1 | #!/usr/bin/env python2
2 | """
3 | Pretty print Oils values (and later other data/languages as well).
4 |
5 | Pretty printing means intelligently choosing whitespace including indentation
6 | and newline placement, to attempt to display data nicely while staying within a
7 | maximum line width.
8 | """
9 |
10 | # ~~~ Architecture ~~~
11 | #
12 | # Based on a version of the algorithm from Wadler's "A Prettier Printer".
13 | #
14 | # Pretty printing proceeds in two phases:
15 | #
16 | # 1. Convert the thing you want to print into a `doc`.
17 | # 2. Print the `doc` using a standard algorithm.
18 | #
19 | # This separation keeps the details of the data you want to print separate from
20 | # the printing algorithm.
21 |
22 | # ~~~ Pretty Printing Overview ~~~
23 | #
24 | # If you're just using this file, you don't need to know how pretty printing
25 | # works. Just call `PrettyPrinter().PrintValue()`. However if you want to change
26 | # or extend how values are printed, you'll need to know, so here's an overview.
27 | #
28 | # You may want to first read Walder's "A Prettier Printer", which this is based
29 | # off of:
30 | # https://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/wadler/papers/prettier/prettier.pdf
31 | #
32 | # Some additional reading, though only tangentially related:
33 | #
34 | # - https://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/wadler/papers/prettier/prettier.pdf
35 | # - https://lindig.github.io/papers/strictly-pretty-2000.pdf
36 | # - https://justinpombrio.net/2024/02/23/a-twist-on-Wadlers-printer.html
37 | # - https://lobste.rs/s/1r0aak/twist_on_wadler_s_printer
38 | # - https://lobste.rs/s/aevptj/why_is_prettier_rock_solid
39 | #
40 | # ~ Constructors ~
41 | #
42 | # There are just a few constructors for `doc`, from which everything else is
43 | # built from.
44 | #
45 | # Text(string) prints like:
46 | # |string
47 | #
48 | # Break(string) prints like:
49 | # |string
50 | # or like a newline:
51 | # |
52 | # |
53 | # (It does the latter if printed in "flat" mode, and the former otherwise. See
54 | # Group for details.)
55 | #
56 | # Concat(a, b) prints like:
57 | # |AAAAA
58 | # |AAABBB
59 | # |BBBBB
60 | #
61 | # Indent(3, a) prints like:
62 | # |AAAAA
63 | # | AAAAA
64 | # | AAAAA
65 | #
66 | # Group(a) makes a decision. It either:
67 | # - Prints `a` "flat", meaning that (i) every Break inside of it is printed as a
68 | # string instead of as a newline, and (ii) every Group nested inside of it is
69 | # printed flat.
70 | # - Prints `a` normally, meaning that (i) the Breaks inside of it are printed as
71 | # newlines, and (ii) the Groups inside of it make their own decision about
72 | # whether to be flat.
73 | # It makes this decision greedily. If the current line would not overflow if the
74 | # group printed flat, then it will print flat. This takes into account not only
75 | # the group itself, but the content before and after it on the same line.
76 | #
77 | # IfFlat(a, b) prints a if in flat mode or b otherwise.
78 | #
79 | # Flat(a) prints a in flat mode. You should generally not need to use it.
80 | #
81 | # ~ Measures ~
82 | #
83 | # The algorithm used here is close to the one originally described by Wadler,
84 | # but it precomputes a "measure" for each node in the `doc`. This "measure"
85 | # allows each Groups to decide whether to print flat or not without needing to
86 | # look ahead per Wadler's algorithm. A measure has two pieces of information:
87 | #
88 | # - Measure.flat is the width of the doc if it's printed flat.
89 | # - Measure.nonflat is the width of the doc until the _earliest possible_
90 | # newline, or -1 if it doesn't contain a Break.
91 | #
92 | # Measures are used in two steps. First, they're computed bottom-up on the
93 | # `doc`, measuring the size of each node. Later, PrintDoc() stores a measure in
94 | # each DocFragment. These Measures measure something different: the width from
95 | # the doc _to the end of the entire doc tree_. This second set of Measures (the
96 | # ones in the DocFragments) are computed top-down, and they're used to decide
97 | # for each Group whether to use flat mode or not, without needing to scan ahead.
