1 | ---
2 | title: Builtin Commands (Oils Reference)
3 | all_docs_url: ..
4 | body_css_class: width40
5 | default_highlighter: oils-sh
6 | preserve_anchor_case: yes
7 | ---
8 |
9 | <div class="doc-ref-header">
10 |
11 | [Oils Reference](index.html) — Chapter **Builtin Commands**
12 |
13 | </div>
14 |
15 | This chapter in the [Oils Reference](index.html) describes builtin commands for OSH and YSH.
16 |
17 | <span class="in-progress">(in progress)</span>
18 |
19 | <div id="dense-toc">
20 | </div>
21 |
22 | ## Memory
23 |
24 | ### cmd/append
25 |
26 | Append word arguments to a list:
27 |
28 | var mylist = :| hello |
29 |
30 | append *.py (mylist) # append all Python files
31 |
32 | var myflags = []
33 | append -- -c 'echo hi' (myflags) # -- to avoid ambiguity
34 |
35 | It's a shortcut for:
36 |
37 | call myflags->append('-c')
38 | call myflags->append('echo hi')
39 |
40 | Similar names: [append][]
41 |
42 | [append]: chap-index.html#append
43 |
44 | ### pp
45 |
46 | Pretty prints interpreter state. Some of these are implementation details,
47 | subject to change.
48 |
49 | Examples:
50 |
51 | pp proc # print all procs and their doc comments
52 |
53 | var x = :| one two |
54 | pp cell x # dump the "guts" of a cell, which is a location for a value
55 |
56 | pp asdl (x) # dump the ASDL "guts"
57 |
58 | pp line (x) # single-line stable format, for spec tests
59 |
60 | ## Handle Errors
61 |
62 | ### try
63 |
64 | Run a block of code, stopping at the first error. In other words, shopt
65 | `errexit` is enabled.
66 |
67 | Set the `_status` variable to the exit status of the block, and return 0.
68 |
69 | try {
70 | ls /nonexistent
71 | }
72 | if (_status !== 0) {
73 | echo 'ls failed'
74 | }
75 |
76 | Handle expression errors:
77 |
78 | try {
79 | var x = 42 / 0
80 | }
81 |
82 | And errors from compound commands:
83 |
84 | try {
85 | ls | wc -l
86 | diff <(sort left.txt) <(sort right.txt)
87 | }
88 |
89 | The case statement can be useful:
90 |
91 | try {
92 | grep PATTERN FILE.txt
93 | }
94 | case (_status) {
95 | (0) { echo 'found' }
96 | (1) { echo 'not found' }
97 | (else) { echo "grep returned status $_status" }
98 | }
99 |
100 | The `try` builtin may also set the `_error` register.
101 |
102 | ### boolstatus
103 |
104 | Runs a command and requires the exit code to be 0 or 1.
105 |
106 | if boolstatus egrep '[0-9]+' myfile { # may abort
107 | echo 'found' # status 0 means found
108 | } else {
109 | echo 'not found' # status 1 means not found
110 | }
111 |
112 | ### error
113 |
114 | The `error` builtin interrupts the shell program.
115 |
116 | error 'Missing /tmp' # program fails with status 10
117 |
118 | Override the default status of `10` with a named argument:
119 |
120 | error 'Missing /tmp' (status=99)
121 |
122 | In YSH, it's customary to use `error` instead of `return 1`, since it provides
123 | more information:
124 |
125 | proc p {
126 | if ! test -d /tmp {
127 | error 'Missing /tmp' # more descriptive than return
128 | }
129 | echo hi
130 | }
131 |
132 | Handle the error with the `try` builtin:
133 |
134 | try {
135 | p
136 | }
137 | if (_status !== 0) {
138 | echo $[_error.message] # => Missing /tmp
139 | }
140 |
141 | The integer `_status` is always set, and the Dict `_error` is set for all
142 | "structured" errors, which includes errors raised by the `try` builtin.
143 |
144 | Special properties of `_error`:
145 |
146 | - `_error.message` - the positional string arg
147 | - `_error.status` - the named `status` arg, or the default 10
148 |
149 | You can attach other, arbitrary properties to the error:
150 |
151 | error 'Oops' (path='foo.json')
152 |
153 | They are attached to `_error`:
154 |
155 | try {
156 | error 'Oops' (path='foo.json')
157 | }
158 | if (_status !== 0) {
159 | echo $[_error.path] # => foo.json
160 | }
161 |
162 | ## Shell State
163 |
164 | ### ysh-cd
165 |
166 | It takes a block:
167 |
168 | cd / {
169 | echo $PWD
170 | }
171 |
172 | ### ysh-shopt
173 |
174 | It takes a block:
175 |
176 | shopt --unset errexit {
177 | false
178 | echo 'ok'
179 | }
180 |
181 | ### shvar
182 |
183 | Execute a block with a global variable set.
184 |
185 | shvar IFS=/ {
186 | echo "ifs is $IFS"
187 | }
188 | echo "ifs restored to $IFS"
189 |
190 | ### ctx
191 |
192 | Execute a block with a shared "context" that can be updated using the `ctx`
193 | built-in.
194 |
195 | var mydict = {}
196 | ctx push (mydict) {
197 | # = mydict => {}
198 | ctx set (mykey='myval')
199 | }
200 | # = mydict => { mykey: 'myval' }
201 |
202 | The context can be modified with `ctx set (key=val)`, which updates or inserts
203 | the value at the given key.
204 |
205 | The context can also be updated with `ctx emit field (value)`.
206 |
207 | ctx push (mydict) {
208 | # = mydict => {}
209 | ctx emit mylist (0)
210 | # = mydict => { mylist: [0] }
211 | ctx emit mylist (1)
212 | }
213 | # = mydict => { mylist: [0, 1] }
214 |
215 | Contexts can be nested, resulting in a stack of contexts.
