1 |
2 | #### recursive arith: one level
3 | a='b=123'
4 | echo $((a))
5 | ## stdout: 123
6 | ## N-I dash status: 2
7 | ## N-I dash stdout-json: ""
8 | ## N-I yash stdout: b=123
9 |
10 | #### recursive arith: two levels
11 | a='b=c' c='d=123'
12 | echo $((a))
13 | ## stdout: 123
14 | ## N-I dash status: 2
15 | ## N-I dash stdout-json: ""
16 | ## N-I yash stdout: b=c
17 |
18 | #### recursive arith: short circuit &&, ||
19 | # Note: mksh R52 has a bug. Even though it supports a short circuit like
20 | # "echo $((cond&&(a=1)))", it doesn't work with "x=a=1; echo
21 | # $((cond&&x))". It is fixed at least in mksh R57.
22 | # Note: "busybox sh" doesn't support short circuit.
23 | a=b=123
24 | echo $((1||a)):$((b))
25 | echo $((0||a)):$((b))
26 | c=d=321
27 | echo $((0&&c)):$((d))
28 | echo $((1&&c)):$((d))
29 | ## STDOUT:
30 | 1:0
31 | 1:123
32 | 0:0
33 | 1:321
34 | ## END
35 |
36 | ## BUG mksh/ash STDOUT:
37 | 1:123
38 | 1:123
39 | 0:321
40 | 1:321
41 | ## END
42 |
43 | ## N-I dash/yash status: 2
44 | ## N-I dash/yash STDOUT:
45 | 1:0
46 | ## END
47 |
48 | #### recursive arith: short circuit ?:
49 | # Note: "busybox sh" behaves strangely.
50 | y=a=123 n=a=321
51 | echo $((1?(y):(n))):$((a))
52 | echo $((0?(y):(n))):$((a))
53 | ## STDOUT:
54 | 123:123
55 | 321:321
56 | ## END
57 | ## BUG ash STDOUT:
58 | 123:321
59 | 321:321
60 | ## END
61 | ## N-I dash status: 2
62 | ## N-I dash stdout-json: ""
63 | ## N-I yash STDOUT:
64 | a=123:0
65 | a=321:0
66 | ## END
67 |
68 | #### recursive arith: side effects
69 | # In Zsh and Busybox sh, the side effect of inner arithmetic
70 | # evaluations seems to take effect only after the whole evaluation.
71 | a='b=c' c='d=123'
72 | echo $((a,d)):$((d))
73 | ## stdout: 123:123
74 | ## BUG zsh/ash stdout: 0:123
75 | ## N-I dash/yash status: 2
76 | ## N-I dash/yash stdout-json: ""
77 |
78 | #### recursive arith: recursion
79 | loop='i<=100&&(s+=i,i++,loop)' s=0 i=0
80 | echo $((a=loop,s))
81 | ## stdout: 5050
82 | ## N-I mksh status: 1
83 | ## N-I mksh stdout-json: ""
84 | ## N-I ash/dash/yash status: 2
85 | ## N-I ash/dash/yash stdout-json: ""
86 |
87 | #### recursive arith: array elements
88 | text[1]='d=123'
89 | text[2]='text[1]'
90 | text[3]='text[2]'
91 | echo $((a=text[3]))
92 | ## stdout: 123
93 | ## N-I ash/dash/yash status: 2
94 | ## N-I ash/dash/yash stdout-json: ""
95 |
96 | #### dynamic arith varname: assign
97 | vec2_set () {
98 | local this=$1 x=$2 y=$3
99 | : $(( ${this}_x = $2 ))
100 | : $(( ${this}_y = y ))
101 | }
102 | vec2_set a 3 4
103 | vec2_set b 5 12
104 | echo a_x=$a_x a_y=$a_y
105 | echo b_x=$b_x b_y=$b_y
106 | ## STDOUT:
107 | a_x=3 a_y=4
108 | b_x=5 b_y=12
109 | ## END
110 |
111 | #### dynamic arith varname: read
112 |
113 | vec2_load() {
114 | local this=$1
115 | x=$(( ${this}_x ))
116 | : $(( y = ${this}_y ))
117 | }
118 | a_x=12 a_y=34
119 | vec2_load a
120 | echo x=$x y=$y
121 | ## STDOUT:
122 | x=12 y=34
123 | ## END
124 |
125 | #### dynamic arith varname: copy/add
126 | shopt -s eval_unsafe_arith # for RHS
127 |
128 | vec2_copy () {
129 | local this=$1 rhs=$2
130 | : $(( ${this}_x = $(( ${rhs}_x )) ))
131 | : $(( ${this}_y = ${rhs}_y ))
132 | }
133 | vec2_add () {
134 | local this=$1 rhs=$2
135 | : $(( ${this}_x += $(( ${rhs}_x )) ))
136 | : $(( ${this}_y += ${rhs}_y ))
137 | }
138 | a_x=3 a_y=4
139 | b_x=4 b_y=20
140 | vec2_copy c a
141 | echo c_x=$c_x c_y=$c_y
142 | vec2_add c b
143 | echo c_x=$c_x c_y=$c_y
144 | ## STDOUT:
145 | c_x=3 c_y=4
146 | c_x=7 c_y=24
147 | ## END
148 |
149 | #### is-array with ${var@a}
150 | case $SH in (mksh|ash|dash|yash) exit 1 ;; esac
151 |
152 | function ble/is-array { [[ ${!1@a} == *a* ]]; }
153 |
154 | ble/is-array undef
155 | echo undef $?