98 |
99 | from __future__ import print_function
100 |
101 | import math
102 |
103 | from _devbuild.gen.pretty_asdl import doc, doc_e, DocFragment, Measure, MeasuredDoc
104 | from _devbuild.gen.value_asdl import value, value_e, value_t, value_str
105 | from data_lang import j8
106 | from data_lang import j8_lite
107 | from core import ansi
108 | from frontend import match
109 | from mycpp import mops
110 | from mycpp.mylib import log, tagswitch, BufWriter, iteritems
111 | from typing import cast, List, Dict
112 | import libc
113 |
114 | _ = log
115 |
116 |
117 | def ValType(val):
118 | # type: (value_t) -> str
119 | """Returns a user-facing string like Int, Eggex, BashArray, etc."""
120 | return value_str(val.tag(), dot=False)
121 |
122 |
123 | def _FloatString(fl):
124 | # type: (float) -> str
125 |
126 | # Print in YSH syntax, similar to data_lang/j8.py
127 | if math.isinf(fl):
128 | s = 'INFINITY'
129 | if fl < 0:
130 | s = '-' + s
131 | elif math.isnan(fl):
132 | s = 'NAN'
133 | else:
134 | s = str(fl)
135 | return s
136 |
137 |
138 | ################
139 | # Measurements #
140 | ################
141 |
142 |
143 | def TryUnicodeWidth(s):
144 | # type: (str) -> int
145 | try:
146 | width = libc.wcswidth(s)
147 | except UnicodeError:
148 | # e.g. en_US.UTF-8 locale missing, just return the number of bytes
149 | width = len(s)
150 |
151 | if width == -1: # non-printable wide char
152 | return len(s)
153 |
154 | return width
155 |
156 |
157 | def _EmptyMeasure():
158 | # type: () -> Measure
159 | """The measure of an empty doc."""
160 | return Measure(0, -1)
161 |
162 |
163 | def _FlattenMeasure(measure):
164 | # type: (Measure) -> Measure
165 | """The measure if its document is rendered flat."""
166 | return Measure(measure.flat, -1)
167 |
168 |
169 | def _ConcatMeasure(m1, m2):
170 | # type: (Measure, Measure) -> Measure
171 | """Compute the measure of concatenated docs.
172 |
173 | If m1 and m2 are the measures of doc1 and doc2,
174 | then _ConcatMeasure(m1, m2) is the measure of doc.Concat([doc1, doc2]).
175 | This concatenation is associative but not commutative."""
176 | if m1.nonflat != -1:
177 | return Measure(m1.flat + m2.flat, m1.nonflat)
178 | elif m2.nonflat != -1:
179 | return Measure(m1.flat + m2.flat, m1.flat + m2.nonflat)
180 | else:
181 | return Measure(m1.flat + m2.flat, -1)
182 |
183 |
184 | def _SuffixLen(measure):
185 | # type: (Measure) -> int
186 | """The width until the earliest possible newline, or end of document."""
187 | if measure.nonflat != -1:
188 | return measure.nonflat
189 | else:
190 | return measure.flat
191 |
192 |
193 | ####################
194 | # Doc Construction #
195 | ####################
196 |
197 |
198 | def _Text(string):
199 | # type: (str) -> MeasuredDoc
200 | """Print `string` (which must not contain a newline)."""
201 | return MeasuredDoc(doc.Text(string), Measure(TryUnicodeWidth(string), -1))
202 |
203 |
204 | def _Break(string):
205 | # type: (str) -> MeasuredDoc
206 | """If in `flat` mode, print `string`, otherwise print `\n`."""
207 | return MeasuredDoc(doc.Break(string), Measure(TryUnicodeWidth(string), 0))
208 |
209 |
210 | def _Indent(indent, mdoc):
211 | # type: (int, MeasuredDoc) -> MeasuredDoc
212 | """Add `indent` spaces after every newline in `mdoc`."""
213 | return MeasuredDoc(doc.Indent(indent, mdoc), mdoc.measure)
214 |
215 |
216 | def _Concat(mdocs):
217 | # type: (List[MeasuredDoc]) -> MeasuredDoc
218 | """Print the mdocs in order (with no space in between)."""