216 |
217 | ctx push (mydict1) {
218 | ctx set (dict=1)
219 | ctx push (mydict2) {
220 | ctx set (dict=2)
221 | }
222 | }
223 | # = mydict1 => { dict: 1 }
224 | # = mydict2 => { dict: 2 }
225 |
226 | `ctx` is useful for creating DSLs, such as a mini-parseArgs.
227 |
228 | proc parser (; place ; ; block_def) {
229 | var p = {}
230 | ctx push (p, block_def)
231 | call place->setValue(p)
232 | }
233 |
234 | proc flag (short_name, long_name; type; help) {
235 | ctx emit flag ({short_name, long_name, type, help})
236 | }
237 |
238 | proc arg (name) {
239 | ctx emit arg ({name})
240 | }
241 |
242 | parser (&spec) {
243 | flag -t --tsv (Bool, help='Output as TSV')
244 | flag -r --recursive (Bool, help='Recurse into the given directory')
245 | flag -N --count (Int, help='Process no more than N files')
246 | arg path
247 | }
248 |
249 | ### push-registers
250 |
251 | Save global registers like $? on a stack. It's useful for preventing plugins
252 | from interfering with user code. Example:
253 |
254 | status_42 # returns 42 and sets $?
255 | push-registers { # push a new frame
256 | status_43 # top of stack changed here
257 | echo done
258 | } # stack popped
259 | echo $? # 42, read from new top-of-stack
260 |
261 | Current list of registers:
262 |
263 | Regex data underlying BASH_REMATCH, _group(), _start(), _end()
264 | $?
265 | _status # set by the try builtin
266 | PIPESTATUS # aka _pipeline_status
267 | _process_sub_status
268 |
269 |
270 | ## Modules
271 |
272 | ### runproc
273 |
274 | Runs a named proc with the given arguments. It's often useful as the only top
275 | level statement in a "task file":
276 |
277 | proc p {
278 | echo hi
279 | }
280 | runproc @ARGV
281 |
282 | Like 'builtin' and 'command', it affects the lookup of the first word.
283 |
284 | ### module
285 |
286 | Registers a name in the global module dict. Returns 0 if it doesn't exist, or
287 | 1 if it does.
288 |
289 | Use it like this in executable files:
290 |
291 | module main || return 0
292 |
293 | And like this in libraries:
294 |
295 | module myfile.ysh || return 0
296 |
297 | ### is-main
298 |
299 | The `is-main` builtin returns 1 (false) if the current file was executed with
300 | the `source` builtin.
301 |
302 | In the "main" file, including `-c` or `stdin` input, it returns 0 (true).
303 |
304 | Use it like this:
305 |
306 | if is-main {
307 | runproc @ARGV
308 | }
309 |
310 | ### use
311 |
312 | TODO
313 |
314 | Reuse code from other files, respecting namespaces.
315 |
316 | use lib/foo.ysh # relative import, i.ie implicit $_this_dir?
317 | # makes name 'foo' available
318 |
319 | Bind a specific name:
320 |
321 | use lib/foo.ysh (&myvar) # makes 'myvar' available
322 |
323 | Bind multiple names:
324 |
325 | use lib/foo.ysh (&myvar) {
326 | var log, die
327 | }
328 |
329 | Maybe:
330 |
331 | use lib/foo.ysh (&myvar) {
332 | var mylog = myvar.log
333 | }
334 |
335 | Also a declaration
336 |
337 | use --extern grep sed
338 |
339 | ## I/O
340 |
341 | ### ysh-read
342 |
343 | YSH adds long flags to shell's `read`:
344 |
345 | read --all # whole file including newline, fills $_reply
346 | read --all (&x) # fills $x
347 |
348 | read --num-bytes 3 # read N bytes, fills _reply
349 | read --num-bytes 3 (&x) # fills $x
350 |
351 | And a convenience:
352 |
353 | read -0 # read until NUL, synonym for read -r -d ''
354 |
355 | TODO: We used to have `read --line`, but buffered I/O doesn't mix with shell
356 | I/O, which is reads directly from file descriptors.
357 |
358 | <!--
359 |
360 | buffered, line-oriented I/O
361 |
362 | read --line # fills $_reply var with line
363 | read --line (&x) # fills $x (&x is a place)
364 |
365 | read --line --with-eol # keep the \n
366 |
367 | You may want to use `fromJ8()` or `fromJson()` after reading a line.
368 |
369 | TODO: read --netstr
370 | -->
371 |
372 | <!--
373 |
374 | Problem with read --json -- there's also https://jsonlines.org, which allows
375 |
376 | {"my": "line"}
377 |
378 | That can be done with
379 |
380 | while read --line {
381 | var record = fromJson(_reply)
382 | }
383 |
384 | This is distinct from:
385 |
386 | while read --line --j8 {
387 | echo $_reply
388 | }
389 |
390 | This allows unquoted. Maybe it should be read --j8-line
391 |
392 | What about write? These would be the same:
393 |
394 | write --json -- $s
395 | write --j8 -- $s
396 |
397 | write -- $[toJson(s)]
398 | write -- $[toJson8(s)]
399 |
400 | write --json -- @strs
401 | write --j8 -- @strs
402 |
403 | write -- @[toJson(s) for s in strs]
404 | write -- @[toJson8(s) for s in strs]
405 |
406 | It's an argument for getting rid --json and --j8? I already implemented them,
407 | but it makes the API smaller.
408 |
409 | I guess the main thing would be to AVOID quoting sometimes?
410 |
411 | $ write --j8 -- unquoted
412 | unquoted
413 |
414 | $ write --j8 -- $'\'' '"'
415 | "'"
416 | "\""
417 |
418 | I think this could be the shell style?