156 |
157 | string=''
158 | ble/is-array string
159 | echo string $?
160 |
161 | array=(one two three)
162 | ble/is-array array
163 | echo array $?
164 | ## STDOUT:
165 | undef 1
166 | string 1
167 | array 0
168 | ## END
169 | ## N-I zsh/mksh/ash/dash/yash status: 1
170 | ## N-I zsh/mksh/ash/dash/yash stdout-json: ""
171 |
172 |
173 | #### Sparse array with big index
174 |
175 | # TODO: more BashArray idioms / stress tests ?
176 |
177 | a=()
178 |
179 | if false; then
180 | # This takes too long! # From Zulip
181 | i=$(( 0x0100000000000000 ))
182 | else
183 | # smaller number that's OK
184 | i=$(( 0x0100000 ))
185 | fi
186 |
187 | a[i]=1
188 |
189 | echo len=${#a[@]}
190 |
191 | ## STDOUT:
192 | len=1
193 | ## END
194 |
195 | ## N-I ash status: 2
196 | ## N-I ash STDOUT:
197 | ## END
198 |
199 | ## BUG zsh STDOUT:
200 | len=1048576
201 | ## END
202 |
203 |
204 | #### shift unshift reverse
205 |
206 | case $SH in mksh|ash) exit ;; esac
207 |
208 | # https://github.com/akinomyoga/ble.sh/blob/79beebd928cf9f6506a687d395fd450d027dc4cd/src/util.sh#L578-L582
209 |
210 | # @fn ble/array#unshift arr value...
211 | function ble/array#unshift {
212 | builtin eval -- "$1=(\"\${@:2}\" \"\${$1[@]}\")"
213 | }
214 | # @fn ble/array#shift arr count
215 | function ble/array#shift {
216 | # Note: Bash 4.3 以下では ${arr[@]:${2:-1}} が offset='${2'
217 | # length='-1' に解釈されるので、先に算術式展開させる。
218 | builtin eval -- "$1=(\"\${$1[@]:$((${2:-1}))}\")"
219 | }
220 | # @fn ble/array#reverse arr
221 | function ble/array#reverse {
222 | builtin eval "
223 | set -- \"\${$1[@]}\"; $1=()
224 | local e$1 i$1=\$#
225 | for e$1; do $1[--i$1]=\"\$e$1\"; done"
226 | }
227 |
228 | a=( {1..6} )
229 | echo "${a[@]}"
230 |
231 | ble/array#shift a 1
232 | echo "${a[@]}"
233 |
234 | ble/array#shift a 2
235 | echo "${a[@]}"
236 |
237 | echo ---
238 |
239 | ble/array#unshift a 99
240 | echo "${a[@]}"
241 |
242 | echo ---
243 |
244 | # doesn't work in zsh!
245 | ble/array#reverse a
246 | echo "${a[@]}"
247 |
248 |
249 | ## STDOUT:
250 | 1 2 3 4 5 6
251 | 2 3 4 5 6
252 | 4 5 6
253 | ---
254 | 99 4 5 6
255 | ---
256 | 6 5 4 99
257 | ## END
258 |
259 | ## BUG zsh STDOUT:
260 | 1 2 3 4 5 6
261 | 2 3 4 5 6
262 | 4 5 6
263 | ---
264 | 99 4 5 6
265 | ---
266 | 5 4 99
267 | ## END
268 |
269 | ## N-I mksh/ash STDOUT:
270 | ## END
271 |
272 |
273 | #### SparseArray Performance demo
274 |
275 | case $SH in bash|zsh|mksh|ash) exit ;; esac
276 |
277 | #pp line (a)
278 |
279 | a=( foo {25..27} bar )
280 |
281 | a[10]='sparse'
282 |
283 | var sp = _a2sp(a)
284 | echo $[type(sp)]
285 |
286 | echo len: $[_opsp(sp, 'len')]
287 |
288 | #echo $[len(sp)]
289 |
290 | shopt -s ysh:upgrade
291 |
292 | echo subst: @[_opsp(sp, 'subst')]
293 | echo keys: @[_opsp(sp, 'keys')]
294 |
295 | echo slice: @[_opsp(sp, 'slice', 2, 5)]
296 |
297 | call _opsp(sp, 'set', 0, 'set0')
298 |
299 | echo get0: $[_opsp(sp, 'get', 0)]
300 | echo get1: $[_opsp(sp, 'get', 1)]
301 | echo ---
302 |
303 | to_append=(x y)
304 | echo append
305 | call _opsp(sp, 'append', to_append)
306 | echo subst: @[_opsp(sp, 'subst')]
307 | echo keys: @[_opsp(sp, 'keys')]
308 | echo ---
309 |
310 | echo unset
311 | call _opsp(sp, 'unset', 11)
312 | echo subst: @[_opsp(sp, 'subst')]
313 | echo keys: @[_opsp(sp, 'keys')]
314 |
315 | ## STDOUT:
316 | SparseArray
317 | len: 6
318 | subst: foo 25 26 27 bar sparse
319 | keys: 0 1 2 3 4 10
320 | slice: 26 27 bar
321 | get0: set0
322 | get1: 25
323 | ---
324 | append
325 | subst: set0 25 26 27 bar sparse x y
326 | keys: 0 1 2 3 4 10 11 12
327 | ---
328 | unset
329 | subst: set0 25 26 27 bar sparse y
330 | keys: 0 1 2 3 4 10 12
331 | ## END
332 |
333 | ## N-I bash/zsh/mksh/ash STDOUT:
334 | ## END