219 | measure = _EmptyMeasure()
220 | for mdoc in mdocs:
221 | measure = _ConcatMeasure(measure, mdoc.measure)
222 | return MeasuredDoc(doc.Concat(mdocs), measure)
223 |
224 |
225 | def _Group(mdoc):
226 | # type: (MeasuredDoc) -> MeasuredDoc
227 | """Print `mdoc`. Use flat mode if `mdoc` will fit on the current line."""
228 | return MeasuredDoc(doc.Group(mdoc), mdoc.measure)
229 |
230 |
231 | def _IfFlat(flat_mdoc, nonflat_mdoc):
232 | # type: (MeasuredDoc, MeasuredDoc) -> MeasuredDoc
233 | """If in flat mode, print `flat_mdoc` otherwise print `nonflat_mdoc`."""
234 | return MeasuredDoc(
235 | doc.IfFlat(flat_mdoc, nonflat_mdoc),
236 | Measure(flat_mdoc.measure.flat, nonflat_mdoc.measure.nonflat))
237 |
238 |
239 | def _Flat(mdoc):
240 | # type: (MeasuredDoc) -> MeasuredDoc
241 | """Prints `mdoc` in flat mode."""
242 | return MeasuredDoc(doc.Flat(mdoc), _FlattenMeasure(mdoc.measure))
243 |
244 |
245 | ###################
246 | # Pretty Printing #
247 | ###################
248 |
249 |
250 | class PrettyPrinter(object):
251 | """Pretty print an Oils value."""
252 |
253 | def __init__(self, max_width):
254 | # type: (int) -> None
255 | """Construct a PrettyPrinter with default configuration options.
256 |
257 | Use the Set*() methods for configuration before printing."""
258 | self.max_width = max_width
259 |
260 | def _Fits(self, prefix_len, group, suffix_measure):
261 | # type: (int, doc.Group, Measure) -> bool
262 | """Will `group` fit flat on the current line?"""
263 | measure = _ConcatMeasure(_FlattenMeasure(group.mdoc.measure),
264 | suffix_measure)
265 | return prefix_len + _SuffixLen(measure) <= self.max_width
266 |
267 | def PrintDoc(self, document, buf):
268 | # type: (MeasuredDoc, BufWriter) -> None
269 | """Pretty print a `pretty.doc` to a BufWriter."""
270 |
271 | # The width of the text we've printed so far on the current line
272 | prefix_len = 0
273 | # A _stack_ of document fragments to print. Each fragment contains:
274 | # - A MeasuredDoc (doc node and its measure, saying how "big" it is)
275 | # - The indentation level to print this doc node at.
276 | # - Is this doc node being printed in flat mode?
277 | # - The measure _from just after the doc node, to the end of the entire document_.
278 | # (Call this the suffix_measure)
279 | fragments = [DocFragment(_Group(document), 0, False, _EmptyMeasure())]
280 |
281 | while len(fragments) > 0:
282 | frag = fragments.pop()
283 | with tagswitch(frag.mdoc.doc) as case:
284 |
285 | if case(doc_e.Text):
286 | text = cast(doc.Text, frag.mdoc.doc)
287 | buf.write(text.string)
288 | prefix_len += frag.mdoc.measure.flat
289 |
290 | elif case(doc_e.Break):
291 | if frag.is_flat:
292 | break_str = cast(doc.Break, frag.mdoc.doc).string
293 | buf.write(break_str)
294 | prefix_len += frag.mdoc.measure.flat
295 | else:
296 | buf.write('\n')
297 | buf.write_spaces(frag.indent)
298 | prefix_len = frag.indent
299 |
300 | elif case(doc_e.Indent):
301 | indented = cast(doc.Indent, frag.mdoc.doc)
302 | fragments.append(
303 | DocFragment(indented.mdoc,
304 | frag.indent + indented.indent,
305 | frag.is_flat, frag.measure))
306 |
307 | elif case(doc_e.Concat):
308 | # If we encounter Concat([A, B, C]) with a suffix measure M,
309 | # we need to push A,B,C onto the stack in reverse order:
310 | # - C, with suffix_measure = B.measure + A.measure + M
311 | # - B, with suffix_measure = A.measure + M
312 | # - A, with suffix_measure = M
313 | concat = cast(doc.Concat, frag.mdoc.doc)
314 | measure = frag.measure
315 | for mdoc in reversed(concat.mdocs):
316 | fragments.append(
317 | DocFragment(mdoc, frag.indent, frag.is_flat,
318 | measure))
319 | measure = _ConcatMeasure(mdoc.measure, measure)
320 |
321 | elif case(doc_e.Group):
322 | # If the group would fit on the current line when printed
323 | # flat, do so. Otherwise, print it non-flat.