419 |
420 | $ write --shell-str -- foo bar baz
421 |
422 | Or it could be
423 |
424 | $ write -- @[toShellString(s) for s in strs]
425 |
426 | I want this to be "J8 Lines", but it can be done in pure YSH. It's not built
427 | into the interpreter.
428 |
429 | foo/bar
430 | "hi"
431 | b'hi'
432 | u'hi'
433 |
434 | But what about
435 |
436 | Fool's Gold
437 | a'hi' # This feels like an error?
438 | a"hi" # what about this?
439 |
440 | Technically we CAN read those as literal strings
441 | -->
442 |
443 | ### ysh-echo
444 |
445 | Print arguments to stdout, separated by a space.
446 |
447 | ysh$ echo hi there
448 | hi there
449 |
450 | The [simple_echo][] option means that flags aren't accepted, and `--` is not
451 | accepted.
452 |
453 | ysh$ echo -n
454 | -n
455 |
456 | See the [YSH FAQ][echo-en] for details.
457 |
458 | [simple_echo]: chap-option.html#ysh:all
459 | [echo-en]: ../ysh-faq.html#how-do-i-write-the-equivalent-of-echo-e-or-echo-n
460 |
461 | ### write
462 |
463 | write fixes problems with shell's `echo` builtin.
464 |
465 | The default separator is a newline, and the default terminator is a
466 | newline.
467 |
468 | Examples:
469 |
470 | write -- ale bean # write two lines
471 |
472 | write -n -- ale bean # synonym for --end '', like echo -n
473 | write --sep '' --end '' -- a b # write 2 bytes
474 | write --sep $'\t' --end $'\n' -- a b # TSV line
475 |
476 | You may want to use `toJson8()` or `toJson()` before writing:
477 |
478 | write -- $[toJson8(mystr)]
479 | write -- $[toJson(mystr)]
480 |
481 |
482 | <!--
483 | write --json -- ale bean # JSON encode, guarantees two lines
484 | write --j8 -- ale bean # J8 encode, guarantees two lines
485 | -->
486 |
487 |
488 | ### fork
489 |
490 | Run a command, but don't wait for it to finish.
491 |
492 | fork { sleep 1 }
493 | wait -n
494 |
495 | In YSH, use `fork` rather than shell's `&` ([ampersand][]).
496 |
497 | [ampersand]: chap-cmd-lang.html#ampersand
498 |
499 | ### forkwait
500 |
501 | The preferred alternative to shell's `()`. Prefer `cd` with a block if possible.
502 |
503 | forkwait {
504 | not_mutated=zzz
505 | }
506 | echo $not_mutated
507 |
508 | ### fopen
509 |
510 | Runs a block passed to it. It's designed so redirects have a **prefix**
511 | syntax:
512 |
513 | fopen >out.txt {
514 | echo 1
515 | echo 2
516 | }
517 |
518 | Rather than shell style:
519 |
520 | { echo 1
521 | echo 2
522 | } >out.txt
523 |
524 | When a block is long, the former is more readable.
525 |
526 | ## Hay Config
527 |
528 | ### hay
529 |
530 | ### haynode
531 |
532 |
533 | ## Data Formats
534 |
535 | ### json
536 |
537 | Write JSON:
538 |
539 | var d = {name: 'bob', age: 42}
540 | json write (d) # default indentation of 2
541 | json write (d, space=0) # no indentation
542 |
543 | Read JSON:
544 |
545 | echo hi | json read # fills $_reply by default
546 |
547 | Or use an explicit place:
548 |
549 | var x = ''
550 | json read (&x) < myfile.txt
551 |
552 | Related: [err-json-encode][] and [err-json-decode][]
553 |
554 | [err-json-encode]: chap-errors.html#err-json-encode
555 | [err-json-decode]: chap-errors.html#err-json-decode
556 |
557 | ### json8
558 |
559 | Like `json`, but on the encoding side:
560 |
561 | - Falls back to `b'\yff'` instead of lossy Unicode replacement char
562 |
563 | On decoding side:
564 |
565 | - Understands `b'' u''` strings
566 |
567 | Related: [err-json8-encode]() and [err-json8-decode]()
568 |
569 | [err-json8-encode]: chap-errors.html#err-json8-encode
570 | [err-json8-decode]: chap-errors.html#err-json8-decode
571 |
572 | ## Testing
573 |
574 | TODO: describe
575 |
576 | ## External Lang
577 |
578 | TODO: when
579 |
580 |
581 | ## I/O
582 |
583 | These builtins take input and output. They're often used with redirects.
584 |
585 | ### read
586 |
587 | read FLAG* VAR*
588 |
589 | Read a line from stdin, split it into tokens with the `$IFS` algorithm,
590 | and assign the tokens to the given variables. When no VARs are given,
591 | assign to `$REPLY`.
592 |
593 | Note: When writing ySH, prefer the extensions documented in
594 | [ysh-read](#ysh-read). The `read` builtin is confusing because `-r` needs to
595 | be explicitly enabled.
596 |
597 | Flags:
598 |
599 | -a ARRAY assign the tokens to elements of this array
600 | -d CHAR use DELIM as delimiter, instead of newline
601 | -n NUM read up to NUM characters, respecting delimiters
602 | -p STR print the string PROMPT before reading input
603 | -r raw mode: don't let backslashes escape characters
604 | -s silent: do not echo input coming from a terminal
605 | -t NUM time out and fail after TIME seconds
606 | -t 0 returns whether any input is available
607 | -u FD read from file descriptor FD instead of 0 (stdin)
608 |
609 | <!-- -N NUM read up to NUM characters, ignoring delimiters -->
610 | <!-- -e use readline to obtain the line
611 | -i STR use STR as the initial text for readline -->
612 |
613 | ### echo
614 |
615 | echo FLAG* ARG*
616 |
617 | Prints ARGs to stdout, separated by a space, and terminated by a newline.
