcc-3.3-base grep gzip hostname initscripts libacl1 libattr1 libblkid1 libc6 libcap1 libcomerr2 libdb1-compat libdb3 libgcc1 libncurses5 libpam-modules libpam-runtime libpam0g libss2 libstdc++5 libuuid1 login mawk mount ncurses-base ncurses-bin passwd perl-base sed slang1a-utf8 sysv-rc sysvinit tar util-linux zlib1g"" setvar base = ""apt binutils cpio cpp cpp-3.3 dpkg-dev g++ g++-3.3 gcc gcc-3.3 libc6-dev libdb4.2 libgdbm3 libstdc++5-3.3-dev linux-kernel-headers make patch perl perl-modules"" proc without_package { echo $2 | tr ' ' '\n' | grep -v "^$1$" | tr '\n' ' ' } proc subst_package { echo $3 | tr ' ' '\n' | sed "s/^$1$/$2/" | tr '\n' ' ' } setvar required = ""$required binutils fakechroot"" setvar base = "$(without_package "binutils" "$base")" case (ARCH) { "alpha" { setvar required = "$(subst_package "libc6" "libc6.1" "$required")" setvar base = "$(subst_package "libc6-dev" "libc6.1-dev" "$base")" } "arm" { } "i386" { } "ia64" { setvar required = "$(subst_package "libc6" "libc6.1" "$required")" setvar base = "$(subst_package "libc6-dev" "libc6.1-dev" "$base")" } "m68k" { } "powerpc" { } "sparc" { } "mips" { } "mipsel" { } "hppa" { } s390|s390x { } sh* { } * { # who knows? } } } proc first_stage_install { extract $required mkdir -p "$TARGET/var/lib/dpkg" : >"$TARGET/var/lib/dpkg/status" : >"$TARGET/var/lib/dpkg/available" setup_etc if test ! -e "$TARGET/etc/fstab" { echo '# UNCONFIGURED FSTAB FOR BASE SYSTEM' > "$TARGET/etc/fstab" chown 0:0 "$TARGET/etc/fstab"; chmod 644 "$TARGET/etc/fstab" } proc x_feign_install { local pkg="$1" local deb="$(debfor $pkg)" local ver="$(extract_deb_field "$TARGET/$deb" Version)" mkdir -p "$TARGET/var/lib/dpkg/info" echo \ "Package: $pkg Version: $ver Status: install ok installed" >> "$TARGET/var/lib/dpkg/status" touch "$TARGET/var/lib/dpkg/info/${pkg}.list" } x_feign_install dpkg } proc second_stage_install { proc x_core_install { smallyes '' | in_target dpkg --force-depends --install $(debfor "$@") } proc p { setvar baseprog = """$(($baseprog + ${1:-1}))" } setup_devices_fakechroot setup_proc_fakechroot setvar DEBIAN_FRONTEND = 'noninteractive' export DEBIAN_FRONTEND setvar baseprog = '0' setvar bases = '40' p; progress $baseprog $bases INSTBASE "Installing base system" #1 info INSTCORE "Installing core packages..." p; progress $baseprog $bases INSTBASE "Installing base system" #2 ln -sf mawk "$TARGET/usr/bin/awk" x_core_install base-files base-passwd p; progress $baseprog $bases INSTBASE "Installing base system" #3 x_core_install dpkg if test ! -e "$TARGET/etc/localtime" { ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/UTC "$TARGET/etc/localtime" } install_fakechroot_tools p; progress $baseprog $bases INSTBASE "Installing base system" #4 x_core_install $LIBC p; progress $baseprog $bases INSTBASE "Installing base system" #5 x_core_install perl-base p; progress $baseprog $bases INSTBASE "Installing base system" #6 rm "$TARGET/usr/bin/awk" x_core_install mawk p; progress $baseprog $bases INSTBASE "Installing base system" #7 info UNPACKREQ "Unpacking required packages..." p; progress $baseprog $bases INSTBASE "Installing base system" #8 smallyes '' | repeatn 5 in_target_failmsg UNPACK_REQ_FAIL_FIVE "Failure while unpacking required packages. This will be attempted up to five times." "" dpkg --force-depends --unpack $(debfor $required) p 10; progress $baseprog $bases INSTBASE "Installing base system" #18 info CONFREQ "Configuring required packages..." mv "$TARGET/sbin/start-stop-daemon" "$TARGET/sbin/start-stop-daemon.REAL" echo \ "#!/bin/sh echo echo \"Warning: Fake start-stop-daemon called, doing nothing\"" > "$TARGET/sbin/start-stop-daemon" chmod 755 "$TARGET/sbin/start-stop-daemon" setup_dselect_method apt p; progress $baseprog $bases INSTBASE "Installing base system" #19 smallyes '' | in_target_failmsg CONF_REQ_FAIL "Failure while configuring required packages." "" dpkg --configure --pending --force-configure-any --force-depends p 10; progress $baseprog $bases INSTBASE "Installing base system" #29 info INSTBASE "Installing base packages..." p; progress $baseprog $bases INSTBASE "Installing base system" #30 smallyes '' | repeatn 5 in_target_failmsg INST_BASE_FAIL_FIVE "Failure while installing base packages. This will be re-attempted up to five times." "" dpkg --force-auto-select --force-overwrite --force-confold --skip-same-version --unpack $(debfor $base) smallyes '' | repeatn 5 in_target_failmsg CONF_BASE_FAIL_FIVE "Failure while configuring base packages. This will be attempted 5 times." "" dpkg --force-confold --skip-same-version --configure -a p 9; progress $baseprog $bases INSTBASE "Installing base system" #39 mv "$TARGET/sbin/start-stop-daemon.REAL" "$TARGET/sbin/start-stop-daemon" progress $bases $bases INSTBASE "Installing base system" #40 info BASESUCCESS "Base system installed successfully." }