324 | group = cast(doc.Group, frag.mdoc.doc)
325 | flat = self._Fits(prefix_len, group, frag.measure)
326 | fragments.append(
327 | DocFragment(group.mdoc, frag.indent, flat,
328 | frag.measure))
329 |
330 | elif case(doc_e.IfFlat):
331 | if_flat = cast(doc.IfFlat, frag.mdoc.doc)
332 | if frag.is_flat:
333 | subdoc = if_flat.flat_mdoc
334 | else:
335 | subdoc = if_flat.nonflat_mdoc
336 | fragments.append(
337 | DocFragment(subdoc, frag.indent, frag.is_flat,
338 | frag.measure))
339 |
340 | elif case(doc_e.Flat):
341 | flat_doc = cast(doc.Flat, frag.mdoc.doc)
342 | fragments.append(
343 | DocFragment(flat_doc.mdoc, frag.indent, True,
344 | frag.measure))
345 |
346 |
347 | ################
348 | # Value -> Doc #
349 | ################
350 |
353 |
354 | # Tuned for 'data_lang/pretty-benchmark.sh float-demo'
355 | # TODO: might want options for float width
357 |
358 |
359 | class ValueEncoder:
360 | """Converts Oils values into `doc`s, which can then be pretty printed."""
361 |
362 | def __init__(self):
363 | # type: () -> None
364 | self.indent = _DEFAULT_INDENTATION
365 | self.use_styles = _DEFAULT_USE_STYLES
366 | self.max_tabular_width = _DEFAULT_MAX_TABULAR_WIDTH
367 | self.ysh_style = False
368 |
369 | self.visiting = {} # type: Dict[int, bool]
370 |
371 | # These can be configurable later
372 | self.int_style = ansi.YELLOW
373 | self.float_style = ansi.BLUE
374 | self.null_style = ansi.RED
375 | self.bool_style = ansi.CYAN
376 | self.string_style = ansi.GREEN
377 | self.cycle_style = ansi.BOLD + ansi.BLUE
378 | self.type_style = ansi.MAGENTA
379 |
380 | def SetIndent(self, indent):
381 | # type: (int) -> None
382 | """Set the number of spaces per indent."""
383 | self.indent = indent
384 |
385 | def SetUseStyles(self, use_styles):
386 | # type: (bool) -> None
387 | """Print with ansi colors and styles, rather than plain text."""
388 | self.use_styles = use_styles
389 |
390 | def SetMaxTabularWidth(self, max_tabular_width):
391 | # type: (int) -> None
392 | """Set the maximum width that list elements can be, for them to be
393 | vertically aligned."""
394 | self.max_tabular_width = max_tabular_width
395 |
396 | def SetYshStyle(self):
397 | # type: () -> None
398 | self.ysh_style = True
399 |
400 | def TypePrefix(self, type_str):
401 | # type: (str) -> List[MeasuredDoc]
402 | type_name = self._Styled(self.type_style, _Text(type_str))
403 | mdocs = [_Text("("), type_name, _Text(")"), _Break(" ")]
404 | return mdocs
405 |
406 | def Value(self, val):
407 | # type: (value_t) -> MeasuredDoc
408 | """Convert an Oils value into a `doc`, which can then be pretty printed."""
409 | self.visiting.clear()
410 | return self._Value(val)
411 |
412 | def _Styled(self, style, mdoc):
413 | # type: (str, MeasuredDoc) -> MeasuredDoc
414 | """Apply the ANSI style string to the given node, if use_styles is set."""