618 |
619 | Flags:
620 |
621 | -e enable interpretation of backslash escapes
622 | -n omit the trailing newline
623 | <!-- -E -->
624 |
625 | See [char-escapes](chap-mini-lang.html#char-escapes).
626 |
627 | ### printf
628 |
629 | printf FLAG* FMT ARG*
630 |
631 | Formats values and prints them. The FMT string contain three types of objects:
632 |
633 | 1. Literal Characters
634 | 2. Character escapes like `\t`. See [char-escapes](chap-mini-lang.html#char-escapes).
635 | 3. Percent codes like `%s` that specify how to format each each ARG.
636 |
637 | If not enough ARGS are passed, the empty string is used. If too many are
638 | passed, the FMT string will be "recycled".
639 |
640 | Flags:
641 |
642 | -v VAR Write output in variable VAR instead of standard output.
643 |
644 | Format specifiers:
645 |
646 | %% Prints a single "%".
647 | %b Interprets backslash escapes while printing.
648 | %q Prints the argument escaping the characters needed to make it reusable
649 | as shell input.
650 | %d Print as signed decimal number.
651 | %i Same as %d.
652 | %o Print as unsigned octal number.
653 | %u Print as unsigned decimal number.
654 | %x Print as unsigned hexadecimal number with lower-case hex-digits (a-f).
655 | %X Same as %x, but with upper-case hex-digits (A-F).
656 | %f Print as floating point number.
657 | %e Print as a double number, in "±e" format (lower-case e).
658 | %E Same as %e, but with an upper-case E.
659 | %g Interprets the argument as double, but prints it like %f or %e.
660 | %G Same as %g, but print it like %E.
661 | %c Print as a single char, only the first character is printed.
662 | %s Print as string
663 | %n The number of characters printed so far is stored in the variable named
664 | in the argument.
665 | %a Interprets the argument as double, and prints it like a C99 hexadecimal
666 | floating-point literal.
667 | %A Same as %a, but print it like %E.
668 | %(FORMAT)T Prints date and time, according to FORMAT as a format string
669 | for strftime(3). The argument is the number of seconds since
670 | epoch. It can also be -1 (current time, also the default value
671 | if there is no argument) or -2 (shell startup time).
672 |
673 | ### readarray
674 |
675 | Alias for `mapfile`.
676 |
677 | ### mapfile
678 |
679 | mapfile FLAG* ARRAY?
680 |
681 | Reads lines from stdin into the variable named ARRAY (default
682 | `${MAPFILE[@]}`).
683 |
684 | Flags:
685 |
686 | -t Remove the trailing newline from every line
687 | <!--
688 | -d CHAR use CHAR as delimiter, instead of the default newline
689 | -n NUM copy up to NUM lines
690 | -O NUM begins copying lines at the NUM element of the array
691 | -s NUM discard the first NUM lines
692 | -u FD read from FD file descriptor instead of the standard input
693 | -C CMD run CMD every NUM lines specified in -c
694 | -c NUM every NUM lines, the CMD command in C will be run
695 | -->
696 |
697 | ## Run Code
698 |
699 | These builtins accept shell code and run it.
700 |
701 | ### source
702 |
703 | source SCRIPT ARG*
704 |
705 | Executes SCRIPT with given ARGs in the context of the current shell. It will
706 | modify existing variables.
707 |
708 | ### eval
709 |
710 | eval ARG+
711 |
712 | Creates a string by joining ARGs with a space, then runs it as a shell command.
713 |
714 | Example:
715 |
716 | # Create the string echo "hello $name" and run it.
717 | a='echo'
718 | b='"hello $name"'
719 | eval $a $b
720 |
721 | Tips:
722 |
723 | - Using `eval` can confuse code and user-supplied data, leading to [security
724 | issues][].
725 | - Prefer passing single string ARG to `eval`.
726 |
727 | [security issues]: https://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/048
728 |
729 | YSH eval:
730 |
731 | var myblock = ^(echo hi)
732 | eval (myblock) # => hi
733 |
734 |
735 | ### trap
736 |
737 | trap FLAG* CMD SIGNAL*
738 |
739 | Registers the shell string CMD to be run after the SIGNALs are received. If
740 | the CMD is empty, then the signal is ignored.
741 |
742 | Flags:
743 |
744 | -l Lists all signals and their signal number
745 | -p Prints a list of the installed signal handlers
746 |
747 | Tip:
748 |
749 | Prefer passing the name of a shell function to `trap`.
750 |
751 | ## Set Options
752 |
753 | The `set` and `shopt` builtins set global shell options. YSH code should use
754 | the more natural `shopt`.
755 |
756 | ### set
757 |
758 | set FLAG* ARG*
759 |
760 | Sets global shell options. Short style:
761 |
762 | set -e
763 |
764 | Long style:
765 |
766 | set -o errexit
767 |
768 | Set the arguments array:
769 |
770 | set -- 1 2 3
771 |
772 | ### shopt
773 |
774 | shopt FLAG* OPTION* BLOCK?
775 |
776 | Sets global shell options.
777 |
778 | Flags:
779 |
780 | -s --set Turn the named options on
781 | -u --unset Turn the named options off
782 | -p Print option values
783 | -q Return 0 if the option is true, else 1
784 |
785 | Examples:
786 |
787 | shopt --set errexit
788 |
789 | You can set or unset multiple options with the groups `strict:all`,
790 | `ysh:upgrade`, and `ysh:all`.
791 |
792 | If a block is passed, then the mutated options are pushed onto a stack, the
793 | block is executed, and then options are restored to their original state.
794 |
795 | ## Working Dir
796 |
797 | These 5 builtins deal with the working directory of the shell.
798 |
799 | ### cd
800 |
801 | cd FLAG* DIR
802 |
803 | Changes the working directory of the current shell process to DIR.
804 |
805 | If DIR isn't specified, change to `$HOME`. If DIR is `-`, change to `$OLDPWD`
806 | (a variable that the sets to the previous working directory.)
807 |
808 | Flags:
809 |
810 | -L Follow symbolic links, i.e. change to the TARGET of the symlink.
811 | (default).
812 | -P Don't follow symbolic links.
813 |
814 | ### pwd
815 |
816 | pwd FLAG*
817 |
818 | Prints the current working directory.
819 |
820 | Flags:
821 |
822 | -L Follow symbolic links if present (default)
823 | -P Don't follow symbolic links. Print the link instead of the target.
824 |
825 | ### pushd
826 |
827 | <!--pushd FLAGS DIR-->
828 | pushd DIR
829 | <!--pushd +/-NUM-->
830 |
831 | Add DIR to the directory stack, then change the working directory to DIR.
832 | Typically used with `popd` and `dirs`.
833 |
834 | <!--FLAGS:
835 | -n Don't change the working directory, just manipulate the stack
836 | NUM:
837 | Rotates the stack the number of places specified. Eg, given the stack
838 | '/foo /bar /baz', where '/foo' is the top of the stack, pushd +1 will move
839 | it to the bottom, '/bar /baz /foo'-->
840 |
841 | ### popd
842 |
843 | popd
844 |
845 | Removes a directory from the directory stack, and changes the working directory
846 | to it. Typically used with `pushd` and `dirs`.
847 |
848 | ### dirs
849 |
850 | dirs FLAG*
851 |
852 | Shows the contents of the directory stack. Typically used with `pushd` and
853 | `popd`.
854 |
855 | Flags:
856 |
857 | -c Clear the dir stack.
858 | -l Show the dir stack, but with the real path instead of ~.
859 | -p Show the dir stack, but formatted as one line per entry.
860 | -v Like -p, but numbering each line.
861 |
862 | ## Completion
863 |
864 | These builtins implement our bash-compatible autocompletion system.
865 |
866 | ### complete
867 |
868 | Registers completion policies for different commands.
869 |
870 | ### compgen
871 |
872 | Generates completion candidates inside a user-defined completion function.
873 |
874 | It can also be used in scripts, i.e. outside a completion function.
875 |
876 | ### compopt
877 |
878 | Changes completion options inside a user-defined completion function.
879 |
880 | ### compadjust
881 |
882 | Adjusts `COMP_ARGV` according to specified delimiters, and optionally set
883 | variables cur, prev, words (an array), and cword. May also set 'split'.
884 |
885 | This is an OSH extension that makes it easier to run the bash-completion
886 | project.
887 |
888 | ### compexport
889 |
890 | Complete an entire shell command string. For example,
891 |
892 | compexport -c 'echo $H'
893 |
894 | will complete variables like `$HOME`. And
895 |
896 | compexport -c 'ha'
897 |
898 | will complete builtins like `hay`, as well as external commands.
899 |
900 |
901 | ## Shell Process
902 |
903 | These builtins mutate the state of the shell process.
904 |
905 | ### exec
906 |
907 | exec BIN_PATH ARG*
908 |
909 | Replaces the running shell with the binary specified, which is passed ARGs.
910 | BIN_PATH must exist on the file system; i.e. it can't be a shell builtin or
911 | function.
912 |
913 | ### umask
914 |
915 | umask MODE?
916 |
917 | Sets the bit mask that determines the permissions for new files and
918 | directories. The mask is subtracted from 666 for files and 777 for
919 | directories.
920 |
921 | Oils currently supports writing masks in octal.
922 |
923 | If no MODE, show the current mask.
924 |
925 | ### ulimit
926 |
927 | ulimit --all
928 | ulimit -a
930 |
931 | ulimit FLAGS* VALUE? # discouraged
932 |
933 | Show and modify process resource limits.
934 |
935 | Flags:
936 |
937 | -S for soft limit
938 | -H for hard limit
939 |
940 | -c -d -f ... # ulimit --all shows all resource flags
941 |
942 | Show a table of resources:
943 |
944 | ulimit --all
945 | ulimit -a
946 |
947 | For example, the table shows that `-n` is the flag that controls the number
948 | file descriptors, the soft and hard limit for `-n`, and the multiplication
949 | "factor" for the integer VALUE you pass.
950 |
951 | ---
952 |
953 | Here are examples of using resource flags.
954 |
955 | Get the soft limit for the number of file descriptors:
956 |
957 | ulimit -S -n
958 | ulimit -n # same thing
959 |
960 | Get the hard limit:
961 |
962 | ulimit -H -n
963 |
964 | Set the soft or hard limit:
965 |
966 | ulimit -S -n 100
967 | ulimit -H -n 100
968 |
969 | Set both limits:
970 |
971 | ulimit -n 100
972 |
973 | A special case that's discouraged: with no resource flag, `-f` is assumed:
974 |
975 | ulimit # equivalent to ulimit -f
976 | ulimit 100 # equivalent to ulimit -f 100
977 |
978 | ### times
979 |
980 | times
981 |
982 | Shows the user and system time used by the shell and its child processes.
983 |
984 | ## Child Process
985 |
986 | ### jobs
987 |
988 | jobs
989 |
990 | Shows all jobs running in the shell and their status.
991 |
992 | ### wait
993 |
994 | wait FLAG* ARG
995 |
996 | Wait for processes to exit.
997 |
998 | If the ARG is a PID, wait only for that job, and return its status.
999 |
1000 | If there's no ARG, wait for all child processes.
1001 |
1002 | <!--
1003 | The ARG can be a PID (tracked by the kernel), or a job number (tracked by the
1004 | shell). Specify jobs with the syntax `%jobnumber`.
1005 | -->
1006 |
1007 | Flags:
1008 |
1009 | -n Wait for the next process to exit, rather than a specific process.