415 | if self.use_styles:
416 | return _Concat([
417 | MeasuredDoc(doc.Text(style), _EmptyMeasure()), mdoc,
418 | MeasuredDoc(doc.Text(ansi.RESET), _EmptyMeasure())
419 | ])
420 | else:
421 | return mdoc
422 |
423 | def _Surrounded(self, open, mdoc, close):
424 | # type: (str, MeasuredDoc, str) -> MeasuredDoc
425 | """Print one of two options (using '[', ']' for open, close):
426 |
427 | ```
428 | [mdoc]
429 | ------
430 | [
431 | mdoc
432 | ]
433 | ```
434 | """
435 | return _Group(
436 | _Concat([
437 | _Text(open),
438 | _Indent(self.indent, _Concat([_Break(""), mdoc])),
439 | _Break(""),
440 | _Text(close)
441 | ]))
442 |
443 | def _SurroundedAndPrefixed(self, open, prefix, sep, mdoc, close):
444 | # type: (str, MeasuredDoc, str, MeasuredDoc, str) -> MeasuredDoc
445 | """Print one of two options
446 | (using '[', 'prefix', ':', 'mdoc', ']' for open, prefix, sep, mdoc, close):
447 |
448 | ```
449 | [prefix:mdoc]
450 | ------
451 | [prefix
452 | mdoc
453 | ]
454 | ```
455 | """
456 | return _Group(
457 | _Concat([
458 | _Text(open), prefix,
459 | _Indent(self.indent, _Concat([_Break(sep), mdoc])),
460 | _Break(""),
461 | _Text(close)
462 | ]))
463 |
464 | def _Join(self, items, sep, space):
465 | # type: (List[MeasuredDoc], str, str) -> MeasuredDoc
466 | """Join `items`, using either 'sep+space' or 'sep+newline' between them.
467 |
468 | E.g., if sep and space are ',' and '_', print one of these two cases:
469 | ```
470 | first,_second,_third
471 | ------
472 | first,
473 | second,
474 | third
475 | ```
476 | """
477 | seq = [] # type: List[MeasuredDoc]
478 | for i, item in enumerate(items):
479 | if i != 0:
480 | seq.append(_Text(sep))
481 | seq.append(_Break(space))
482 | seq.append(item)
483 | return _Concat(seq)
484 |
485 | def _Tabular(self, items, sep):
486 | # type: (List[MeasuredDoc], str) -> MeasuredDoc
487 | """Join `items` together, using one of three styles:
488 |
489 | (showing spaces as underscores for clarity)
490 | ```
491 | first,_second,_third,_fourth,_fifth,_sixth,_seventh,_eighth
492 | ------
493 | first,___second,__third,
494 | fourth,__fifth,___sixth,
495 | seventh,_eighth
496 | ------
497 | first,
498 | second,
499 | third,
500 | fourth,
501 | fifth,
502 | sixth,
503 | seventh,
504 | eighth
505 | ```
506 |
507 | The first "single line" style is used if the items fit on one line. The
508 | second "tabular' style is used if the flat width of all items is no
509 | greater than `self.max_tabular_width`. The third "multi line" style is
510 | used otherwise.
511 | """
512 |
513 | # Why not "just" use tabular alignment so long as two items fit on every
514 | # line? Because it isn't possible to check for that in the pretty
515 | # printing language. There are two sorts of conditionals we can do:
516 | #
517 | # A. Inside the pretty printing language, which supports exactly one
518 | # conditional: "does it fit on one line?".
519 | # B. Outside the pretty printing language we can run arbitrary Python
520 | # code, but we don't know how much space is available on the line
521 | # because it depends on the context in which we're printed, which may
522 | # vary.
523 | #
524 | # We're picking between the three styles, by using (A) to check if the
525 | # first style fits on one line, then using (B) with "are all the items
526 | # smaller than `self.max_tabular_width`?" to pick between style 2 and
527 | # style 3.
528 |
529 | if len(items) == 0:
530 | return _Text("")
531 |
532 | max_flat_len = 0
533 | seq = [] # type: List[MeasuredDoc]
534 | for i, item in enumerate(items):
535 | if i != 0:
536 | seq.append(_Text(sep))
537 | seq.append(_Break(" "))
538 | seq.append(item)
539 | max_flat_len = max(max_flat_len, item.measure.flat)
540 | non_tabular = _Concat(seq)
541 |
542 | sep_width = TryUnicodeWidth(sep)
543 | if max_flat_len + sep_width + 1 <= self.max_tabular_width:
544 | tabular_seq = [] # type: List[MeasuredDoc]
545 | for i, item in enumerate(items):
546 | tabular_seq.append(_Flat(item))
547 | if i != len(items) - 1:
548 | padding = max_flat_len - item.measure.flat + 1
549 | tabular_seq.append(_Text(sep))
550 | tabular_seq.append(_Group(_Break(" " * padding)))
551 | tabular = _Concat(tabular_seq)
552 | return _Group(_IfFlat(non_tabular, tabular))
553 | else:
554 | return non_tabular
555 |
556 | def _DictKey(self, s):
557 | # type: (str) -> MeasuredDoc
558 | if match.IsValidVarName(s):
559 | encoded = s
560 | else:
561 | if self.ysh_style:
562 | encoded = j8_lite.YshEncodeString(s)
563 | else:
564 | # TODO: remove this dead branch after fixing tests
565 | encoded = j8_lite.EncodeString(s)
566 | return _Text(encoded)
567 |
568 | def _StringLiteral(self, s):
569 | # type: (str) -> MeasuredDoc
570 | if self.ysh_style:
571 | # YSH r'' or b'' style
572 | encoded = j8_lite.YshEncodeString(s)
573 | else:
574 | # TODO: remove this dead branch after fixing tests
575 | encoded = j8_lite.EncodeString(s)
576 | return self._Styled(self.string_style, _Text(encoded))
577 |
578 | def _BashStringLiteral(self, s):
579 | # type: (str) -> MeasuredDoc
580 |
581 | # '' or $'' style
582 | #
583 | # We mimic bash syntax by using $'\\' instead of b'\\'
584 | #
585 | # $ declare -a array=($'\\')
586 | # $ = array
587 | # (BashArray) (BashArray $'\\')
588 | #
589 | # $ declare -A assoc=([k]=$'\\')
590 | # $ = assoc
591 | # (BashAssoc) (BashAssoc ['k']=$'\\')
592 |
593 | encoded = j8_lite.ShellEncode(s)
594 | return self._Styled(self.string_style, _Text(encoded))
595 |
596 | def _YshList(self, vlist):
597 | # type: (value.List) -> MeasuredDoc
598 | """Print a string literal."""
599 | if len(vlist.items) == 0:
600 | return _Text("[]")
601 | mdocs = [self._Value(item) for item in vlist.items]
602 | return self._Surrounded("[", self._Tabular(mdocs, ","), "]")
603 |
604 | def _YshDict(self, vdict):
605 | # type: (value.Dict) -> MeasuredDoc
606 | if len(vdict.d) == 0:
607 | return _Text("{}")
608 | mdocs = [] # type: List[MeasuredDoc]
609 | for k, v in iteritems(vdict.d):
610 | mdocs.append(
611 | _Concat([self._DictKey(k),
612 | _Text(": "),
613 | self._Value(v)]))
614 | return self._Surrounded("{", self._Join(mdocs, ",", " "), "}")
615 |
616 | def _BashArray(self, varray):
617 | # type: (value.BashArray) -> MeasuredDoc
618 | type_name = self._Styled(self.type_style, _Text("BashArray"))
619 | if len(varray.strs) == 0:
620 | return _Concat([_Text("("), type_name, _Text(")")])
621 | mdocs = [] # type: List[MeasuredDoc]
622 | for s in varray.strs:
623 | if s is None:
624 | mdocs.append(_Text("null"))
625 | else:
626 | mdocs.append(self._BashStringLiteral(s))
627 | return self._SurroundedAndPrefixed("(", type_name, " ",
628 | self._Tabular(mdocs, ""), ")")
629 |
630 | def _BashAssoc(self, vassoc):
631 | # type: (value.BashAssoc) -> MeasuredDoc
632 | type_name = self._Styled(self.type_style, _Text("BashAssoc"))
633 | if len(vassoc.d) == 0:
634 | return _Concat([_Text("("), type_name, _Text(")")])
635 | mdocs = [] # type: List[MeasuredDoc]
636 | for k2, v2 in iteritems(vassoc.d):
637 | mdocs.append(
638 | _Concat([
639 | _Text("["),
640 | self._BashStringLiteral(k2),
641 | _Text("]="),
642 | self._BashStringLiteral(v2)
643 | ]))
644 | return self._SurroundedAndPrefixed("(", type_name, " ",
645 | self._Join(mdocs, "", " "), ")")
646 |
647 | def _SparseArray(self, val):
648 | # type: (value.SparseArray) -> MeasuredDoc
649 | type_name = self._Styled(self.type_style, _Text("SparseArray"))
650 | if len(val.d) == 0:
651 | return _Concat([_Text("("), type_name, _Text(")")])
652 | mdocs = [] # type: List[MeasuredDoc]
653 | for k2, v2 in iteritems(val.d):
654 | mdocs.append(
655 | _Concat([
656 | _Text("["),
657 | self._Styled(self.int_style, _Text(mops.ToStr(k2))),
658 | _Text("]="),
659 | self._BashStringLiteral(v2)
660 | ]))
661 | return self._SurroundedAndPrefixed("(", type_name, " ",
662 | self._Join(mdocs, "", " "), ")")
663 |
664 | def _Value(self, val):
665 | # type: (value_t) -> MeasuredDoc
666 |
667 | with tagswitch(val) as case:
668 | if case(value_e.Null):
669 | return self._Styled(self.null_style, _Text("null"))
670 |
671 | elif case(value_e.Bool):
672 | b = cast(value.Bool, val).b
673 | return self._Styled(self.bool_style,
674 | _Text("true" if b else "false"))
675 |
676 | elif case(value_e.Int):
677 | i = cast(value.Int, val).i
678 | return self._Styled(self.int_style, _Text(mops.ToStr(i)))
679 |
680 | elif case(value_e.Float):
681 | f = cast(value.Float, val).f
682 | return self._Styled(self.float_style, _Text(_FloatString(f)))
683 |
684 | elif case(value_e.Str):
685 | s = cast(value.Str, val).s
686 | return self._StringLiteral(s)
687 |
688 | elif case(value_e.Range):
689 | r = cast(value.Range, val)
690 | type_name = self._Styled(self.type_style, _Text(ValType(r)))
691 | mdocs = [_Text(str(r.lower)), _Text(".."), _Text(str(r.upper))]
692 | return self._SurroundedAndPrefixed("(", type_name, " ",
693 | self._Join(mdocs, "", " "),
694 | ")")
695 |
696 | elif case(value_e.List):
697 | vlist = cast(value.List, val)
698 | heap_id = j8.HeapValueId(vlist)
699 | if self.visiting.get(heap_id, False):
700 | return _Concat([
701 | _Text("["),
702 | self._Styled(self.cycle_style, _Text("...")),
703 | _Text("]")
704 | ])
705 | else:
706 | self.visiting[heap_id] = True
707 | result = self._YshList(vlist)
708 | self.visiting[heap_id] = False
709 | return result
710 |
711 | elif case(value_e.Dict):
712 | vdict = cast(value.Dict, val)
713 | heap_id = j8.HeapValueId(vdict)
714 | if self.visiting.get(heap_id, False):
715 | return _Concat([
716 | _Text("{"),
717 | self._Styled(self.cycle_style, _Text("...")),
718 | _Text("}")
719 | ])
720 | else:
721 | self.visiting[heap_id] = True
722 | result = self._YshDict(vdict)
723 | self.visiting[heap_id] = False
724 | return result
725 |
726 | elif case(value_e.SparseArray):
727 | sparse = cast(value.SparseArray, val)
728 | return self._SparseArray(sparse)
729 |
730 | elif case(value_e.BashArray):
731 | varray = cast(value.BashArray, val)
732 | return self._BashArray(varray)
733 |
734 | elif case(value_e.BashAssoc):
735 | vassoc = cast(value.BashAssoc, val)
736 | return self._BashAssoc(vassoc)
737 |
738 | else:
739 | type_name = self._Styled(self.type_style, _Text(ValType(val)))
740 | id_str = j8.ValueIdString(val)
741 | return _Concat([_Text("<"), type_name, _Text(id_str + ">")])
742 |
743 |
744 | # vim: sw=4