1010 |
1011 | Wait can be interrupted by a signal, in which case the exit code indicates the
1012 | signal number.
1013 |
1014 | ### fg
1015 |
1016 | fg JOB?
1017 |
1018 | Returns a job running in the background to the foreground. If no JOB is
1019 | specified, use the latest job.
1020 |
1021 | <!--<h4 id="bg">bg</h4>
1022 |
1023 | The bg builtin resumes suspend job, while keeping it in the background.
1024 |
1025 | bg JOB?
1026 |
1027 | JOB:
1028 | Job ID to be resumed in the background. If none is specified, the latest job
1029 | is chosen. -->
1030 |
1031 | ## External
1032 |
1033 | ### test
1034 |
1035 | test OP ARG
1036 | test ARG OP ARG
1037 | [ OP ARG ] # [ is an alias for test that requires closing ]
1038 | [ ARG OP ARG ]
1039 |
1040 | Evaluates a conditional expression and returns 0 (true) or 1 (false).
1041 |
1042 | Note that [ is the name of a builtin, not an operator in the language. Use
1043 | 'test' to avoid this confusion.
1044 |
1045 | String expressions:
1046 |
1047 | -n STR True if STR is not empty.
1048 | 'test STR' is usually equivalent, but discouraged.
1049 | -z STR True if STR is empty.
1050 | STR1 = STR2 True if the strings are equal.
1051 | STR1 != STR2 True if the strings are not equal.
1052 | STR1 < STR2 True if STR1 sorts before STR2 lexicographically.
1053 | STR1 > STR2 True if STR1 sorts after STR2 lexicographically.
1054 | Note: < and > should be quoted like \< and \>
1055 |
1056 | File expressions:
1057 |
1058 | -a FILE Synonym for -e.
1059 | -b FILE True if FILE is a block special file.
1060 | -c FILE True if FILE is a character special file.
1061 | -d FILE True if FILE is a directory.
1062 | -e FILE True if FILE exists.
1063 | -f FILE True if FILE is a regular file.
1064 | -g FILE True if FILE has the sgid bit set.
1065 | -G FILE True if current user's group is also FILE's group.
1066 | -h FILE True if FILE is a symbolic link.
1067 | -L FILE True if FILE is a symbolic link.
1068 | -k FILE True if FILE has the sticky bit set.
1069 | -O FILE True if current user is the file owner.
1070 | -p FILE True if FILE is a named pipe (FIFO).
1071 | -r FILE True if FILE is readable.
1072 | -s FILE True if FILE has size bigger than 0.
1073 | -S FILE True if FILE is a socket file.
1074 | -t FD True if file descriptor FD is open and refers to a terminal.
1075 | -u FILE True if FILE has suid bit set.
1076 | -w FILE True if FILE is writable.
1077 | -x FILE True if FILE is executable.
1078 | FILE1 -nt FILE2 True if FILE1 is newer than FILE2 (mtime).
1079 | FILE1 -ot FILE2 True if FILE1 is older than FILE2 (mtime).
1080 | FILE1 -ef FILE2 True if FILE1 is a hard link to FILE2.
1081 | <!-- -N FILE True if FILE was modified since last read (mtime newer than atime).-->
1082 |
1083 | Arithmetic expressions coerce arguments to integers, then compare:
1084 |
1085 | INT1 -eq INT2 True if they're equal.
1086 | INT1 -ne INT2 True if they're not equal.
1087 | INT1 -lt INT2 True if INT1 is less than INT2.
1088 | INT1 -le INT2 True if INT1 is less or equal than INT2.
1089 | INT1 -gt INT2 True if INT1 is greater than INT2.
1090 | INT1 -ge INT2 True if INT1 is greater or equal than INT2.
1091 |
1092 | Other expressions:
1093 |
1094 | -o OPTION True if the shell option OPTION is set.
1095 | -v VAR True if the variable VAR is set.
1096 |
1097 | The test builtin also supports POSIX conditionals like -a, -o, !, and ( ), but
1098 | these are discouraged.
1099 |
1100 | <!-- -R VAR True if the variable VAR has been set and is a nameref variable. -->
1101 |
1102 | Oils supports these long flags:
1103 |
1104 | --dir same as -d
1105 | --exists same as -e
1106 | --file same as -f
1107 | --symlink same as -L
1108 |
1109 | ### getopts
1110 |
1111 | getopts SPEC VAR ARG*
1112 |
1113 | A single iteration of flag parsing. The SPEC is a sequence of flag characters,
1114 | with a trailing `:` to indicate that the flag takes an argument:
1115 |
1116 | ab # accept -a and -b
1117 | xy:z # accept -x, -y arg, and -z
1118 |
1119 | The input is `"$@"` by default, unless ARGs are passed.
1120 |
1121 | On each iteration, the flag character is stored in VAR. If the flag has an
1122 | argument, it's stored in `$OPTARG`. When an error occurs, VAR is set to `?`
1123 | and `$OPTARG` is unset.
1124 |
1125 | Returns 0 if a flag is parsed, or 1 on end of input or another error.
1126 |
1127 | Example:
1128 |
1129 | while getopts "ab:" flag; do
1130 | case $flag in
1131 | a) flag_a=1 ;;
1132 | b) flag_b=$OPTARG" ;;
1133 | '?') echo 'Invalid Syntax'; break ;;
1134 | esac
1135 | done
1136 |
1137 | Notes:
1138 | - `$OPTIND` is initialized to 1 every time a shell starts, and is used to
1139 | maintain state between invocations of `getopts`.
1140 | - The characters `:` and `?` can't be flags.
1141 |
1142 | ### kill
1143 |
1144 | Unimplemented.
1145 |
1146 | <!-- Note: 'kill' accepts job control syntax -->
1147 |
1148 | ## Introspection
1149 |
1150 | <h3 id="help" class="osh-topic ysh-topic" oils-embed="1">
1151 | help
1152 | </h3>
1153 |
1154 | <!-- pre-formatted for help builtin -->
1155 |
1156 | ```
1157 | Usage: help TOPIC?
1158 |
1159 | Examples:
1160 |
1161 | help # this help
1162 | help echo # help on the 'echo' builtin
1163 | help command-sub # help on command sub $(date)
1164 |
1165 | help oils-usage # identical to oils-for-unix --help
1166 | help osh-usage # osh --help
1167 | help ysh-usage # ysh --help
1168 | ```
1169 |
1170 | ### hash
1171 |
1172 | hash
1173 |
1174 | Display information about remembered commands.
1175 |
1176 | hash FLAG* CMD+
1177 |
1178 | Determine the locations of commands using `$PATH`, and remember them.
1179 |
1180 | Flag:
1181 |
1182 | -r Discard all remembered locations.
1183 | <!-- -d Discard the remembered location of each NAME.
1184 | -l Display output in a format reusable as input.
1185 | -p PATH Inhibit path search, PATH is used as location for NAME.
1186 | -t Print the full path of one or more NAME.-->
1187 |
1188 | ### cmd/type
1189 |
1190 | type FLAG* NAME+
1191 |
1192 | Print the type of each NAME, if it were the first word of a command. Is it a
1193 | shell keyword, builtin command, shell function, alias, or executable file on
1194 | $PATH?
1195 |
1196 | Flags:
1197 |
1198 | -a Show all possible candidates, not just the first one
1199 | -f Don't search for shell functions
1200 | -P Only search for executable files
1201 | -t Print a single word: alias, builtin, file, function, or keyword
1202 |
1203 | Similar names: [type][]
1204 |
1205 | [type]: chap-index.html#type
1206 |
1207 | <!-- TODO:
1208 | - procs are counted as shell functions, should be their own thing
1209 | - Hay nodes ('hay define x') also live in the first word namespace, and should
1210 | be recognized
1211 | -->
1212 |
1213 | Modeled after the [bash `type`
1214 | builtin](https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bash.html#index-type).
1215 |
1216 | ## Word Lookup
1217 |
1218 | ### command
1219 |
1220 | command FLAG* CMD ARG*
1221 |
1222 | Look up CMD as a shell builtin or executable file, and execute it with the
1223 | given ARGs. That is, the lookup ignores shell functions named CMD.
1224 |
1225 | Flags:
1226 |
1227 | -v Instead of executing CMD, print a description of it.
1228 | Similar to the 'type' builtin.
1229 | <!-- -p Use a default value for PATH that is guaranteed to find all of the
1230 | standard utilities.
1231 | -V Print a more verbose description of CMD.-->
1232 |
1233 | ### builtin
1234 |
1235 | builtin CMD ARG*
1236 |
1237 | Look up CMD as a shell builtin, and execute it with the given ARGs. That is,
1238 | the lookup ignores shell functions and executables named CMD.
1239 |
1240 | ## Interactive
1241 |
1242 | ### alias
1243 |
1244 | alias NAME=CODE
1245 |
1246 | Make NAME a shortcut for executing CODE, e.g. `alias hi='echo hello'`.
1247 |
1248 | alias NAME
1249 |
1250 | Show the value of this alias.
1251 |
1252 | alias
1253 |
1254 | Show a list of all aliases.
1255 |
1256 | Tips:
1257 |
1258 | Prefer shell functions like:
1259 |
1260 | ls() {
1261 | command ls --color "$@"
1262 | }
1263 |
1264 | to aliases like:
1265 |
1266 | alias ls='ls --color'
1267 |
1268 | Functions are less likely to cause parsing problems.
1269 |
1270 | - Quoting like `\ls` or `'ls'` disables alias expansion
1271 | - To remove an existing alias, use [unalias](chap-builtin-cmd.html#unalias).
1272 |
1273 | ### unalias
1274 |
1275 | unalias NAME
1276 |
1277 | Remove the alias NAME.
1278 |
1279 | <!--Flag:
1280 |
1281 | -a Removes all existing aliases.-->
1282 |
1283 | ### history
1284 |
1285 | history FLAG*
1286 |
1287 | Display and manipulate the shell's history entries.
1288 |
1289 | history NUM
1290 |
1291 | Show the last NUM history entries.
1292 |
1293 | Flags:
1294 |
1295 | -c Clears the history.
1296 | -d POS Deletes the history entry at position POS.
1297 | <!-- -a
1298 | -n
1299 | -r
1300 | -w
1301 | -p
1302 | -s -->
1303 |
1304 |
1305 | ## Unsupported
1306 |
1307 | ### enable
1308 |
1309 | Bash has this, but OSH won't implement it.
1310 |
1311 |
1312 | ## Args Parser
1313 |
1314 | YSH includes a command-line argument parsing utility called `parseArgs`. This
1315 | is intended to be used for command-line interfaces to YSH programs.
1316 |
1317 | To use it, first import `args.ysh`:
1318 |
1319 | source --builtin args.ysh
1320 |
1321 | Then, create an argument parser **spec**ification:
1322 |
1323 | parser (&spec) {
1324 | flag -v --verbose (help="Verbosely") # default is Bool, false
1325 |
1326 | flag -P --max-procs ('int', default=-1, help='''
1327 | Run at most P processes at a time
1328 | ''')
1329 |
1330 | flag -i --invert ('bool', default=true, help='''
1331 | Long multiline
1332 | Description
1333 | ''')
1334 |
1335 | arg src (help='Source')
1336 | arg dest (help='Dest')
1337 |
1338 | rest files
1339 | }
1340 |
1341 | Finally, parse `ARGV` (or any other array of strings) with:
1342 |
1343 | var args = parseArgs(spec, ARGV)
1344 |
1345 | The returned `args` is a `Dict` containing key-value pairs with the parsed
1346 | values (or defaults) for each flag and argument. For example, given
1347 | `ARGV = :| mysrc -P 12 mydest a b c |`, `args` would be:
1348 |
1349 | {
1350 | "verbose": false,
1351 | "max-procs": 12,
1352 | "invert": true,
1353 | "src": "mysrc",
1354 | "dest": "mydest",
1355 | "files": ["a", "b", "c"]
1356 | }
1357 |
1358 | ### parser
1359 |
1360 | `parseArgs()` requires a parser specification to indicate how to parse the
1361 | `ARGV` array. This specification should be constructed using the `parser` proc.
1362 |
1363 | parser (&spec) {
1364 | flag -f --my-flag
1365 | arg myarg
1366 | rest otherArgs
1367 | }
1368 |
1369 | In the above example, `parser` takes in a place `&spec`, which will store the
1370 | resulting specification and a block which is evaluated to build that
1371 | specification.
1372 |
1373 | Inside of a `parser` block, you should call the following procs:
1374 |
1375 | - `flag` to add `--flag` options
1376 | - `arg` to add positional arguments
1377 | - `rest` to capture remaining positional arguments into a list
1378 |
1379 | `parser` will validate the parser specification for errors such as duplicate
1380 | flag or argument names.
1381 |
1382 | parser (&spec) {
1383 | flag -n --name
1384 | flag -n --name # Duplicate!
1385 | }
1386 |
1387 | # => raises "Duplicate flag/arg name 'name' in spec" (status = 3)
1388 |
1389 | ### flag
1390 |
1391 | `flag` should be called within a `parser` block.
1392 |
1393 | parser (&spec) {
1394 | flag -v --verbose
1395 | }
1396 |
1397 | The above example declares a flag "--verbose" and a short alias "-v".
1398 | `parseArgs()` will then store a boolean value under `args.verbose`:
1399 | - `true` if the flag was passed at least once
1400 | - `false` otherwise
1401 |
1402 | Flags can also accept values. For example, if you wanted to accept an integer count:
1403 |
1404 | parser (&spec) {
1405 | flag -N --count ('int')
1406 | }
1407 |
1408 | Calling `parseArgs` with `ARGV = :| -n 5 |` or `ARGV = :| --count 5 |` will
1409 | store the integer `5` under `args.count`. If the user passes in a non-integer
1410 | value like `ARGV = :| --count abc |`, `parseArgs` will raise an error.
1411 |
1412 | Default values for an argument can be set with the `default` named argument.
1413 |
1414 | parser (&spec) {
1415 | flag -N --count ('int', default=2)
1416 |
1417 | # Boolean flags can be given default values too
1418 | flag -O --optimize ('bool', default=true)
1419 | }
1420 |
1421 | var args = parseArgs(spec, :| -n 3 |)
1422 | # => args.count = 2
1423 | # => args.optimize = true
1424 |
1425 | Each name passed to `flag` must be unique to that specific `parser`. Calling
1426 | `flag` with the same name twice will raise an error inside of `parser`.
1427 |
1428 | <!-- TODO: how can we explicitly pass false to a boolean flag? -->
1429 | <!-- TODO: how about --no-XXXX variants of flags? -->
1430 |
1431 | ### arg
1432 |
1433 | `arg` should be called within a `parser` block.
1434 |
1435 | parser (&spec) {
1436 | arg query
1437 | arg path
1438 | }
1439 |
1440 | The above example declares two positional arguments called "query" and "path".
1441 | `parseArgs()` will then store strings under `args.query` and `args.path`. Order
1442 | matters, so the first positional argument will be stored to `query` and the
1443 | second to `path`. If not enough positional arguments are passed, then
1444 | `parseArgs` will raise an error.
1445 |
1446 | Similar to `flag`, each `arg` name must be unique. Calling `arg` with the same
1447 | name twice will cause `parser` to raise an error.
1448 |
1449 | ### rest
1450 |
1451 | `rest` should be called within a `parser` block.
1452 |
1453 | parser (&spec) {
1454 | arg query
1455 | rest files
1456 | }
1457 |
1458 | Capture zero or more positional arguments not already captured by `arg`. So,
1459 | for `ARGV = :| hello file.txt message.txt README.md |`, we would have
1460 | `args.query = "file.txt"` and `args.files = ["file.txt", "message.txt",
1461 | "README.md"]`.
1462 |
1463 | Without rest, passing extraneous arguments will raise an error in
1464 | `parseArgs()`.
1465 |
1466 | `rest` can only be called _once_ within a `parser`. Calling it multiple times
1467 | will raise an error in `parser`.
1468 |
1469 | ### parseArgs()
1470 |
1471 | Given a parser specification `spec` produced by `parser`, parse a list of
1472 | strings (usually `ARGV`.)
1473 |
1474 | var args = parseArgs(spec, ARGV)
1475 |
1476 | The returned `args` is a dictionary mapping the names of each `arg`, `flag` and
1477 | `rest` to their captured values. (See the example at the [start of this
1478 | topic](#Args-Parser).)
1479 |
1480 | `parseArgs` will raise an error if the `ARGV` is invalid per the parser
1481 | specification. For example, if it's missing a required positional argument:
1482 |
1483 | parser (&spec) {
1484 | arg path
1485 | }
1486 |
1487 | var args = parseArgs(spec, [])
1488 | # => raises an error about the missing 'path' (status = 2)
1489 |
1490 | <!--
1491 | TODO: Document chaining parsers / sub-commands
1492 | - Either will allow parser nesting
1493 | - Or can use `rest rest` and `parseArgs` again on `rest`
1494 | TODO: Document the help named argument. Punting while we do not generate help messages
1495 | -->